‘No, you won’t.’ She’d rolled over and tried to catch hold of Owen’s shirt, but he was too far away for her to pull him into bed. ‘There’s plenty of room in this bed. See, I can’t even reach you.’
Owen had stood up, looking uncomfortable.
‘I mean it,’ she said. ‘I told you I trust you.’ Then she recalled Owen turning away as she stumbled to her feet and slipped out of her dress. Then slipping under the bedcovers, she’d watched as Owen, still turned away from her, stripped to his boxers. She’d sighed. He had a gorgeous back – a perfect triangle of sinews and lean muscles.
Owen switched off the bedside lamp and from the darkness, still a distance away from her, he said, ‘I won’t betray your trust, Lex.’
So, it was a dream. He hadn’t touched her and to prove it, she was still in her undies.
‘What are you doing over there?’ she repeated, shaking off her disappointment, telling herself that it was good he’d kept his word. She could trust Owen.
‘Just getting some air. Clearing my head.’
‘Come back to bed?’
‘Better not. Breakfast will be here soon, and I can’t hang about after.’
She shifted so she could wrap herself in the sheet. ‘I’d better have a shower myself, then. What are we doing today?’
‘You can stay here, if you want. I’ll get a taxi into Brighton. I’ve got something I need to do. George told you yesterday.’
‘Yes, but I thought you’d made that up to get us down here for the meeting with Roger.’
‘Only partly.’ He shook his head. ‘I thought I told you, I’m seeing somebody about my manuscript.’
‘I don’t remember.’
Someone knocking at the door prevented Lexie from saying more.