As he decided treating Lex to a Chinese meal was the answer, the shouting began. Owen looked up to see George standing, arms flapping like he wanted to take flight. The Blanchard brothers watched with interest like two small but desiccated boys about to pluck the wings from a fly.
‘Morning. Who’s been in my kitchen?’
Owen closed his computer screen and looked up at Kate. ‘Me,’ he confessed. ‘Did I make a mess?’
‘No, but you could have put the lid back on the biscuits. Stop them going soggy.’
‘Sorry. George needed coffee.’
Her face softened. ‘That’s all right. You’re forgiven. Why were you making coffee? George usually makes his own when I’m not here, and no matter how carefully I hide the biscuits, he always finds them and leaves the lid off.’
Owen nodded towards George’s office. ‘The brothers arrived.’
‘OMG!’ Kate turned to look through the glass wall. The shouting had stopped, but George was still flapping. ‘What’s happened? They weren’t due in until next month.’
‘Don’t tell George I’ve told you, but they’re selling the magazine and closing at Christmas if no buyer is found.’
‘What? They’re not giving him any time.’
‘Seems so.’
‘That’s so unfair,’ Kate wailed.
‘What’s happened?’ Lexie arrived, out of breath.
‘You’re late,’ Owen said without thinking.
Lexie snapped back, ‘Who elected you my timekeeper? You’re not my boss.’
‘Can I tell her?’ Kate asked, looking from Lexie to Owen.
‘And he’s not your boss either.’ Lexie glared at the pair of them, then turned on her heels and marched to her desk.
‘Good start to the day,’ Kate whispered with an ironic grin.
Owen continued watching Lexie as she settled at her desk, shaking out her long curls. She’s magnificent. He blocked the thought from his head, reminding himself he wanted no complications and turned back to Kate. ‘I can’t seem to get it right with Lex.’
‘But you wish you could,’ she said.
‘Of course,’ he frowned. ‘I messed up on Monday, and it seems there is no putting it right.’
Kate stroked his arm. ‘You’ll find a way. I know you will. Just don’t give up. You know the saying, faint heart never won fair lady.’
Alarmed, Owen argued, ‘I’m not trying to win Lex. I’d just like us to be friendly working partners. That’s all.’
‘If you say so,’ Kate said, giving him a knowing look and suppressing a grin as she squeezed his arm. ‘I believe you Mr Kingsley.’
* * *
Lexie arrived at her desk.It was true she was late, but that’s because she’d been on cake duty. Kate had delegated the task to her when they’d arrived at the bakery to find a long queue. She’d dumped the doughnuts in the kitchen for Kate to share out, and at only five minutes past nine, she’d walked straight into a mystery drama, with Owen being as bloody as ever. I hate him!
Her phone burst into life. She looked at it warily. Everyone she knew used her mobile number.
‘Lex, don’t look over.’
Owen. She dutifully stared at her computer screen and asked, ‘Why?’