She must have fallen asleep shortlyafter because the next thing Lexie knew, Owen was rushing around the camp, flinging stuff into boxes.
‘What are you doing?’
‘Packing.’ He pulled a guy rope on the tent, and the whole thing collapsed. Neat trick.
‘We can’t stay.’
‘But why?’ If it hadn’t seemed out of character, she would have said Owen was in a panic. An impression that was not dispelled when he strode over to her and clutched her desperately to his chest.
‘What’s wrong?’
‘While you were asleep, I decided we should go. The crocs know we’re here. I’ve read they hunt by stealth, wait in ambush, that sort of thing, but what if they’re hungry? What if they are bright enough to work out that supper is only one beach away and decide on a leisurely swim for a midnight feast tonight?’
‘Can’t we fight them off?’
Owen shook his head. ‘I’d need a rifle at least, but Kate didn’t send any weapons, and anyway, what if they came when we’re asleep? I’ve already arranged for the helicopter to come back for us before nightfall.’
‘Can I help pack?’ Lexie scrabbled to her knees.
‘No!’ Owen pushed her back into a sitting position. ‘I’ve nearly finished, and you still shouldn’t be moving. Just in case.’
‘In case of what?’
‘I’m wrong, and the jellyfish was a poisonous species.’