Page 21 of Doing Taboo Things

Chapter 7


When Reedand I pull up to the house later that evening, Rayn’s car is already in the driveway. As soon as I see it, my dick reacts by twitching in my jeans. From the shifting Reed is doing beside me, he’s also feeling the effects of knowing Rayn is inside.

I shut the car off and reach for the door handle, but Reed stops me.

“Hold up a minute.”

I look at him. He stares out the windshield for a moment before he turns his head. “The other night–”

I cut him off before he can finish. “Don’t worry about it.”

“What I did, I don’t want it to affect our friendship. Especially if this thing with Rayn is something that lasts. I don’t want you to worry I’ll pull something sneaky. The moment was intense and it just happened.”

I still don’t know how I feel about what happened. I only know how it felt when Reed touched my junk. It felt fucking amazing. Having his tongue scraping across my balls and his rough hand stroking my cock before he guided me to Rayn’s pussy…. Even now, just thinking about it makes my cock grow even more.

What in the fuck is going on with me?

Gripping the back of my neck, I rub the tense muscles. Reed’s watching me, his expression expectant as he waits for my reply.

“Listen, I know you wouldn’t pull something shady. Like you said, the moment was intense. If I didn’t want you touching me, I would have told you to stop.” He nods slowly, and I pause a moment, unsure how to say the next part. A hint of embarrassment hits me, but I push forward. “If I’m being honest, it felt fucking amazing. I’m not saying I want it to happen again, but at the time, it felt right.”

“Okay.” He nods again. “So we’re good?”

“Yeah, we’re good.”

Earlier, while we were at Reed’s mom’s house, Reed and I talked about the dynamics of both of us being in a relationship with Rayn. We both want her and neither are willing to give her up. It surprises me how much I don’t mind sharing her with Reed. I don’t see myself feeling the same with any other man. And Reed seemed to feel the same way. The question now is if Rayn wants both of us, or just one. I don’t mind demonstrating the merits of a trio relationship again.

We get out of the car and go inside. The house is silent except for the slight hum of the central air. My body vibrates with anticipation as I cock my head to the side, listening for any sounds to indicate where she is.

Assuming she’s in her room, I drop my keys on the counter and head toward the hallway. Reed stays behind in the kitchen, grabbing something from the fridge. In the hallway, I hear the shower in my room running. Rayn usually uses the spare bathroom, so for her to be using the one connected to my room is a good indication she won’t mind if I join her.

My cock twitches. This works even better because she’s already naked for what I have in mind.

Reaching behind my head, I grip the back of my shirt and yank it off, tossing it on my bedroom floor. The knob on the bathroom door easily turns when I twist it. Steam billows out, and I lock my eyes on the shower. The glass is fogged over, so I can only see Rayn’s silhouette.

It only takes me a moment to pull off my boots, socks, pants, and boxer briefs.

Just as I’m reaching for the shower door, I hear Reed come into the bathroom, already pulling off his clothes. Of their own accord, my eyes drop to his heavy cock as he shoves down his pants. In comparison, we’re about the same size, although I think he might be a bit longer and me a bit wider.

Unconsciously, an image of me on my knees in front of him while he guides his cock to my mouth filters through my mind.

“Jamison,” Reed growls at the same time his cock jerks and bounces against his stomach.

Snatching my gaze away, I shake my head. All these thoughts of touching and being touched by Reed are driving me crazy.

Turning away from Reed, I open the shower door. Rayn’s already facing me, the water hitting the back of her neck and shoulders. She has a soapy sponge in her hand and she slowly guides it across her chest, leaving behind bubbles that slide down her breasts and drip off the hard, rosy tips.

Her eyes move from my face and slowly track down my torso then stop on my cock. I’m so hard, the head pulses and a drop of precum appears on the tip.

One thing I love about my bathroom is that the shower is huge. When Reed follows me inside and closes the stall door, we still have plenty of room to move around and not be cramped.

I step up to her, but keep my hands at my sides. “Did you use my shower knowing Reed and I would find you here?” I ask.

She tilts her head back and looks at me, one side of her mouth going up. “I was on the phone with Mom when she mentioned she saw you drive by her house. I knew you’d be home in a few minutes and wanted to give you both a special greeting.”

I arch a brow. “That so?”

The other side of her mouth lifts and she smiles. “Yeah.”

“What do you think, Reed?” I ask when he steps up beside me. Rayn gives him the same perusal she gave me. “You think this greeting was special?”

“Fuck yes, I do.” His voice is growly. “But it can be more so.”

“And how’s that?” Rayn squeezes the sponge and bubbles cover her breasts.

“A kiss for starters.”

The sponge drops from Rayn’s hands and she steps up to Reed, putting her hands on his chest and rising to her tiptoes. He meets her halfway by leaning his head down and slanting his lips across hers. I take a step back and grab my cock, content at the moment to watch Reed and our girl kissing. His palms slide around to her ass and he pulls her forward, sandwiching his cock between their bodies.