At ten pastseven Wednesday morning, Owen was already at his desk when George arrived for work.
‘Go all right, yesterday?’ George asked, stopping on his way to his office.
‘Not bad.’
‘What’s happening, then?’
‘Official letter setting out the access plan. Martin’s going to apply for a hearing with a judge, and I’ve got to find a better place to live, so Emi can stay some weekends.’
‘Good, that’s good. At last, things are going in your favour.’
‘I’m sorry I didn’t make it back to the office yesterday. Did Kate pass on my message?’
‘Yeah. “Emotionally stressed” she said.’ George arched an eyebrow.
‘Something like that. I wouldn’t have been able to work if I had come back.’
‘As long as you didn’t go off and get wasted.’
‘No. I cleaned the flat.’
‘Ha,’ George laughed. ‘That’s more like the Owen I used to know.’
Owen asked, ‘What did you do with Lex?’
‘Sent her out with Victor.’
‘Did she say anything?’
‘Like what?’ George tilted his head.
‘About me, the sudden change in plan.’
Owen noticed George’s expression change. More alert – curiosity roused, as if he was about to probe further, but then he shrugged away any speculation he might have had and replied. ‘No. Lexie seems very easy to work with, unlike her brother, and she produced some more great photos. Make the most of her today, though. You’ve got some catching up to do.’ George moved on, calling back, ‘Don’t forget you’ve got your Harley Street appointment this morning.’
‘As if I could forget,’ Owen muttered, wondering how many more embarrassing situations he’d have to endure with Lexie. He moved on to consider George’s words. “Easy to work with”. He supposed she was. She’d tolerated his temper and outright rudeness on the assignment from hell when most would have walked out. Owen closed his eyes, trying to blot out the shameful memory before he abandoned his self examination in favour of work.
He filled the next hour and forty-five minutes clearing his email, reviewing articles and passing them on to George or bouncing them for correction. The silence in the office was broken as the few other workers arrived, culminating with a giggling explosive entrance by Kate and Lexie, with Kate declaring she’d brought doughnuts for everyone.
Lexie was a vision. Face blushed pink, long hair wildly curly and loose. It reached her waist. Would it feel as silky as it looked, Owen wondered, before pushing the thought aside. He didn’t want complications. Even so, he watched the two girls laughing and wondered what was so funny, feeling excluded that he didn’t know.
Kate shot off to the kitchen, and, turning towards her desk, Lexie caught him watching. Embarrassed, Owen looked away.
* * *
Lexie’s heart sank.After a day working without Owen, she’d been sure she could cope with him today. Whatever reason he might have for disliking her, she’d decided she wouldn’t let it get to her. But no. One look at her, and he’d turned away as if she were beneath contempt, not worthy even of a greeting smile from the great Owen Kingsley. His dislike hurt.
Reaching her desk, she turned on the computer and slumped into her chair, covering her face with her hands for a moment, giving herself a silent pep-talk. You can do this, Lex! You know you can … he’s just a man. And it is only for two weeks. Less probably since George had told her yesterday they’d already found Xander’s permanent replacement.Then she remembered Paradise – alone with that man! How ironic. He might be gorgeous to look at, and according to Victor, he was one of the best journalists around, but alone with him on that island would be anything but paradise.Smearing her hands down her face, she peeped at Owen over her fingertips. I can’t do it. I can’t spend two weeks alone with him. At that moment, he looked up from his work, and their eyes met.
Rapidly switching her attention to her computer, Lexie glared at her computer screen. Her heart rate was elevated, and she could feel her skin glowing hotly red with embarrassment. Resisting the temptation to check if he was still watching, she opened her inbox.
The emails included something from George and a message from Victor about their work yesterday. Nothing from her so-called working partner, Owen. She supposed that was a good thing.
Forwarded from her home emails, she found a message from Xander titled DUMPED SAMANTHA. Lexie snorted. Did he think that was going to make any difference? Xander couldn’t undo what he’d done, and if it weren’t for his behaviour, she wouldn’t be in this pickle, either. Damn Xander! She didn’t bother opening his email. Instead, her eyes went next to a newly arrived message.
From: [emailprotected]