Later after a nakedswim and a day crammed with exploring the jungle clad mountain behind their camp and another swim in the relative cool of the evening, Owen cooked their evening meal and cleared away the dishes before sorting the sleeping bag inside the tent.

‘There we are,’ he said, shifting around to make space for Lexie. ‘The bed is ready for you now. He leaned forward and dropped a kiss on her hair. ‘Night, sleep well.’ He moved towards the tent flap.

‘Where are you going?’

‘I’m going to write for a while, but I thought after last night, it might be best if I sleep outside.’


‘Yes, Lex. I lost control. It’s not something I’m proud of.’

* * *

Inside the tent,wondering at Owen leaving her alone after what had been a perfect day, and wishing he would join her in the tent, Lexie stretched out on the sleeping bag and listened to him moving restlessly outside.

Eventually, he stilled. The light from the solar lamp faded, and the jungle sounds of the night took over.

‘Are you still awake?’ she called.


‘Can we talk?’

‘If you want to, as long as we give my parents a miss.’

Shifting onto her side, Lexie closed her eyes and gave in to the temptation to imagine Owen was lying next to her.

‘Well?’ he said after a long silence. ‘I thought you wanted to talk?’

‘I do. Can I ask about your daughter?’


‘How old is she?’

‘Four, nearly five.’

Lexie waited – Owen stayed silent.

‘Do you want more children?’

He grunted. ‘That would be difficult in the circumstances.’

Lexie opened her eyes and frowned, thinking of all the reasons for his answer, before she dived in with another question. ‘Is that because you’ve had the snip?’

He laughed.

‘Well, have you?’

‘No, Lex …,’ he replied patiently. ‘I could still father a child. At least I think I could.’

‘So, what did you mean by “difficult in the circumstances”?’

She heard a heavy sigh. ‘I only meant I’m useless at relationships, as I think you might have noticed by now, and a rubbish father. That’s all.’

‘I don’t think you are rubbish at anything,’ she said.

He didn’t answer.