Page 15 of Amira

“Traveling is fun. Never having a home of your home, a place to relax, one you feel safe in, not so fun.”

Rylan’s hand stilled at something in her voice. “Did something happen, Amira?”

Amira stiffened, but then seemed to melt back into him. “When I was sixteen, we were living at a campground in Minnesota. We were ambushed by some coyote shifters, and my parents were killed.”

“Oh baby,” he muttered, threading his fingers in her hair and grasping it, pulling lightly until she looked up at him, meeting his gaze. “I am so sorry.”

She swallowed hard, her eyes wet with unshed tears. “They took me with them, made me their slave for over a year. I was to call them all master and do whatever I was told.”

“Fuck,” Rylan snarled, his fangs punching through his gums, the hand in her hair tightening. “I will fucking kill them.”

A tremulous smile crossed her lips, and she raised her hand to cradle his jaw. “Already done, mate. One night, they forgot to bind me when they went to bed. They were complacent because it had been a couple of months since I fought back. They thought they were breaking me.”


Amira grinned, her eyes lighting up with a little bit of happiness. “Exactly. I shifted and roasted every last one of them. Then I ran and never looked back.”

His hand still snug in her hair, he held her still as he asked, “Did they…” He couldn’t go on. Didn’t know if he really wanted to be told if they violated the woman who was to become his everything.

“No, Rylan,” Amira said softly, tracing her thumb over his jaw. “No one touched me like that. I was more of a slave than anything else.”

“Good,” he said hoarsely, lowering his head to bury his face in the crook of her shoulder. “Thank fuck.”

He felt Amira’s lips on the top of his head, then his temple, her hand stroking lightly over his hair, and he had to force himself not to push his still hard cock against her.

“I better get downstairs,” Amira whispered, “before I don’t make it down there at all.”

Rylan raised his head, meeting her gaze. “I need to shower.”

“And to brush your teeth,” she teased, wrinkling her small, pert nose at him.

He grinned, holding her still so he could rain kisses down all over her face. Her laughter echoed around the room, and his soon joined in. Finally, he let up and pulled back to look in her eyes. A beautiful shade of light green and gray, and they were now shimmering with a deep purple iridescent overlay, showing her dragoness was near the surface.


“Yeah, baby?”

“My dragon wants…”

When she ducked her head and didn’t go on, Rylan gently tightened his hold on her hair again, and raised her eyes to his. “What does she want, Amira?”

“You,” Amira breathed, those eyes flashing purple again. Large fangs appeared in her mouth and sharp claws sprang from her fingertips. “She wants you.”

Lowering his head, Rylan whispered in her ear, “She can have me.”

“Oh, Goddess,” Amira moaned, and then he felt the bite of a claw slicing into his skin over his heart.

Lowering his head, he buried his head into her neck and groaned, a shudder wracking his body as the implication of what she’d just done hit him. Amira had claimed him—her dragoness marking him as hers. He should have realized the way he worded it, she’d taken that as permission to start their bonding.

He didn’t regret it. Not one bit.

“Fuck, baby, as much as I want to stake my own claim right now, it’s going to have to wait. My parents are down in the kitchen with the children. They could come up here any minute.”

“Oh!” Amira tried to pull away from him, but he refused to let her go. “Rylan, I am so sorry. I didn’t realize what her intention was. I shouldn’t have allowed it.”

“Amira.” When she didn’t reply, Rylan grasped her chin in her hand and held her steady as he locked eyes with her. “Amira, did you want to claim me? You, not your dragon?”

She swallowed hard before admitting, “Yes.”

“Then as far as I’m concerned, there is no problem here. You wanted to claim me, I wanted you to. And I can’t wait to claim you soon.”

“You can’t?” she whispered, eyes wide as she licked her lips, her breath coming out in small gasps.

“No, I can’t. Which means I need to get my ass in the shower, and you need to get downstairs, before I forget all about the fact that we aren’t alone and that I haven’t bathed in days.”

Amira giggled, just like he hoped she would, and then kissed him quickly on his jaw before sliding from the bed. “Well, we can’t have that, now can we?”

“No, you little minx, we can’t,” he growled, yanking the covers back and moving to get out of bed himself. Too late, he realized he didn’t have anything on. Nothing at all.

Amira’s eyes were glued to his cock, and his cock was so hard and aching, he thought he might come right there.

“Maybe I could help you with that,” Amira whispered, taking a step toward him.

“Shit, Amira, as much as I want that, I’m not sure it’s a good idea.” When she looked up at him with a wounded expression, he reminded her, “We aren’t alone, baby. And I know if you wrap your pretty pink lips around my dick, I am not going to be able to be quiet.”

A slow smile spread across her face, and she grabbed the clothes she was going to change into, along with what looked like a toiletry bag. “I’ll make this quick.”

As he watched her walk into the bathroom connected to his bedroom, he swore quietly, his eyes on her ass until she shut the door behind her. He was rock-fucking-hard and didn’t see any relief in his near future.

He loved it.