
Even the ceiling was blue,decorated with a pattern of stars. Owen felt like he and Lexie had been shot into orbit. He glanced at her. She, too, was looking at the ceiling, her expression one of disbelief. Shaking his head, he moved his inspection to the rest of the room, and his eyes landed on the enormous four-poster bed festooned in royal blue brocade. Panic rising, he tried to ignore the thought of sharing it with Lexie. This was well beyond friendly working colleagues.

‘Wow!’ Lexie whispered, moving to his side. Her arm brushed his. He could sense her breathing, feel the warmth from her bare arm just an inch from him.

‘Wow,’ she repeated. ‘Have you ever seen anything so grand?’

‘No, no, I haven’t, not in a private home, anyway. Haven’t you been to this part of the house before?’

‘No, it’s part of the family home, not somewhere the public can go, not even friendly locals. Roger must like us both a lot to let us have this room.’

Shaking his head, Owen tried to think of something appropriate to say. ‘Even a real fire,’ he remarked lamely, nodding at the woody embers glowing in a hearth across the room.


‘Shall I put some more logs on?’

‘Yes, please.’

Finding some relief in a practical chore, he moved across the room and piled wood onto the fire, then stood straight and looked back at Lexie, wondering what the hell he should do next. Earlier in the day, he had been so careful to set the boundaries, and now. He gritted his teeth at his idiocy. Why was he so damned speechless? This wasn’t supposed to happen. Friendship – that was all he’d intended.

‘It’s certainly a luxurious room,’ he said. Grist! Is that the best I can come up with?

‘It is.’ She smiled shyly at him. ‘Owen, I’m sorry.’

‘What for?’

‘For this.’ She waved a hand at the room. ‘I didn’t expect Roger to do this.’

‘It should be me saying sorry. If I’d put him straight at the start, this wouldn’t have happened. How on earth did he get the idea you and I are lovers?’

‘That could be my fault. When I called Roger yesterday, I said I wanted to introduce him to my partner. I meant working partner. He must have thought I meant the other sort.’

Owen grunted and cast his eyes around the room again, landing once more on the bed. He had to say something. Something reassuring. He cleared his throat. ‘I just want you to know you’re safe.’

‘Safe?’ She blinked at him.

‘Yes. I won’t jump you or try to seduce you. As I made plain earlier today, we’re work colleagues. We should be professional.’

‘Is that because you’re not attracted to me?’

‘No! I mean y-yes.’ He hadn’t expected that question. ‘Yes, I am, of course, I’m attracted to you.’ Grist! Either answer led him into a minefield. ‘How could I not be? You’re beautiful, Lex. But, I’m?’

‘Still in love with your wife.’

‘No. Grist no, I never loved Margaret.’

‘Then why did you marry her?’

Owen turned and glared into the fire. Why did Lexie have to be so direct? She had a frightening way of getting to the truth of him. The new logs crackled as they ignited. Flames sputtered and flared. How had he fallen into this conversation? He didn’t want to discuss Margaret with Lexie. What do you want to do? The very Welsh voice in his head brought him up short, forcing him to face the truth. He shook his head, not wanting a silent argument with himself and not wanting to answer the question either.

‘Owen?’ Lexie had moved to his side. The light from the fire was bringing out red and gold colours in her hair. Holding his breath, he stretched out his hand and found the tortoiseshell comb keeping her wild curls in place. She didn’t stop him releasing the clip. Her hair cascaded free. It reached her waist. Their eyes met. Every part of him was on fire.

‘Lex?’ He leaned his head against hers and heard her sigh mingle with his.

‘I know I shouldn’t have asked about your wife,’ she said. ‘It’s none of my business. You don’t have to tell me why you married her. You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to, but I would like to know you better.’

‘Thank you, I knew you were kind.’ His eyes drifted to her mouth. He so wanted to taste those lips. Last night, when he’d walked her home, after their China Town dinner, it had taken all his willpower not to pull her into his arms and crush his mouth against hers. Instead, he’d placed a chaste kiss on her cheek and wished her goodnight. Now, here they were in this beautiful room with that magnificent bed and, despite his promise not to seduce her, he was tempted. So tempted. He was raw with need. He tilted his head, moving closer. He could feel her breath on his face. Her lips were moist and ever so slightly parted, and she was watching him, violet-blue eyes reflecting fire, waiting. He thought she must know what he was thinking, what he wanted. Did she want the same?