Page 18 of Glitter Angel

“I got accepted into the engineering program!” he says as he holds up his acceptance letter from the University of Tennessee, with the bright orange T embossing the letterhead.

“Congratulations! I knew you’d get in,” I squeal. He told me that his dream is to become a mechanical engineer, but he put it on hold to work at the inn while he saved up the money to afford the tuition. “I’m so proud of you, following your dream!”

He grins. “When are you going to follow your dream?” he asks as a serious expression crosses his face.

“Do you think I can do it? I barely finished high school.”

“Lexi, I’m positive you can do anything that you set your mind to.”

His confidence in me is uplifting, but the truth is, I don’t have confidence in myself. Maybe I’m just supposed to be an actress and act in these corny movies until I’m too old to be considered for these parts. Then I’ll play the aging starlet who lives by herself and owns a bunch of cats. My nose scrunches at that thought.

Deftly changing the subject, I ask, “When do classes start at the university?”

“I’m going to start in June—the summer semester. I’ll live in the dorm at first, even though I’ll probably be the oldest guy there,” he says with a snicker.

“Knoxville, watch out!” I tease. “Do you have any Volunteers gear?” That gaudy shade of orange reminds me of a popsicle color not a school color.

“Nope. I’m focusing on my studies, not on attending football or basketball games.”

“You say that now, but just wait. You’ll be in the front row cheering the team on.”

He gives me another serious look. “Lexi, why don’t you apply and see what happens. We can both be freshmen together.”

I groan. “Ugh! They’ll turn me down faster than you can say chicken heartedness.”

He arches an eyebrow and gives me his stern Brady stare.

“Okay. I’ll think about it.”

A small grin tips his lips but he doesn’t voice a comment. “Sorry, but I need to run. When are you going to be done filming? And when are you coming for a visit?”

“I’ll be done in about a month and have already booked my stay at the Christmas Inn. Fortunately, I’ll get to see you before you leave for Knoxville.”

Brady flexes his substantial biceps. “I’ll be ready to carry all your luggage.”

“Maybe I’ll pack light this time,” I say in a huffy voice.

He laughs and rolls his eyes. “Go learn that corny dialogue.”

I blow him a kiss and he catches it. I don’t remember when this little ritual started, but I like it. Even though we haven’t put a label on our relationship yet, I know he’s the one for me. Am I going to lose him now that he’s going off to pursue his dream?

After the call ends, I slump down on the bed in my trailer and Google how to apply at UT. Maybe it's time to pursue my own dreams, where I don’t have to utter silly dialogue and run around in skimpy outfits. Can Lexi the movie star become Lexi the kindergarten teacher?

Brady says it helps him when he prays for guidance—he feels like God played a hand in putting him on his new career path. Even though I’m a bit rusty, I send up a quick prayer asking for some guidance and bravery as well. “Lord, help guide me and show me the way. What is my future supposed to be?”