‘I can’t … her mother—’
‘Come anyway. Meet the newest baby and stay for a meal. Mum will be on a flying visit with Mathew. She’d love to see you again, and you’ve never met my little half-brother.’
‘I don’t know—’
‘Henry won’t be there if that’s what’s worrying you.’
‘Well ….’ Owen hesitated. Tempted now that he knew he wouldn’t have to meet up with George’s stepfather.
‘Come on. The girls will love to see you again,’ George urged.
‘Okay,’ Owen agreed. ‘That would be good. Yeah.’
‘It’s still the old house?’
‘Yes. You remember how to get there?’
‘Of course. My memory isn’t that bad.’
‘Great. I’ll see you tomorrow at noon.’
Taking that as the signal to leave, Owen moved to the door, then stopped, stared at it for a second or two before he put his pride aside and asked for an advance on his salary.
‘No problem. New job. Expenses to cover. I understand.’ George flopped onto his chair. ‘I’ll get Kate to do a transfer. Will a couple of K be enough?’
‘More than enough, thanks.’
George buzzed through to Kate. ‘Do me a favour, love. Speak to Pete in accounts and tell him I’ve cleared a salary advance for Owen. Two thousand, payable today.’
Kate’s voice crackled through the speaker. ‘Are you sure there’s enough?’ George glanced at Owen, then picked up the handset and pressed it to his ear.
‘It’ll be fine, Kate. Tell Pete I got extra funding this morning. The money will be with us next week and Owen’s starting work on Monday. While you’re at it, start a personnel file for him and shoot it over to HR to have a three-month contract written up.’
There was another pause while Kate spoke. Then a change of tone from George. ‘Kate, are you all right, love?’
A longer silence followed in which George listened, his skin changing to a peculiar shade of red.
‘Right,’ he said, lips tightening. ‘I’ll deal with him later. Don’t you worry about it. He’ll get what’s coming to him. I’ll make sure of that.’
There was a squeal of protest from Kate, audible even through the handset. George looked at Owen, and the ruthless expression in his eyes reminded Owen of George’s gangster father. Then George continued to Kate: ‘No, darling. He’s gone too far. I said I’ll sort it, and I will.’
He slammed the phone down and glared at Owen. ‘Fucking bastard, I knew he’d end up hurting her.’
‘What’s happened?’
‘Can’t tell you.’ George shook his head. ‘But I can tell you it gives me no satisfaction knowing I was right all along. Now piss off. Give Kate your details.’
* * *
Standing beside Kate’s desk,Owen gave her his personal information: home address, telephone number, but next of kin he’d had to skip. Emi was too young. He referred Kate back to George.
‘Okay, if you’re sure,’ she flicked a glance at him. Her eyes were sore.
‘There we are,’ she said. ‘That’s the basics of your personnel file done. Bring in your NI number on Monday. Now I’ll get that advance sorted for you. It will be in your account within an hour.’
‘Thank you.’ Owen backed off, feeling helpless, yet hugely grateful for the money and the coffee. In fact, thankful for everything. ‘See you soon,’ he said, hoping she might turn and look at him. Then, perhaps, he could offer help, but she was shutting him out – maybe she didn’t trust him.