He grins sexily back at me, before picking me up bridal style in approval of my question.

“Welcome home, Red. Welcome to forever,” he murmurs to me as we cross the threshold of what is to now be our apartment.

Preston’s apartment is a typical bachelor pad, it is clean and tidy enough but it lacks a certain homely style. It reminds me of a hotel room. It’s nice and tastefully decorated but it feels impersonal. Preston wraps his arms around my waist as I investigate the apartment like I am seeing it for the first time. I press my back against his chest and relish the tingles of our bond as he places small, gentle kisses along the side of my neck.

“So shall we make it our home here? You know I have always treated this place like a stepping stone, as a means of being close to you. If you want a fresh start in a different one, that’s fine.” I shake my head at him.

“We can make a home together here. It’s like a blank canvas and we can make it ours together now.” Thoughts of photographs and flowers and cushions fill my head. We will have this place looking like a home in no time.

I want to freshen up, but I also cannot wait to be with my mate, to allow myself to feel everything I have been trying to fight. I also want to give Preston everything he has yearned for, I want to make him feel loved and wanted and cherished, because he is, and I will spend the rest of my days trying to show him.

“Fancy taking a shower together before we go to bed?” Preston asks suggestively and my core floods with unspent desire, causing him to raise his eyebrows at me. He can obviously smell my arousal. “Carry on with that and we won’t make it to the shower, we won’t even make it to the bed!”

I laugh as I run from him, heading straight to the bathroom, tearing my clothes off as I run. I feel free, I feel light and wanted. I feel loved.

“You little minx!” he shouts at me as he chases after me, discarding his own clothes too. We get to the large cubicle shower and frenzied passion takes over us both. It’s been mere days since we parted but this is seven years of frustration, seven years of distance and deprivation all built up. Finally succumbing to our bond and to our love for each other allows all that to wash away and in its place is lust and longing.

I break away from him to turn on the shower. Though I try to slow things down, I have an overwhelming need and Lizzie growls in my head to take what is mine. Preston seems in a similar state too, which makes me want him even more.

“No other man could make me feel the way you do. I’m so sorry I made you wait for those words, there is no one else in the universe who could love me better than the way you love me. I am yours; I always will be from now until the end of time. I am yours.” Tears stream down my face as I give him everything, everything I have held inside but I have been frightened of. Every word is meant, every word is heartfelt and the tears that flow are tears of the past, tears of relief and tears of joy.

“You are the love of my life, and I will love you until the end of time,” he tells me. I got so used to him reminding me that he was my mate that I forgot he loved me outside that bond, no matter how many times he said it.

As I wrap my legs around his waist, I wait for him to press his thick shaft into me, but he hesitates. “I don’t have a condom here, baby. They’re in the bedside drawer.” I am alarmed by the force of my own groan of frustration. I don’t want to wait, but I want to do this right. I want to enjoy my mate for now, I want to enjoy us first.

I hop down and kneel in front of him and take the tip of his swollen cock into my mouth. Goddess I have missed him, I have missed the taste and feel of my Preston in an unquantifiable way.

“Red, I need you; let’s get washed and get into the bedroom.”

I stand back up and squeeze some coconut body wash onto a scrunchie and lather him up. When I’m finished, he takes it from me and lathers me up too, making my nipples become stiff peaks. He moves lower and I moan out as his soapy hand connects with my clit. He has magical fingers. I pant as I cling to him, my legs feeling like jelly.

“Preston, please take me to bed now.” He leans down and kisses me, rinsing off the residue suds and then puts the shower head between my legs.

“Open them, I am going to make you cum first. Then we can go to bed.”

As the warm jets connect with my pink slit, I start to tingle from all areas. It feels like the water can get into places nothing else could, it causes short sharp shocks to my clit and within minutes my whole body climaxes, starting at my feminine core and rapidly spreading through my body, right down into my toes and my fingertips. I feel like I am floating and thank the goddess that Preston has hold of me.

“That’s my girl, my beautiful girl. Come on, let’s go to bed.”

As we climb into bed, me almost completely spent, I know I want to do this every night for the rest of my life. For the rest of my life with my love, my mate. My Preston.

*** Alejandro ***

It was a huge relief that Sal didn’t even question my loyalty, or my family’s. Jose always said she was clever and astute.

“Do not take her for a fool, Ale. My little Sal has the noggin of a man, she will rival the best of them. This has nothing to do with her ability and everything to do with the prejudice she will face because she is female.” Those were his words, and as I watched her from afar, I knew he had actually been conservative in his assessment of her abilities.

The Mafia is not a lifestyle for the fainthearted. As a third and fourth generation family, both me and Sal have been raised with the customs and expectations. The difference is that my sister was raised to be a wife, mother, and a behind the scenes support network, whereas Sal has been prepped and preened to be those things as well as the female boss. Jose raised her like a Mafia father would raise both his son and daughter, and he and Maria had done a brilliant job.

I know civilians would look at our actions and cringe and think that we are sadists, or lunatics, but this is the way of the world when you are born into powerful Mafia families.

Now, I sit in a swivel desk chair while my wife stands a few steps in front of me and Jorge Lombardo, the dick head who thought he could get away with spreading vicious lies to split our families apart, is dangling upside down.

This is the first time I have seen Sal in action on a job and although I would never disrespect her before, I definitely wouldn’t now after seeing her in action with a knife, pliers and a car battery and copious amounts of water. She had dangled Jorge upside down when he refused to talk, she said the rush of blood to the head would help him make a better decision.

Sal had Jorge singing like a canary, spilling not only the secrets of his older brother, Cristobel, who is now the head of their family, but the secrets of their associates too. She attached cables to his bollocks from the car battery and laughed when he screamed in pain. She extracted the nails off both his forefingers and his big toes. She had pulled his fangs out and threatened to cut his eyelids off if he didn’t talk. Within an hour, she had reduced him to a blubbering wreck and hadn’t even broken out in a sweat doing it.

Once she finishes with the torture, she leaves me with him to give him a message to relay to the man behind this treachery, Cristobel Lomardo. Morales and Suarez are now united by marriage, and we will fucking destroy them if they continue to disrespect us. Jorge nods at me frantically.

“Yes, Mr Suarez, I will tell him, I will tell him you mean business.” I leave his face unrecognisable and then go to rejoin my wife.

“Word will be out now, Chula; everyone will now know the consequences of messing with us. You did great back there; I liked the way you threatened to cut off his eyelids… where did you learn that one?” She snuggles into me, making me hard with need within seconds.

“I heard papa one time. He used to threaten it and people would freak out. Sometimes the thing they fear most is fear.” I kiss her head and I can feel she is trembling. It’s the come down, when you’re in the moment the adrenalin courses through your body, it makes you feel invincible, but then afterwards, it hits like a tonne of bricks.

“What do you usually do after to decompress, mi amor?” I want to distract her and help her, plus I want to get back to our apartment for a bit of loving before we have to return to her mami’s house.

“Ice cream. I want ice cream,” she says and I laugh: the dominatrix from earlier who had a grown man crying now wants ice cream. If mi Chula wants ice cream, she will have ice cream.

“I like to fuck afterwards to decompress. So how about we get some ice cream and go back to the apartment for an hour and have a little fun?” Her eyes go wide when I say I like to fuck afterwards and then she does that wicked smile of hers. I am throbbing yet again thinking of eating ice cream off my wife and her licking me like I’m a Mr. Whippy cone complete with sprinkles and sauce.

“Ale!” she shouts at me in feigned outrage. “Although… fucking and ice cream does sound incredible right about now.”

I tell Willy I need to stop at a shop before we head to my apartment and I load up with Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and a variety of toppings and sauces.

We barely get in the lift in our apartment block before Sal is stripping off for me. No other fucker better call this lift, I will cut their fucking eyelids off too.

We fall through the front door, and I lift the lid off the ice cream and hand it to her. “Gimme S’more flavour, what else have you got in there?” she asks with a laugh.

“Karamel Sutra Core and Schweddy Balls… I am willing to give them all a try, Chula. What about you?” I challenge her as I toss my shirt to one side.

“With you? Anything! Now fuck me, Ale, I can’t wait any longer.”