‘No, never. Until now.’

‘You love me, too?’

‘I do.’

‘Aw, Lex.’ He pulled her close, her face against his shoulder. ‘I love you so much. It’s bloody terrifying, and I don’t know what to do or how to act, but I do know on thing is true. I want to spend the rest of my life trying to look after you.’

‘That would be nice.’ He could feel her smiling into his shoulder.

‘Nice? Only nice?’

She nodded. ‘Very nice.’ She kissed his neck, then shifted her position, groaning.

‘Was I hurting you?’

‘No, this is nice … but Owen, what’s that?’

‘What’s what?’ He turned his head to follow the direction Lexie was looking.

‘There. At the end of the beach, maybe I’ve got sun stoke, but it looks like a moving tree trunk.’

‘Iesu Grist! It’s a salt-water croc.’ Owen pulled himself up, dragging Lexie with him, then bending at the waist, he threw her over his shoulder in a fireman’s lift before grunting into an upright position again.

‘Owen!’ she squealed. ‘What are you doing?’

‘Carrying you. Getting us off this fucking beach as quick as I can.’

‘Is it coming for us?’

‘Maybe.’ Owen started to move, panting from carrying Lexie’s weight on his shoulder.

‘Wouldn’t it be better if you put me down and we ran together?’

‘You can’t run,’ he gasped. ‘Stings in your leg.’

‘But they doesn’t hurt that much.’

‘Toxins. I’m worried about them. Not pain. You shouldn’t increase blood flow.’

‘Too late for that. Just the sight of that croc has made my heart pump.’

‘Is it still coming?’

* * *

Lexie angledher head to look along the beach. ‘Yes,’ she said, feeling nauseous, unsure if it was fear of being eaten by a crocodile, the jellyfish toxins in her bloodstream or being slung over Owen’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

‘Hell!’ Owen muttered and groaning from the effort he increased his pace.

Lexie added hopefully, ‘Not quick, though. If you put me down, I think we could outrun it.’

‘No. More sensible to go steady. Not attract its attention. Just tell me if it starts to increase its speed.’

‘Okay. You’re the boss.’

Despite their situation and his imminent collapse, Owen smiled.

* * *