Page 67 of The Heartbreakers

She’s fucking adorable when she blushes. “And?” I coax her, glad that I don’t need to murder the dipshit captain of the Angels.

“He went down on me.” She admits as her already red cheeks go one shade darker.

I chuckle, now more relaxed. “Was it good?” I ask her.

She squirms, clenching her thighs together at the memory. “It felt really good.”

I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t get to do it first, but I’m glad Peyton made her feel good.

She picks up on my feelings. “Are you all right, Jameson?”

I wink at her. “Yeah, I’m fine. I knew it must’ve been Peyton. I fucking doubt that Penn would even know how to eat pussy.”

She tilts her head to the side to look into my eyes. “I wouldn’t know. But what makes you so sure he doesn’t know how?”

I shrug. “I’ve heard rumors that Penn’s performance is less than satisfactory in the sack. Isn’t it funny? He’s a fucking pussy but God knows he doesn’t know how to eat one.”

My shitty pun makes her laugh and I’ll take a win when I get one.

“Jameson,” she says softly, “If I didn’t know you better, I’d think you’re jealous of Darrius?”

I bark out a laugh. “Jealous of that loser? What’s there to be jealous about? I’m getting everything he could’ve had first because he’s a stupid dipshit.”

What I don’t say is that I have no right to be jealous. Lenley isn’t my girlfriend. Because I don’t do girlfriends and because sharing her with my friends is fine as long as we’re teaching her sex and having fun. Sharing a girlfriend isn’t something that people do, right?

“You’re right,” she says. “His fucking loss.”

She pulls me closer, crushing her lips onto mine.


I part my mouth when I feel the tip of her tongue teasing at the seam of my lips.

I should be proud of her because she’s learning extremely quickly; she’s become such an excellent kisser that it’s hard to believe that her first kiss was just two weeks ago.

She kisses me hotly and hungrily, stroking my tongue with hers and causing my semi to turn into a full-blown, rock-hard boner.

“Princess.” I groan against her lips, tracing the edges of her bikini top and summoning all my self-control to avoid cupping her tits, or even worse, moving the fabric of her bikini to the side to suck and lick on her hard nipple. “I’d love nothing more than to show you that I’m as good as Peyton at eating pussy. But I came to look for you for a reason.”

She stops her hot exploration of my mouth, her green eyes darkened with lust as she looks at me, her chest heaving with every breath she takes. “Why were you looking for me?”

“That asshole Penn was so sure we’d embarrass ourselves that he got someone to tell your parents and the mayor. The whole thing turned into a diving competition.”

She gasps, surprised. “What? How did it go?”

I smile. “We’re tied. Penn and Peyton are doing one extra jump each to break the tie.”

“Am I off the hook then?” she asks and I hate to be the bearer of bad news.

“No. That’s why I came looking for you. Anna and Kiara have been saying that you’re so scared that you can’t even watch them dive.”

She clenches her fists, her soft body going rigid with tension.

“Hey princess.” I close my arms around her when she attempts to climb off my lap. “What’s going on? Why does it matter so much what they think about you? You’re scared of heights, so what?”

She’s gasping shallow breaths, as if she were struggling to fill her lungs with each inhale. “I wasn’t scared of heights until after Papà’s accident. I used to go diving and jumping with him all the time, it used to be our thing for about a year before he died. I was way too young to jump officially and Mom freaked out when she saw the footage of our first jump together. But Papà had me strapped to him and he convinced Mom that I was much safer jumping with him than doing it with Darrius from the roof of his house with an umbrella subbed for a parachute.”

I know she must’ve been about eight at the time, so that would make Penn ten years old, but I can’t bite my tongue. “That dipshit made you jump from the roof of this house with just an umbrella to stop your fall?”

Lenley giggles, but it’s a nervous sound. “No. They bought this house after. They lived in a one story house at the time. And we wore helmets.”

I scoff, unimpressed with ten-year-old Penn; there’s no love lost between us but the more I get to know him, the more I know that we’ll never be friends. “Still. Jumping off the roof of a house is—”

She nods. “Yeah, we had a bad landing and Darrius broke his arm. He twisted to the side to protect me though.” She hurries to explain when I roll my eyes at the inevitable conclusion of her story. “I didn’t have a scratch on me. But after that, our dads decided to take us with them when they trained at a wind tunnel and on their easiest jumps. We were much safer that way than trying to do our thing.”

I shake my head. “Well, clearly. But the parachute association has eighteen has the minimum age for a jump, even strapped to an instructor. It used to be sixteen but the USPA (United States Parachute Association) changed it after a famous accident in Oklahoma where a sixteen-year-old got injured during a static-line first jump. So how—”

I’m getting frustrated and she interrupts me, caressing my jaw with gentle fingers. “Jameson, I know all this. But first off, it was 2011 and the rule changed in 2014—”

“Yeah but neither of you was sixteen back then. It was still illegal.”

Her fingers descend the column of my neck, stopping at my pulse point. “I suppose it’s easy to get around the rules when you own the plane you jump from? And for any stationary BASE jumps, who would ever say no to Patrick DeLaurent?”

She has a point. “Right. So you used to love skydiving and BASE jumping but now you’re scared. Why do you feel like you have to jump tonight?”

She exhales, closing her eyes. “I don’t have to jump. But Darrius and I used to love going with our dads and that was what really cemented our friendship when we were kids. When I started being scared, at first I hid my fear from everyone, including Mom. It isn’t like anyone was putting pressure on me to jump off a place after what happened to Papà. But after a while, it became obvious that I was scared to jump into a pool, climb on a chair, anything that would mean my feet weren’t rooted to the ground. Anna was the first one to realize it and she used it to make me look bad in front of Darrius.”