‘You’re not supposed to park here.’
‘I know. Get out.’
‘You heard me. I can’t stand to be with you a moment longer.’
‘But Lexie, sis–’
‘Don’t you sis me. I’m ashamed to be your sister, let alone your twin! You’re a user, Xander Scott. A selfish bastard who cares only for himself. How could you be so cruel, not to mention stupid? Kate loved you. God alone knows why. I suppose you didn’t see that. Having a head up your own arse all the time isn’t exactly great for forward vision.’
‘Lexie, please!’
Lexie gulped air and continued, ‘You live in your own self-satisfied, selfish bubble, taking everything on offer and giving absolutely nothing back. Too blind or stupid to see love when it’s right there on offer to you.’
‘That’s not true.’
‘It is.’ Lexie leaned across her brother and unlatched the passenger door. ‘Now get out. I don’t want to see you or speak to you anymore.’
‘What never?’ His eyes widened in shock.
Lexie ignored the note of panic in her brother’s voice and gave the door an added shove, making it clear it was time for him to go.
* * *
Fifteen minutesafter ordering Xander out of her car, Lexie reversed into her parking space in Burlington Street and saw a familiar person sitting on her doorstep, arms wrapped around legs and chin resting on knees. Kate.
‘Oh, my goodness,’ Lexie whispered, shocked by Kate’s appearance. She tried to suppress another surge of anger as she got out of her car. This was Xander’s doing for sure, and she hadn’t been nearly harsh enough with him.
‘Lexie, I’m sorry,’ Kate said, looking up. ‘It’s Xander.’ Tears filled her green eyes, ready to join the mascara smears already on her cheeks. ‘I hope you don’t mind me turning up like this. I didn’t know where to go. I didn’t want to be alone, and I couldn’t go to Mum. She wouldn’t understand. She doesn’t like Xander much. Sorry, but she’s always thought him too posh for me. She’d have said, good-riddance.’
Lexie’s heart twisted. ‘Mind? Of course, I don’t mind. Come on.’ She gathered Kate into her arms, helping her to stand. ‘My God, you’re frozen. How long have you been waiting here?’
‘I don’t know.’ Kate shivered.
‘Never mind. It doesn’t matter now. Let’s get you inside. You can tell me all about it over a cup of tea.’
‘Can’t I have something stronger?’
‘I’ve only got tea, coffee or Ovaltine.’
‘All right, tea will do.’
They climbed the stairs, wooden boards creaking as they passed the door to Lexie’s studio, and she remembered the last time Kate had been here. It was summer. Xander and Kate had visited for the weekend, seeming so happy. Everyone, including herself, had thought Xander was, at last, going to settle down with someone who loved him. Lexie remembered feeling a twinge of jealousy. Perhaps it was something to do with being the firstborn twin, but he always achieved their dreams before her.
‘Come in. Make yourself comfortable.’ Lexie dumped her jacket and headed for the kitchen. Kate followed like a lost puppy and clambered onto one of the tall stools at the breakfast counter.
‘You comfortable enough there?’
Kate nodded and stared down at the counter surface.
‘Do you want to talk?’ Lexie asked, filling the kettle. ‘You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but—’
‘I want to.’ Kate pushed her hair back and started her story. ‘There’s this other woman.’
What a surprise! Lexie thought cynically as she grabbed two mugs and dropped a tea bag in each. The only shock was Xander had been faithful for twelve months before reverting to type. Lexie offered Kate a biscuit.
Kate shook her head and went on, ‘She works at WIV. Or at least she did until George fired her along with Xander on Friday evening.’