*** Aiden ***

I could feel Eva’s anguish and growing anger in my chest despite the physical distance between us. The sooner we moved in together, the better, as far as I am concerned. I cannot help her from afar. I need her to feel safe and secure and loved.

I want her away from the grips of that selfish, twisted fucker of an ex-husband too. The revelations of how he has mistreated my girl all these years just keep coming and coming. She is a warrior, so strong and resilient for making it through. I know now that is why the Moon Goddess fated us to be together. Despite being human, Eva is a tower of strength who is more than worthy of being Luna of my pack, she just needs to realise her own power.

As I climb into my car, I think back on the announcement I made to the pack. Preston had chastised me but if any one of my pack members makes Eva feel unwelcome or uncomfortable, I will break their legs.

“Onyx River, I am proud to announce I have met my fated mate. Her name is Eva, she is human and has a daughter. She is amazing and I am bringing her here tonight to meet you all. You will respect her and make her feel accepted here or be subjected to my wrath. She is your future Luna.”

Afterwards, Preston pulled me to one side. He didn’t approve of my commands and said I should have encouraged and not demanded their acceptance, but there is no room for negotiations: she is mine and I am bringing her home.

Delta Billy also approached me. Ellis is still in the cells, and we need advice from The Elders about our next steps. We also need to find a new Gamma pronto seeing as I am bringing our Luna home imminently. I told him I would address it all after Amber and Preston’s Mating Ceremony. One thing at a time.

I pull up outside Eva’s house and my tension seems to disperse just knowing she’s nearby. I have missed her so much and it’s only been a few hours. I never want her to be away from me again. As she opens the door, Roman wants to take over, he wants a chance to meet his mate. Not yet buddy, all in good time.

Eva looks beautiful. She has curled her hair and left it loose for me, she’s wearing a lovely grey and silver top that suggestively clings to her curves, making me hard in response, while her tight jeans compliment her small frame and accentuate her beautiful, curvy ass. Her eyes look sultry and seductive and her lips have a hint of pink that makes me want to taste her all the more.

She is a knockout.

“Will I do for you, Aiden?” she asks me and I notice Summer in the background with her pink dress and wellington boots on. Amber was just the same at her age, all fairy wings and muddy boots!

“You look perfect, Shortie. Now have you reminded Salma and Alejandro that it will be my car approaching the Morales mansion?” She looks at me with amusement.

“Morales mansion? It’s a manor house at best! And yes, I told her, and she has cleared it. I just have to text the registration number of your car. What’s the deal with you and them, Aidy? I felt like Salma and Amber were on the verge of a battle when we met in the café and despite you and Alejandro seeming friendly now, it was a little hostile at first.”

I kiss her head, I have so much to explain to her. The Mafia keeps a check on the werewolves in the area to ensure we don’t go around turning innocent humans or using our superior strength to overpower them. I respect that they want to protect their kind, and they reluctantly respect that I want to protect mine, so we agree to respect business boundaries and basically stay out of each other’s spaces.

“I will explain when we have more time, for now the Morales/Suarez mob and the werewolves of Onyx River are in a temporary truce, thanks to you. Now, where is Summer’s car seat so I can belt her in?”

It takes me a while to get Summer belted in, which I must admit is harder and more complicated than I anticipated. Who knew the seats just clipped in? I could see Eva holding in a giggle as I tried and failed to get the seat in place, but I could tell that she appreciated me trying to help and being involved in getting Summer in the car safely.

As we drive along, it warms my heart to hear Eva and Summer babbling away to each other. Eva sings with her and eventually Summer falls asleep.

“She always falls asleep if the drive is over ten minutes,” Eva tells me with a smile. “Now, I am going to warn you, she loves Salma and Salma loves her, they are so cute together. Sal becomes a pussy cat when she is around Summer, she is going to be a great mother one day.”

Her assessment of her friend should take me by surprise; after all, not many people would refer to Salma Morales, the Mafia queen, as a pussy cat. However not many people saw the look of relief on Salma’s face when Eva walked in the café, safe and well. I can only imagine how affectionate she is to Summer, who is Eva’s mini-me. I adore the little girl myself; she is so easy to love.

As we approach the gates to the Morales mansion, we pull up next to the intercom and wait to be granted access. “Summer, wake up sunshine, we are here at Sal’s.” Eva’s is rousing her little girl as I drive up to the front door.

When we get to the front door, it swings open and Salma comes running out.

“SALLY!” Summer shouts all over the car and it’s clear to see that she is happy and excited to see Salma.

“Where is my little sunshine girl?” There is a warmth and love in Salma’s eyes as she opens the back door to retrieve Summer; no one would ever believe me if I told them about this exchange, it’s far too heart-warming and sweet.

Alejandro approaches the car and I get out and shake his hand while I thank him for agreeing to help look after Summer.

“That’s okay man, I’m hoping the practice will be needed. By the way, word of mouth isn’t out yet, but Salma and I got married a couple of days ago.” He practically beams as he watches his new wife spin around with Summer, there is love and longing in his expression.

“Congratulations to you both!” Eva squeals and hugs Salma in congratulations and Summer imitates her, shouting ‘Yay’ and clapping her hands.

I shout bye to everyone as Eva approaches the car, I help her in and chance another appreciative glance at her ass as I do.

Eva is quiet as we drive away. It’s the first time she has been away from Summer since she got her back and I know she is worried and probably also nervous about meeting my pack too.

“Do you want to tell me what has you so worried, Shortie?” I can feel her eyes on me as I continue to focus on the road.

“What if they don’t like me, Aiden? Will you break up with me?” She looks so worried, and her voice has started to tremble.

“Eva. Don’t do this. I am never going to reject you. They will like you and accept you. But for argument’s sake, if they don’t like you, I will kill them.” Her eyes go wide before filling with tears. The traffic lights ahead change to red so I stop and give her my attention.

“You can’t kill people because they don’t like me, Aiden. I just want to know what will happen if I am deemed unsuitable?” I kiss her hard, how could anyone not like my Eva?

“Then I will renounce my title and position and we will live as humans in a local village, just you, me, Summer and all our pups together. I love you, and no matter what, we will be together.” The lights switch back to green so put the cat back onto gear and speed back off.

I hope it wouldn’t come to those extremes, but I love Eva, she is my fate, my destiny, my future, and I refuse to live my life without her. They will accept her; I fucking command it.

As we pass the border of my land, I see the other pack boundaries too. Alpha Martin and Alpha Xavier had warned me to keep away from their boundaries after our argument the other night and I feel myself becoming riled at the memory. It reminds me of the dangerous position I will be putting Eva and Summer by bringing them here to live with me. But it can’t be helped, even staying in Eva’s house would be dangerous for them now.

Without warning, I stop the car and get out. I want to show her my property, what will become hers too. I want her to see how beautiful our home is. When I open her door, she hops down and grasps my hand as we take a few steps forward. There is a small bench nearby, so I sit down and pull her onto my lap, smiling when she yelps in surprise.

“Aiden! Someone might come past and see us.” I laugh out loud at her and her outrage.

“Who cares? You are mine now, and I want everyone to know how incredible you are and how special you are to me.” She leans into me, and I think I have reassured her sufficiently, so I wrap my arms around her as I explain why we have stopped.

“This is all Onyx River territory. These are my lands, they belong to me and my pack and once we are mated, they will belong to you and Summer too. It’s important that you stay within our boundaries and don’t venture into The Silver Shore or The Moon Stone territories, things are still up in the air after the unprovoked attack on me.” I point out the boundaries as I speak.

She nods to me, taking in the hills and valleys, the forest and the large pack house, and the smaller houses dotted around too. It’s just before sunset and the whole place looks beautiful.

“It’s majestical here ,Aiden, so beautiful and comforting. It already feels like home.” I smile before I kiss her, I am so proud of her. She has been through another tough day and yet here she is with me, telling me how much she loves my lands. It’s nothing flash or important, but it’s special to me. This is the place I was born and bred, the place I will continue to lead, the place I hope to raise my own children and pass the mantle to my Alpha Heir. This is the place I want to grow old with Eva.

“I love it here; this place is a part of me. That forest there is where I did my first shift into my wolf-form, and that is where I would like to go after you have met the pack so I can introduce you to Roman. He is desperate to meet you. Would that be ok?”

She nods. “Your wolf wants to meet me? How do you know?”

“Because he told me so.” Her eyes widen in wonder as I explain further. “He keeps telling me to mark you because you belong to us, he tells me how much he wants and needs you, how perfect you are. He loves you just as much as I do.”

“What is he like? And what will happen to you when you change into your wolf?” I know she’s finding it hard to understand but it’s so much easier to just show her, just like I have planned later.

“He is a version of me, and vice versa. I am aware of what is happening when I shift but Roman has control until he allows me to have it back. You don’t need to be frightened of him, he loves you and will take care of you.” She smiles at me with tenderness in her eyes.

“I can’t wait to meet him; I can’t wait to see my big, beautiful wolf. He is you and you are mine and he is mine now too.”

Roman practically purrs in contentment, I had worried he would reject her because she doesn’t have a wolf for him to be mated to, but it looks like Eva is open to be shared which is great news. The bond will grow and solidify faster if Roman is on board. I just need to work out how we go about that.

I walk her back to the car, and she seems calmer and more her usual self. I silently pray to the Goddess of the Moon that my mate is accepted and welcomed by my pack.

*** Eva ***

I feel nervous as we approach the extremely large building. How many werewolves live here? How do they stay hidden? I have so many questions now that I am here.

Aiden takes hold of my hand and directs me into the entrance hall. As we walk in, I see several people openly gawp at us. One woman’s eyes go wide in surprise when she spots my hand enclosed in Aiden’s giant one. I hear a growl rumble from his chest, and they all bow in submission to him. When I look at his face, his eyes glaze over momentarily before returning to normal.

“Alpha Aiden, welcome home, and Eva, welcome to Onyx River.” I smile in recognition at the friendly and familiar face of Beta Preston, although he looks younger and happier and is sporting a new tattoo on his neck.

“Thank you, Beta Preston, I am excited and honoured to be here.” He bows to me before turning back to Aiden.

“Most of the pack are in the Main Hall, Alpha, as requested. Are you ready?” Aiden nods.

He leads me through the doors to the Main Hall and inside it is huge and full to bursting with people who twist and turn in their seats to try and glimpse the woman who their Alpha is bringing home.

My hands tremble, but Aiden kisses me against my temple as he murmurs to me, “I am right here with you, are you ready to do this? Together?” And just like that, the anxiety trickles away.

With his hand in mine, I walk proud with my mate, my Alpha. As they strain to get a better look at me, I hear some whistling and appreciative mumbling around the hall. We walk down the centre of the room to a raised stage section.

Aiden stops at the front and speaks to his pack. “Onyx River, the Moon Goddess has blessed me and our pack, she has finally bestowed on me my fated mate and your future Luna. Please welcome my beautiful mate, Eva.”

There is a gentle applause around the hall, with some hollering and stamping. However, some barely clap at all, their expressions remain unchanged and although I feel an initial flare of doubt, a burning anger fills my chest.

After the brief introduction, Aiden invites the pack to eat and drink with us. I overhear him talking angrily to Preston. “I want the ones resisting this brought to my office tomorrow so I can hear them explain why they disrespect their Alpha and future Luna.”

Aiden then guides me to an impressive oak table with three elderly gentlemen sitting in black velvet high backed seats. “Eva, this is my Advisory Council, more commonly known as the Elders. Elder Glen, Elder Arthur, and Elder Joshua. Elders, this is my fated mate and love, Eva.”

I bow to the elderly gentlemen and can almost feel their scrutiny fall on me. After a couple of intrusive questions, Aiden’s frustration is reaching boiling point, so I place my hand on his arm and ask if we can go to get some fresh air.

I know this isn’t going as well as he had hoped but, in all honesty, I am a human who is still married to another human and I would be bringing my human daughter with me to live and lead here. I think Aiden has set his expectations a little high.

“I’m sorry Eva, I think I have gone about this in the wrong way. Maybe I should have introduced you to smaller groups before I dropped you on the whole pack. They are naturally wary anyway because of my mother, she was their last Luna and she abandoned us all.”

It is my turn to comfort him, and I hold his handsome face in my hands, admiring his straight nose, and his dark eyelashes that frame his emerald-green eyes. God, he is so unbelievably gorgeous!

“Hey, they’ll come around in five or ten years once they realise I’m not running out on anybody. It’ll all work out. Can I meet Roman now, please? I really need to see someone who is on our side.”

He presses a hard kiss against my lips, and as my body magnetically attaches to his, I can feel his desire is as strong as mine. This night may not have gone to plan but it doesn’t change a thing between us: I love him, and I want him just as much, if not more than before.