She took a sip of her beer, and we sat there for a few minutes in silence. “This is nice,” Naomi finally said, tipping her head back to let the sun on her face. “I could live like this forever.”

I watched her, realizing I could give her that. I could keep that smile on her face like it was now. “You should see this place in the wintertime,” I said softly, my eyes roving over her form. “Sometimes you can see the auroras across the sky.”

Naomi eyed me, her lips parting. “Really? I’ve never seen them. There was a time that I was going to go to Alaska to see them, but the trip fell through. God, I bet they are gorgeous.”

“They are,” I replied, my throat working. “And maybe you can come this winter to see them.” Once the words left my mouth, I found myself surprised. Bring her back? Was I implying that I wanted to bring her back as my wife again?

The words were not lost on Naomi either, and she cleared her throat. “I think I’d like that.”

“Then we will do it,” I blurted out.

I would do anything to make her happy, I realized. And a splash of cold reality doused me.

This was more than just her satisfying me in bed. More than her giving me what I wanted from my plan. More than her making me feel.

This was something deeper.

And that was far too dangerous.

For me and for her.