‘Is it?’ Distracted, Lexie tried to focus on an exceptionally bright star. ‘Do you know which star that is?’

‘Hmm?’ Kate leaned her head against Lexie’s shoulder and looked at the star. ‘I don’t know. Venus is supposed to be the brightest, but I think it’s too late in the evening. Maybe it’s Sirius.’

‘That’s the Dog Star, isn’t it?’

‘I think so.’

‘Oh, well.’ Lexie, shrugged, feeling vaguely disappointed. ‘I’d rather it was Venus.’

‘More romantic,’ Kate said, snuggling closer. ‘Lexie, would you like to go to Paradise?’

‘Wouldn’t everyone?’ Lexie stared at the single twinkling star. It almost seemed it was trying to send her a message. Oh, my, I am so drunk!

Kate said, ‘I mean, the Paradise.’

Lexie snapped around to look at Kate. ‘You mean the WIV assignment my brother is going on?’

‘Yes.’ Kate bobbed her head. ‘Did he tell you he’s still doing it?’


‘George is making him work out his notice on a tropical island. Odd kind of punishment if you ask me, but George promised he’d brief Owen to make it as uncomfortable as possible.’

Lexie rubbed her forehead. It must be the alcohol; she was confused. ‘Who’s Owen?’

‘The new writer. I told you about him.’ Kate nudged Lexie. ‘Would you like to go to Paradise with Owen? You go as the photographer instead of Xander?’

Lexie shook her head.

‘You’re not brave enough, then? You don’t dare?’

‘Of course, I dare!’

‘So, why did you shake your head? Perhaps you think you’re not good enough?’

‘No. Yes. I mean, I am good enough. It’s just I’m having trouble keeping up with this conversation. Besides, I can’t see how it could happen.’

‘Leave that to me! Will you go if I can fix it?’


‘You mean it? You will take the assignment from Xander?’