‘What?’ Owen stopped walking and turned to Lexie. ‘Why? Where are you going?’

‘Back home to Brighton. My work for WIV ends on Wednesday. I think the new permanent photographer is starting in a day or so.’

‘Oh yes.’ Owen’s brow crumpled. ‘I’d forgotten you’re temporary.’

‘Got used to having me around?’ she teased, and ignoring the sudden hollow feeling in her chest, she smiled at his little boy lost look.

‘Sort of.’ He smiled ruefully and added, ‘I’m going to miss you, Lex.’ Owen pulled her into his chest. ‘I don’t want to go.’

‘No one enjoys the dentist.’

‘I don’t care about that. It’s Paradise. I don’t want to go there. We’ve only just got together, and I don’t want to leave you.’ He leaned his head against Lexie’s brow and breathed her in.

‘You’ll be back before you know it.’

‘Hmph,’ Owen grunted. Then dropped a kiss on her forehead before gathering her to his side again and walking on. ‘Will you still be here for me when I get back?’

‘Of course, I will.’

‘Will you come to Heathrow and see me off on Friday? I’d like it if you could, but I’d understand if you have things to do in Brighton.’

‘I’m sorry. I have got somewhere to be on Friday evening. But we will see each other again soon. In the meantime,’ Lexie took a deep breath. ‘What are we going to do about our sleeping arrangements tonight and tomorrow night?’

Owen’s shoulders sagged. ‘I’ve been thinking about that too, but no matter what way I look at it, I can’t ask you to sleep in my hovel. I’m not kidding – it’s a dump.’

‘Then come to Antrim Road. Kate won’t mind.’

Owen frowned. ‘I don’t know.’

‘I do. Kate’s my best girlfriend, and she’s fond of you. I think she would enjoy having us both stay. In fact, I would never hear the end of it if she realised we’d got it together and then had to stay apart these last few days for having nowhere to go.’

‘Last days! Are we splitting up?’

‘No, of course not. I just meant the last days before you go to Sawan.’

‘All right. Check it’s okay with Kate and if she agrees then, I’ll pick up some clean pants from Pimlico and come on to Antrim Road after my appointment with Martin.’

* * *

In the office,Lexie found Kate in the kitchen, filling up the coffee machine and setting up a fresh tray.

‘How’s it going?’

‘Great. George and Roger are getting on like a house on fire. Isn’t he a dish?’

‘What, George?’

‘No, Roger. I nearly fainted at first sight of him. My God, those green eyes are to die for, and I bet he’s got a good body under that Savile Row tailoring.’

‘He has.’ Lexie grinned. ‘But stop hoping you’ll see it. He’d be no use to you.’

‘He’s married?’

‘Sort of … unofficially. To our local vet, Colin.’

‘Oh!’ Kate’s eyes grew wide. ‘What a shame … you’d never know, would you?’

Lexie smiled and shook her head.