Page 59 of The Heartbreakers

As everyone walks toward the exit through the gift shop, I head in the opposite direction to the restroom.

Long fingers close around my elbow, pulling me back as I’m about to enter the ladies’ room.

“I thought I was clear about staying away from that asshole!” Darrius seethes, forcing me to turn to look into his furious eyes. “Every time I so much as turn around to look at you, you’re talking to one of the Devils! Don’t think I didn’t see you smiling at the other two with Sarah by your side earlier on. If you’re trying to fucking piss me off, you—”

“Let go of me!” I snap, pulling against his death grip on my arm. “You’re hurting me, Darrius! And I was doing something you should try too. Being nice to our fucking guests! You embarrassed our parents and the team earlier by being rude. Peyton was just admiring the exhibits and telling me that he met Papà once.”

Darrius doesn’t let go of me, raising his voice. “Sure he was admiring the exhibits! He was admiring your tits and he was probably trying to work his way into the only pussy he hasn’t had in Star Cove, aside from my girlfriend! I don’t know what the fuck he and his team of losers want from us, but they can keep fucking around and leaving the winning to the real champions in town. I don’t like them. I don’t like their manager and I think they have some kind of agenda for trying to be all friendly all of a sudden. I swear to God if those losers lay one dirty finger on you, I—”

I pull harder, finally managing to shake him off me. “I told you you’re hurting me, Darrius! Look, I don’t care what kind of beef you have with Peyton and the Devils, but you need to stop being rude to them in public. Our parents and I have worked really hard to make today a success and you’ve been attracting the wrong kind of attention all night by trying to pick a fight with Peyton.”

He grinds his teeth, taking a step closer to me and I open the bathroom door in an attempt to put space between us. “Now go, I’m pretty sure your girlfriend is about to pull on the leash she has you on any second now.”

He clenches his fists, obviously itching to grab me again. “Kiara doesn’t have me on a fucking leash, Len!”

I laugh and it’s a mirthless, bitter sound. “Right. She’s been following you closely all night to get into every photo she could. Take it from me, Darrius, I’ve known Kiara for fifteen years. You’re talking about the Devils having some kind of agenda? Kiara has always loved the spotlight and that’s exactly what you provide. Oh, and you got her a great job since she dropped out of college! Normally she’d move on as soon as someone better comes along, so I’d watch my back if I were you.”

With those last, hopefully scathing words, I slide into the museum’s restroom, relieved to find it empty.

I exhale, my back against the door, releasing a breath I’d been holding since Darrius confronted me earlier. His reaction to seeing me talking to Peyton gives me a lot to think about. On one hand it’s what the guys and I were hoping but I’m not sure it’s out of the kind of jealousy I’d like to cause in him. I think it’s possible that Darrius is just being territorial about his best friend and about not wanting the Devils on his turf, especially when the press is around. He’s always hogged the spotlight even from his own teammates. If anything, he and Kiara have a lot more in common than I thought.

I step away from the door and when the handle lowers, I immediately grab it, to keep it closed.

“Len,” a masculine voice calls out.

“Go away, Darrius!” I snap. “I’ve had enough of your tantrums tonight!”

A low chuckle sounds from the other side. “It’s me, Snow. Let me in.”

I crack the door open, verifying that it’s in fact Peyton on the other side.

“I won’t be a second, Peyton. I just want to fix my lipstick.”

He pushes against the door and when I open it, he sneaks inside the ladies’ room, locking the door behind him.

“Hey, this is the women’s bath—”

He walks into my space, forcing me to step backward until my ass meets the marble of the sink area on the opposite wall.

His lips descend on mine and his hands tangle with my hair as his solid, ripped body pushes into me. “Fuck,” he growls against my lips, before attacking them again. “I’ve been thinking about kissing you all night!”



LENLEY’S LIPS ARE SOsoft that I can’t resist the urge to drag my teeth over her plump bottom lip.

Her hair is a silky, dark brown curtain tumbling down her back in shiny, soft waves.

But my hands don’t stay tangled in her silky tresses for too long, attracted by the soft swell of her tits and the even more inviting round globes of her perky ass.

I grab her buttocks, lifting her onto the marble countertop of the museum’s bathroom and stepping into the space between her thighs when she parts them.

I keep kissing her, stroking her tongue with mine, drunk off her sweet taste.

“Peyton.” She moans as I pull her closer to me, her knees brushing against the fabric of my tuxedo’s jacket.

“You were the most beautiful woman in the room, Len,” I murmur, dragging my nose and lips down the column of her neck and lifting up the soft material of her midi dress to expose her thighs. “Did you see the way everyone was looking at you? Penn was about to have a fucking meltdown when he saw us talking to each other.”

She arches her back when I reach the base of her neck, right at the edge of her collarbone.

My fingers reach her panties at the same time and I toy with the lace, sneaking under it and rubbing the smooth skin of her hips.

“He was angry,” she admits. “Darrius hates it when he doesn’t have everyone’s full attention.”