Good first couple of days? I’m pleased with your work.

I hope you’re not finding Owen too difficult. He can be a moody bugger, but he’s a good man going through some tough shit. Be patient with him and cut him some slack. Anyway, I thought you might find a list of assignments helpful. Keep up the excellent work.


Lexie opened the attachment labelled assignment list and found a detailed daily timetable with notes. She skimmed past Monday and Tuesday, already gone, and landed on Wednesday. She already knew about the plan, but there were some notes by the appointment in Harley Street.

George had written: Lexie, these notes are only on your copy and for your eyes only. I’d appreciate it if you said nothing to Owen. He can be sensitive about some things. Today he is having a full medical. He doesn’t know yet, but he’ll be expected to strip. Make sure you get some good shots. The more, the better, and I don’t mean the number of images. You might not know, but Owen has a massive following on Twitter. Mostly women. They don’t follow him for his intellect, if you get my meaning. So a full-body shot would be great. The doctor has been filled in and knows why you’re there. Got to wake up Owen’s former fans, make them hot and horny again. Get their ovaries popping.

Lexie stared at George’s words, realising Owen had been serious earlier. He must have guessed George was going to exploit him. She glanced across the office at Owen, predictably scowling at his computer and then over to George’s office where he was visible through the glass wall, phone clamped to ear, waving his arm about as he talked.

‘Full body shot, eh? Well, we will see about that,’ Lexie muttered and closed her computer.