Page 16 of Glitter Angel

Chapter Thirteen


As much as I want a long-distance relationship with Lexi to work, we can’t seem to make it happen. Every minute of her life is scheduled, and whenever she tries to reach me, I’m either dealing with a disaster or I’ve already gone to bed. This time zone thing is a pain. I guess we were both naïve to think that our newly formed relationship could last over such a long distance and our busy schedules. We haven’t managed to fit a call in during the three weeks since she went back to her life in California.

Blowing out a frustrated breath, I push my thoughts of Lexi and our relationship to the back of my mind. Today, I’m focusing on my career and the changes I need to make. Lexi inspired me to renew my pursuit of a degree. I got lazy and complacent, letting life pass me by, floating along as the inn’s maintenance man. That job was supposed to be a short-term stint, not a long-term career.

Pulling up the university website, I painstakingly read through all the information on how to apply to their mechanical engineering program. If I get in, I’ll be a freshman at the tender age of twenty-four.

Three hours later, I’m blurry eyed and my head hurts, but I applied to the university. When I pressed send, my heartrate accelerated as my application shot off into cyberspace. Doubts and fears set in as I start to second guess myself. Wouldn’t it just be easier to stick with the status quo? I know this job inside and out. But, when I got called on to repair that old furnace again yesterday, I knew that I just couldn’t continue doing this maintenance gig anymore. It’s not what my heart wants to do.

Speaking of heart, thoughts of Lexi pop back into my mind. We’ve drifted apart. She’s been gone for several weeks, and we’ve only managed to text. No Skype calls as we promised each other we would do. This relationship is on life-support, and I wonder whether we should just pull the plug.

As I drift off to sleep, I send up a prayer, hoping God will send me a sign. “Lord, please guide me as I start down this new career path. Is Lexi supposed to be part of my future?”


Strangely enough, “a sign” (at least I interpret it that way) comes the next night in the form of a late-night insomnia session. Unable to sleep, I turn on the TV and channel surf for something to watch. Maybe an old movie will help me snooze?

I stumble on one of the 24-hour movie channels, and Lexi’s pretty face jumps into view. Sitting up straight, I settle in to watch, not having seen this film before. In a few minutes, I’m sucked into the flimsy plot, especially when Lexi appears in a skin-tight black cat suit.

She’s playing a Robin Hood like thief who robs from the rich and gives to the poor. The movie is suspenseful, but there’s also a good bit of humor mixed in. Her character gets into many ridiculous scrapes, yet somehow manages to get out of them. The side-kick canine companion provides comic relief. He’s a giant breed—maybe a mastiff—who bumbles along, wreaking havoc in every scene. I’m laughing out loud one minute and biting my nails the next. The movie is keeping me on the edge of my seat, rather than helping me fall asleep, but I don’t care.

Lexi is amazing in her role and is clearly the star of the movie. Either her or her furry side kick steal every scene. She makes everything look effortless and not contrived. . . As she balances on a ledge twenty stories above the ground in a cocktail dress and stilettos. . . Or as she hops into a speed boat and maneuvers it through some tight spots while she flees from the bad guys. . . Or as she chases after her massive canine when he grabs the bag of diamonds that she just extracted from a safe.

As I watch the movie, I relive memories of Lexi and I sledding down the hill behind the inn, or playing board games and witnessing her competitive side, or watching her joy in baking with Chase and Harper.

Why did I give up so easily on a relationship with Lexi? She’s worth fighting for.

I pick up my phone and text her, letting her know how much I miss her and how much I want this relationship to work. I don’t hold back and I reveal the depth of my true feelings. The ball’s in her court now. I cross my fingers that she’s all in, just like me.


Lexi’s gorgeous face bursts onto the screen of my phone. She waves while I settle onto the sofa in my apartment. I sink into the well-worn leather seat, waiting for her to start the conversation. Lexi’s never out of topics to talk about.

After my late-night, soul-baring text a few weeks ago, we’ve both made an extra effort to Skype every day. The best time to chat is during her mid-morning break after her personal training session. I can usually avoid a maintenance call during that window.

Wearing her fitness attire, she looks sweaty but happy as she says, “We start filming tomorrow. I’m flying to the location in New Mexico later today.” Her voice sounds excited, but her eyes appear to be tired. She looks like they’ve been starving her for this part, her cheekbones sticking out from her thin face.

I ignore her waif-like look because we’ve discussed this a couple times already. She says that the camera adds ten pounds, so she’s on a strict diet until filming is over. After that, I’m going to send her several dozen of Harper’s cupcakes so she can put some weight back on her small frame.

“Why New Mexico?” I ask, wondering if that’s a prime movie location.

She laughs. “That’s where the eccentric billionaire lives. According to the script, he has a secluded mansion near Taos. Oh, and it’s cheaper to film there.”

“Are you looking forward to the filming or dreading it?”

Her cute nose wrinkles, as she ponders my question. “A mixture of both. We’ve spent all these weeks prepping, so I’m chomping at the bit to start shooting the scenes on location. But, at the same time, I’m not looking forward to acting with you-know-who.”

She refers to the actor who’s portraying the billionaire, as if she doesn’t want to utter his name.

“He’s that bad?”

“Yep. He makes all the actresses feel like we’re novices and our acting is never up to his standards.”

Switching the topic, I ask, “Will Evelyn accompany you?”

Lexi takes a huge bite out of an apple and chews for a few seconds, the crunching sound coming loud and clear over our connection. “Sorry, I’m starving,” she says after she swallows the first bite. Picking back up on the conversation thread, she adds, “Yes, Evelyn is going with me, but she'll be staying at a luxury hotel nearby. No on-site trailer for her.” Lexi rolls her eyes and then takes another bite. “What about you? Any word on your application?”

I told her about my rash application to the mechanical engineering program, which I’ve been stewing about ever since. I’m not a person who’s comfortable with change, so this action is very out of character. “Nothing so far,” I reply.

“You’ll get in! I’m so proud of you for having the courage to apply. I wish somedays that I had the courage to leave acting, but it’s the only thing I know how to do.”

“I think you’re an amazing actress, but if it doesn’t fulfill you any longer, maybe you should do something about it.” After viewing several of her movies during my recent bout with insomnia, I went on and on about how fabulous she was in all those parts. I’m sure I sounded just like a rabid fan.

She shrugs. “I’m too chicken to try.”

I quickly answer back, knowing exactly how she feels. “Believe me, I know what you mean. My heart was pounding, and I felt faint when I submitted my application for the mechanical engineering program.”

Lexi chuckles. “Sorry to cut this short, but I’ve got a plane to catch. I’ll text you after I land in Santa Fe.” She grins and blows me a kiss. “I miss you,” she says.

“Miss you, too. Travel safe and don’t mess with any rattlesnakes.”

“Why’d you say that? Now, I’ll worry about snakes on the set,” she says in a teasing voice.

“There will be at least one snake on the set,” I say.

She looks quizzically at me, and I rush to explain. “You know, the actor who plays the fat billionaire.”

Lexi nods in agreement. “Right. Him. Let’s hope he falls off a horse or something,” she says with a giggle, then waves as she signs off.

I stare at the blank screen for several seconds, a lovestruck look on my face. This long-distance relationship with Lexi might just work out after all. Gratefulness fills my heart.

Lord, thank you for bringing this woman into my life and for guiding me on a new path.