
Evening– Inside Whyton House

Owen surveyed the wood-panelled hall of the Carver-Phelan ancestral residence. It was impressive. A wide central staircase. High ceiling covered in ornamental plastering. All sounds, even the smallest, echoing. The place resonated with wealth, tradition, history and power – just what Owen had expected.

As he’d already told Lexie, on their journey to Whyton House, he’d done his homework in their afternoon break. While she’d been transforming herself for the evening, he’d gone alone to his hotel and researched the Carver-Phelan name. And now his earlier conclusions were confirmed by the grandeur of the stately home. He was reasonably sure there would be no surprises tonight, and he hoped Lexie would not be too disappointed when her wealthy friend declined the opportunity to invest in WIV.

‘You okay?’ he asked, casting her an anxious glance as he paced the echoing hall, feeling uncomfortable in his best chinos and lambswool sweater worn over a pale blue linen shirt – old but still wearable.

Lexie smiled at him. His heart flipped. She looked stunning in the royal blue fitted shift dress that showed curves he’d only guessed at before. ‘I’m fine,’ she said.

She certainly looked it. She’d put her hair up for the evening, trapping her curls with a tortoiseshell comb, exposing her long, swanlike neck. Owen’s fingers ached to touch her, coil the loose curl that rested against her cheek around his finger, and breathe in the scent of her. He’d not felt like this about a woman in a very long time. Truth was, he thought, frowning to himself, he had never felt quite like this. Something was different.

‘Lex.’ He moved close, pushing his earlier thought away. This was not the time to think that way. He had a job to do tonight, and a woman to protect from disappointment. He needed to lay the ground for that now. ‘You won’t get your hopes up, will you?’ he said, tentatively cupping her shoulder in his hand.

‘Why do you say that?’ She frowned into his eyes.

‘Because this is a long shot. You know that, don’t you? Roger may have the money, but why would a man like him want to buy WIV … it’s only one up from a scandal rag. You know that.’

‘George elevated it from the gutter when he hired you.’ Her eyes flashed at him, and a shock wave hit him. She liked him! More than that … Lex respected him and would fiercely defend him, even from himself.

‘You think?’ he said, trying to ignore the ache in his chest. ‘Really?’ His surprise reverberated in his voice as Owen let his hand drift to her face, his fingers just an inch away from the silky curl.

Roger burst from a side door, and they sprang apart like naughty teenagers caught trying to steal a kiss.

‘Ah! There you are,’ Roger boomed.

He was taller and certainly better looking than he’d appeared in the online images Owen had trawled through earlier. Dressed casually in jeans and a faded sweatshirt, he was even shabbier than Owen would normally have been.

‘Lexie, my dear, how delightful to see you again.’ His words bounced off the plaster on the high ceiling and, striding towards them, his feet echoed on the stone floor.

Over six feet tall and well built, he opened his arms to them as he approached. Owen noted the exquisite bone structure, striking green eyes and a shock of dark auburn hair as unruly as his own.

‘Roger,’ Lexie murmured, accepting a peck on the cheek. ‘Can I introduce you to my??’

‘No need!’ Roger declared. ‘I know who this man is. I’m a fan.’ He grinned and grabbed Owen’s hand, shaking it vigorously. ‘It’s marvellous to meet you, Owen. I absolutely love your shows. When can I expect to see you on TV again?’

‘It’s unlikely I’ll go back to that sort of work,’ Owen replied, overwhelmed by the force of the other man’s personality and intimidated by the eagle-like scrutiny he found himself under, as Roger’s sharp green eyes locked on him.

‘That’s a shame,’ Roger said with a sigh, at last releasing his grip on Owen’s hand but still maintaining a firm hold on a bicep. ‘So, you’re working to save this little magazine now? Can’t say I’d heard of it until Lexie called. And you and my lovely Lexie are an item. That’s wonderful.’

‘What?’ Owen snapped from his thoughts – sure, if he’d heard correctly, he’d missed something in Lexie’s introduction.

Roger switched his gaze to Lexie. ‘It’s about time, my girl. You’re going to make your dear mother happy at last?’

Owen sneaked a peek at Lexie and found she looked as confused as him.

Roger smiled at them both. ‘Did Lexie tell you I’ve known her for years?’

‘Yes, she did.’

‘She was a wild child. They both were. Do you know Xander?’

‘No, not yet. But we are working together soon.’

Lexie added, ‘I’ve been standing in for Xander. It’s how I met Owen.’

‘How delightful, simply delightful. Swept off your feet by the darling man, eh? Simple wonderful. Come this way.’ Roger placed himself between Lexie and Owen. Spreading his arms around them both, he began to walk, herding them to the back of the hall. ‘We have a slight change of plan. I thought it might be more appropriate if we dined here tonight rather than at the Whyton Arms.’ He dropped a casual kiss into Lexie’s hair. ‘I don’t get many chances nowadays to admire this beautiful thing, and you lovers can relax in the privacy of my house.’