Rylan lay in the back of his cage, utterly exhausted but fighting sleep. Even the forced catnap from Vanessa hadn’t helped. He allowed his eyes to close for a few minutes, and then pried them back open. He knew he needed to get some rest soon, but not when Vanessa was still somewhere in the building. He knew she was there, because every once in a while, he could scent her and hear the low tones of her voice.
They’d taken the fox from the room, and brought her back just as he’d woken over an hour ago. She was sedated, and he hadn’t heard a sound from her in the time she’d been back, except for her soft breathing. It worried him, but there wasn’t anything he could do about it just yet. The black leopard lay in the corner next to her, just the bars separating them. He would reach out every so often and touch her with his nose, as if assuring himself she was still there, which made Rylan wonder about the relationship between the two. Did they know one another? Or were they forming a bond from being held together in hell—which made him wonder exactly how long they had been in the warehouse.
Letting his eyes drift shut again, Rylan dozed for a while, losing track of time. When he came to next, he looked at the clock on the far wall to see that it had been two and a half hours since Vanessa gave the order to go back to the pride and steal Karma and his children. He wondered how far away they were, and if Gunther and his lackeys had made it there yet. A low growl slipped out at the thought of the dragon anywhere near his children, but he had no control over anything right now, and it was pissing him the fuck off.
Rylan had just closed his eyes again when he heard a soft whisper, Beta Rylan? Beta, are you there? Please be there. Please hear me.
He stiffened, raising his head to look around the room, wondering who the hell was talking to him. There was no one there, and the fox and leopard were quiet, showing no indication that they heard anything.
Rylan? Please, answer me if you can hear me. We need to find you. Walker and Willow need you.
It took him a long moment to realize he was hearing the words in his mind, and that the voice was that of his alpha’s little sister, Danica. He knew she had the gift of telepathy, but had never been on the receiving end of it. It shocked the hell out of him to hear her voice in his head, but it also gave him hope.
Danica? I’m here. He said the words in his head, reaching out to her and speaking as if he were talking to his lion, hoping he was doing it correctly.
Oh, Goddess! Rylan! Yes, it’s me!
How are my children?
They are safe, beta. Surrounded by pride and so many who love them. We will protect them until you are home.
Tears pricked the back of his eyes, and Rylan rested the side of his face on his leg and closed them. His children were safe. Protected. That was what he needed to hear.
Is Walker okay? Gunther hurt him.
Danica was quiet for a moment, and then he heard, Yes, he’s fine. Some bruising and a broken arm, but he will heal.
Rylan rose in one swift movement, roaring in rage at the thought of his son hurting. He’d known the bastard had harmed Walker, but hearing it from one of his pride who was with him now made it more real. His child was in pain, suffering, and there wasn’t anything he could do about it.
He’s going to be fine, Rylan. He’s here at our house, and we won’t let him out of our sight. There was soft laughter, and then, I think Amira will tear anything and anyone apart who comes near those cubs. She’s claimed your entire family as her own, and keeps growling at anyone who comes too close to them.
Amira? He had no idea who that was. Had never heard her name before, although he found that he liked it. A lot.
Oh, shit. Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned her yet.
Rylan let out a low warning growl, hoping she could hear him. If she is anywhere near my children, then you should mention her, Danica. I need to know if she could be a threat.
A threat? There was more soft laughter. Did you not just hear what I said, Beta Rylan? Amira will protect your family with her life. Both your children and your parents. She is no threat to anyone except those who wish to bring harm to them. And you.
Me? He was so fucking confused. Unless… could Amira be the woman Willow was talking about the day he was taken? Her new mommy?
There was silence, as if Danica were debating on what to say, and then he heard, Amira is a Rogue Enforcer, just like Karma, Alayla, and Eva. She works for Colton. He sent her here to help find you, protect the pride, and figure out who our new enemy is.
Their new enemy. Shit!
Danica, you need to tell Zev that they are coming back. I don’t know when, but Vanessa, the Queen Bitch here, sent that dragon and some of her other men back after Karma and my kids. I have no idea where I am, how far away from you, but they would have left hours ago, probably four or so.
I think they’re here already, Danica told him softly, her voice trembling with fear. I just heard a dragon.
Oh no. This isn’t good.
What’s happening, Danica? Rylan demanded as he paced in tight circles in his cage. When several minutes when by, and she didn’t reply, he growled, You will tell me what is going on, cub!
I’m sorry, beta, Danica whispered, her voice full of awe. I’ve just never seen anyone as impressive as your mate. She’s in the air, answering his challenge. Karma tried to go, but Amira told her that was her right as your mate and Walker’s mother to take him on. She was out the door and shifting before anyone could stop her.
Rylan’s heart raced at the thought of his mate, a woman he had yet to meet, one who claimed him and his children sight unseen, facing off against Gunther. He remembered Karma going against him, remembered how huge the dragon was, and terror filled him at the thought of losing the one woman meant for him when he had just found out about her.
Oh my Goddess! There are men here. Coming at us out of the trees. I don’t know what to do!
Stay in the house! Rylan ordered, roaring in anger and frustration that he wasn’t there to help his pride.
Zev, Karma and the others are going to… Holy shit! Your mate just swooped down out of the sky and ashed a whole line of them! At least ten are gone, maybe more!
Rylan stopped prowling and stood still, listening for Danica to continue. His alpha’s sister was right, Amira did sound impressive. And like one mad as hell mama dragoness.
The children?
They are safe, beta. They are in the house with me, Alayla, and Callen. The others have gone out to face the threat of the men on the ground, but your mate just took out another line of them. There aren’t many left.
Fuck, I wish I could see that.
He didn’t realize he’d sent that thought to Danica, until she said, Maybe you can. I’ve never tried this before, but if I can slip into your mind, maybe I can pull you into mine and you can see out of my eyes.
What? She could slip into his mind? He thought she could just talk to him telepathically. The idea of her sliding in and out of his mind, reading his thoughts at will, made him more than a little uneasy.
Do I have your permission to try it, Beta Rylan?
Fuck, the whole thing was freaking him out, but he couldn’t pass up the chance to see his mate. Do it.
He waited impatiently for a moment, and then suddenly it was as if he were seeing images through another person’s eyes. Flashes here and there at first, causing a slight pain in his head, then he was staring through a window at a massive battle taking place between two dragons. One he’d seen two days ago, the other was a beautiful pale greenish-gray color with a deep purple shimmer over the scales.
Yes, beta, that’s Amira. Your mate. Impressive, isn’t she?
Mine! his lion growled in his mind, as they stared at the fight above.
Definitely impressive, he rasped, his heart in his throat as the two dragons slammed into each other. He was watching a fight to the death, and when Danica lowered her head and quickly skimmed it around the yard, he saw he wasn’t the only one watching.
The men Amira hadn’t already taken out were fleeing back into the trees, their terrified gazes on the dragons above them. Several pride enforcers followed them, but Zev, Karma, Eva, and Draco stood on the ground, their eyes riveted on the battle above.
His fierce, courageous mate was taking on a dragon over twice her size, and she was winning.