Page 62 of The Heartbreakers


Fear Of Heights


PEYTON KEEPS MY HANDin his as we grab a gift bag each and make our way out of the museum.

I’m grateful for it because I’m still unsteady on my feet after the orgasm he just gave me. I could claim that my knees have turned to Jell-O because of the sky-high heels I’m wearing, but I’m pretty sure that in that case, my torn pair of panties in Peyton’s pocket would self-combust.

He has a satisfied smile on his face and I don’t even understand why. It’s not like he was the one crying out in pleasure and taking God’s name in vain just a few minutes ago, right?

For a second I think that he’s about to pick a fight with Darrius, but he lets go of my hand as soon as we reach the main exit.

“Just keep your poker face, Snow. Penn will go fucking crazy when he sees us arrive to the car together. We could rub what we did in his face right now, but I prefer to wait and let him stew over it. He’ll be wondering and that will make him feel a million times worse than if he knew for sure.”

I think he’s right. I’ve known Darrius my entire life and suspicion will eat at him worse than if he knew the truth. I’m still convinced that what bothers him is seeing me be friendly to the people he despises the most in town and not out of jealousy. If I were hanging out with one of his teammates he probably wouldn’t even notice, let alone be mad.

I walk to the curb, where the limo driver opens the door for me. Peyton is a few steps behind me.

“It’s about fucking time!” Darrius snaps as soon as I climb in. “Dad and Gina went in the other car with Rachel, Trent, Niko, Sarah, and the Devils’ manager.” His eyes zero in on Peyton’s tall body as he enters the car behind me. “I seriously don’t fucking get why Gina insisted on inviting you, but the least you could do is be polite and don’t keep your hosts waiting.”

Peyton reacts with a smirk. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I was just getting a last minute souvenir.” His dark blue eyes skim over my body as I lower myself on the seat opposite Darrius, where Channing and Jameson are sitting with Anna between them.

Darrius notices the way Peyton is looking at me. “What the fuck are you talking about, Cox? The gift shop closed twenty minutes ago.” He then looks at me. “Len, where were you? I think we should call security and make sure this asshole didn’t steal anything from the exhibits!”

“Oh don’t worry, Penn! I was just talking about one of those gift bags. We couldn’t see any and Lenley helped me find one. I’m not in the habit of stealing my rivals’ shit, unlike some other people in this car. I like to win fair and square!”

Darrius reacts to the provocation by shaking off Kiara from his lap to scoot to the edge of his seat and scowl at Peyton. “Whatever the fuck are you implying, asshole! Oh, wait. You must be totally delusional, because last I recall, you haven’t won shit since you came to California. You already had your spot at Nationals last year, but you had qualified from Texas where the competition isn’t even half as tough as here. I bet this year you won’t even make it to Nationals, let alone having a shot at Worlds.”

Peyton’s smile widens. “Oh don’t you worry, Penn. I’ll wipe the tarmac with your ass at Nationals and represent the US at Worlds. After all, after the poor performance of last year, I doubt you’ll have the courage to show your face there. The French will be sad because they smoked your sorry ass!”

“Fuck this shit! I don’t understand why all of sudden our management has decided to be nice to your team of losers, but I’ve had enough! Get the fuck out of my car! Go party in the gutter you crawled out of.” Darrius lunges toward Peyton and I spring out of my seat to stop him just as the car starts moving.

The sudden jolt of the limo causes me to lose my balance and I crash into Darrius, forcing him back down on his seat.

“Darrius, knock it off!” I grind out, pushing on his chest when he attempts to get up to have a go at Peyton again.

“Stay out of it, Len! You don’t know what these assholes are capable of.”

Our eyes meet, his brown ones look almost black in the dim lighting of the car and I can feel his heart beating furiously under my palm. His body is tense and he’s literally shaking with fury.

I’ve seen Darrius mad a few times in my life, but never like this. “Listen,” I plead. “Tonight is about celebrating my papà’s memory and his legacy. You know better than me that he considered this sport and any sport as a bridge between people and different cultures. You don’t have to be best friends with your rivals but at least you can try to be civil for one night. Especially since Peyton and the Devils are our guests. Can you do this?”

There’s an angry tick in his jaw, but some of the tension seeps away from his body. “Is that what you’ve been doing? Talking to them tonight?” he says, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Lenley’s right, Darrius. You can be rivals in the air, but there’s no reason not to be civil out of competition events.”

I double take when the support comes from the most unlikely source not only in this car, but in town.

“After all, the Devils aren’t that bad when you get to know them better, right J?” Anna continues, practically climbing into Jameson’s lap.

“Right,” the dark-haired Cove Devil bites out, shrugging her off back into her seat. “I agree that we can coexist and be more friendly, but can we start at the party? Having people on laps is fucking dangerous in a moving vehicle.”

Kiara chimes in, her shrill voice a sure sign that she’s upset. “Anna is right! Get off my boyfriend’s lap, Len! You wouldn’t want to hit your face on the floor if the driver brakes, right?”

As if proving her right, the limo stops and I take advantage of that fact to return to my seat.

“No, don’t move,” Darrius says, surrounding my waist with his arms. “We’re just at the gate, we’re going to start moving again.” I don’t even have to check to know that he’s looking right at Peyton.
