Page 14 of Doing Taboo Things

Chapter 5


It’s beentwo days since I had my hand in Rayn’s pants. Two days and I’ve seen her for no more than a couple of minutes in the morning before she rushes out the door to search for a job. Two really long fucking days.

I usually work the evening shift at Whiskey’s, so she’s in bed by the time I get home around two-thirty in the morning. It wouldn’t matter if I was home anyway. Jamison said the past two evenings, when she gets home, she goes straight to her room and stays there the rest of the night.

She’s avoiding us. I don’t know about Jamison, but that comes to a stop tonight. Now that I know what it feels like to touch her intimately, and know she’s open to it, there’s no way in hell I’m going to stop. What’s more, she was really into me and Jamison touching her, and so was Jamison, meaning a trio is on the table. It may not be the trio I really want—fucking and being fucked by Jamison as well—but it’s the next best thing.

Tonight is my night off from Whiskey’s. I’ve been on pins and needles all day. Anticipation is a killer when what you’ve wanted for years is finally within your grasp.

I’m the only one home right now. Jamison should be here any moment. He typically clocks out of work at five and is home by five-thirty. He and I haven’t talked about what happened between the three of us in Rayn’s bedroom, but I know we’re on the same page when it comes to her. He wants her just as badly as I do.

When I found her vibrator in her nightstand drawer, I thought I was going to bust a nut in my jeans. I figured she had a toy and used it to get herself off. What red-blooded woman doesn’t? But to actually hold it in my hand, knowing where it’s been…. Yeah, that shit nearly drove me crazy. And when she walked in the room and caught me with it? That almost made me lose control.

Then Jamison saw me with it, and with her in the room, he’s the one who lost control. I was totally fine with that. For years, I’ve kept my desire for my best friend in check. That ship sailed when Jamison approached her. The kid gloves were off. I let him control the situation because he was strung tight, and I played the game. It was fucking hot as hell seeing them together, and I’m very much looking forward to seeing and doing more.

As if on cue, the door knob turns and the door opens a second later. It’s not Jamison who walks through, but Rayn. She doesn’t notice me sitting on the couch because she has her face pointed down, looking at something on her phone. Her lips are curved into a small smile. Jamison felt those lips against his. I’m not jealous, because I loved watching them kiss, but damned if I’m not looking forward to having my turn.

She takes a couple of steps into the living room then lifts her head. As if drawn to me, her eyes immediately meet mine.

“Hey,” she says, her voice coming out breathy.

“Long time, no see,” I remark, not even attempting to hide my smile.

“Sorry.” Her eyes dart away from mine and she licks her lips. “I’ve been going out to Levington looking for work.”

I get up from the couch and walk around it slowly. “Why not look here in Silver Falls?”

“We both know the chances of me finding something here are pretty much non-existent.” She hangs her purse on a hook by the door. “No sense wasting time looking.”

“Actually, there is a place hiring.” Shoving my hands into my pockets, I lean against the back of the couch. “Mrs. Beasly is finally retiring at the courthouse. They need a replacement secretary. You’d know that if you’d stick around here long enough for me to tell you.” I add a wink at the end to let her know I’m not upset.

One brow goes up. “And you couldn’t call and tell me that?”

“Nope. I wanted to tell you in person.” I grin. “You hungry?”

She looks at me, her expression suspicious then nods. “I could eat.”

“Good.” I get up from my perch against the couch and turn toward the kitchen. “Because I got us all Chinese.”

She follows me into the kitchen, and I begin loading up plates of food.

“We aren’t waiting until Jamison gets here?”

I pop a piece of steamed broccoli in my mouth. “Nah. He should be here any minute.”

Rayn grabs me a beer and herself a bottle of water from the fridge, and we carry everything to the living room. We’re just sitting down when the door opens and Jamison walks in. He stops for a moment in the doorway, his eyes moving from me to Rayn before he closes the door.

I throw my thumb over my shoulder. “There’s plenty left.”

Being two single guys, we only have a couch in our living room. I’m sitting on one end with Rayn at the other. If I had my way, she’d be sitting in my lap, and I’d be feeding her. But I don’t want to come across too strong. Not yet, at least.

Jamison comes in a few minutes later and takes the middle cushion. The TV is on a crime show I was watching before they got home, but the volume is low. As much as you’d think otherwise, with the elephant in the room, the silence between us all isn’t stifling or uncomfortable. It almost feels like it did before that day in Rayn’s room. But not quite. There’s definitely something in the air. Delicious anticipation.

“You guys up for a movie?” I ask after we’ve finished eating.

Jamison and Rayn look at each other before they look at me. “I’m down,” she answers.

“Yeah,” is Jamison’s answer.

“I’m gonna go get changed. Pick whatever you guys want. Just no horror, please.”

Rayn leaves and Jamison and I watch her go. Once she’s out of the room, he moves his eyes to me. We don’t need to say anything. We’re both thinking the same thing.

Before this night is over, Rayn will be ours.

* * *