‘Lex, please … I’m sorry. I don’t know why you’re angry, but whatever I’ve done wrong, I’m sorry.’

Lexie folded her arms across her chest. ‘I’m not angry.’

‘You’re not?’ Owen stepped back.

‘No. I’m disappointed.’

‘Lex.’ He moved forward, and not caring that only some towelling separated their naked bodies, he wrapped his arms around her. ‘I’m sorry … I am, but I’m still confused. Why are you disappointed?’

‘I thought we were a team. Worked well together.’

‘We do.’

‘Not today, it seems. You spend the night in my bed, then plan to creep off in the morning to do your own thing.’

Owen stepped back again. ‘Grist Lex! I wish I understood what’s happening here. I thought I told you yesterday I had to see someone about the manuscript. My manuscript. It has nothing to do with WIV, and I don’t need a photographer for it. It’s fiction.’

Lexie tried to say something, but Owen hurried on, ‘And Lex, I was not planning to creep away. That’s not the sort of thing I do. I thought you were tired and might like to sleep longer. I planned to wake you when breakfast arrived. And,’ Owen continued, his voice getting louder, his temper taking over from confusion. ‘AND I did nothing in your bed except keep my distance and my word to you. I behaved myself. I didn’t touch you. AND ….’ He didn’t have another point to make, so it was just as well Lexie took that moment to interrupt.

‘Have you thought maybe that was not what I wanted?’

Owen felt as if he had just been hit by a large lump of ice. Wet, cold, brutal realism.

‘You mean?’

‘Yes.’ She widened her eyes at him. ‘I didn’t want you to behave. I wanted us to have sex.’

* * *

The breakfast had gone cold.Untouched. They were back in bed. Owen was flat on his back, Lexie’s head on his chest, her warm breath dampening his skin. He stroked her golden curls and stared up at the stars on the ceiling. What had just happened was not like any sex he’d known before. It wasn’t violent (like Margaret) or needy like Bethan. Poor Bethan. He’d not thought about her for a long time. She’d been the nearest he’d got to falling in love before now. That’s why he’d dumped her. But Lexie was different to all his past women. Sex with Lexie was making love. When she’d let him in, after a frantic tumble into bed, kissing and laughter, sparkling violet-blue eyes, a cloud of golden hair in his face, the smell of her freshly showered skin, it had been like he’d finally arrived home. He was where he should always have been. He swallowed hard. It seemed like he might cry if he didn’t get a grip. What had he done? This was terrifying. Was it … love?’

‘Where are you going this morning?’ Lexie broke into his thoughts.

He pressed his chin into his neck and looked down at her head, still resting on his chest. ‘Kent. A place called Hythe. To see Judge Henry McKinnon.’

‘Who’s he?’

‘George’s stepfather.’

‘And is it something you couldn’t do with me there with you?’ she said, her stillness unnerving.

‘No. Henry’s been reading my manuscript. He will tell me if I cocked up on the legal procedure. Stuff like that.’

‘So why couldn’t I come with you?’

He shifted onto his side, manoeuvring them both so that they were lying face to face. ‘I didn’t think you’d be interested.’

‘You thought wrong.’