Page 46 of The Heartbreakers


“YOU KNOW I HAVE A CARand I can drive to your house, right?” I say as Jameson peels off my driveway as if the devil was hot on his heels.

“Can you?” he asks with a cocky grin that makes me want to roll my eyes. “Last time you walked two miles on the beach, under the scorching hot sun; so I was just making sure you’d get to the house in one piece and not looking like a half-melted popsicle.”

I flip him off and he sees it with the corner of his eyes, laughing at my chagrin.

“I just wasn’t thinking the other day, Jameson! I was too pissed off that Darrius got Mom and Kyle to agree to hire Kiara, before I could say anything. I never make the same mistake twice, trust me.”

“Good,” he says, throwing me a side glance as he turns a sharp corner on the hilly road, with perfect control of his sports car. “Your ass is way too cute to ruin it with sunburn.”

I laugh, relaxing a little as I see the gate of the guys’ house appear in the distance. He drives so fast that he covers the few miles between our houses in a couple of minutes.

That’s something I noticed about the guys, they seem to live their lives the same way they compete in their sport; at maximum speed and jumping into everything head first. But I know first-hand how much training and preparation their sport requires there’s no faith in anything but your own skills and control, that you checked everything is how it should be before jumping. I’ve grown up seeing my papà do that every day.

And when you play with death every day in your line of work, you live your life in the fast lane.

Jameson opens my door before I’m even done unbuckling my seatbelt and he ushers me around the house, to the backyard and the pool; through the same patio door I used the day I came here to agree to their deal.

“Hey, Snow!” Peyton beams at me, lifting his blond head from a stack of papers.

“Hey,” I say softly, as Channing rises from the seat next to Peyton, stretching his long, muscled arms over his head.

“Lenley.” He smiles. “Thank God! I was about to die of boredom!”

His sea green eyes meet mine and the heat in them causes my heart to pick up its pace at the memory of his hands on me last night and the dick pic he sent me later on.

Peyton’s chuckle pulls my mind out of the gutter as he playfully scolds his best friend. “Well, tough shit, Chan! You know I’m working on a modification on our wingsuits and I wanted yours and J’s input. You always disappear when there’s any work to do that isn’t strictly training.”

Channing shrugs, with an unrepentant smile. “You know I’m a man of action, dude! This shit puts me positively to sleep,” he says, gesturing toward the papers on the table, which look like hand sketches of a wingsuit.

“Right,” Peyton says with an eye roll. “But we’re a team and if we want to stay competitive, we need to be ahead of the curve when it comes to technology and equipment. Our rivals have a whole fucking sister company that develops cutting edge suits and parachutes, and makes mods to their aircrafts. If we want a chance at beating them, we need to work on that side of things too.”

I know exactly what Peyton means, my papà would totally agree with him; in fact, he started our sister company himself with his drawings and his modifications to the standard wingsuits and harnesses and all the equipment he used. That gave him the edge that made him a legend.

“Yeah.” Channing sighs. “I know that. But you also know that all that math and shit aren’t my thing. So I don’t think I’m that much help.”

Peyton rises from his chair, walking around the table in my direction. “Yeah but you agreed to help yesterday and then you just didn’t show up. What was so important that you ditched me and J—”

Channing’s eyes lock with mine after a heated once over of my body and Peyton doesn’t miss that look, stopping in his tracks.

“Hold on a second ...” he hisses. “Where you with Lenley?”

Channing nods, rubbing the back of his neck in an apologetic gesture. “Yeah. I saw that Lenley’s friend had checked in at the water park and I decided to go there. I was planning to take Len here, but we ended up going to the movies instead.”

Jameson’s voice reaches me from behind me. “You went out with Lenley behind our backs? That’s fucking uncool, dude! Seriously.”

“I didn’t know there was a rule that we can’t hang out with Len one on one,” Channing says sheepishly.

“There isn’t.” Peyton says, taking my hand in his. “But not when you play hooky while you should be working, you dipshit!” He sounds annoyed but not entirely mad. “I think that grants some kind of consequences, what do you think, J?”

Jameson chuckles darkly. “Definitely. Ditching your teammates when you knew full well that we were going to work is uncool. Especially when you hung out with Lenley. Peyton’s right. We need to teach you a lesson.”

Channing doesn’t look concerned. “What are you going to do? Are you going to give me a time-out?” He laughs.

A look passes between Peyton and Jameson. “That isn’t a bad idea,” the first one says. “What do you say, J? Whatever we’re going to do with Lenley today, Chan can only watch. He can’t participate and he can’t fucking touch.”

Jameson nods. “Great idea.” He then steps on the other side of me, looking at his friend. “That’ll teach you not to ditch work for pussy. No matter how fine the pussy.”

Channing’s eyes are still on me. “Oh it was damn fine, believe me. Worth ditching anything.”

“What the fuck?” Peyton reacts. “Did you fuck her?”

I shake my head, remembering the feeling of Channing’s hot body against mine, of his fingers and his lips. I wonder what would’ve happened if we hadn’t bumped into my mom at the hotel. “No, we didn’t fuck, we ...”

I feel a rush of heat rising to my cheeks and I have to work hard to suppress the full body shudder than causes my clit to throb at the memory of last night in Channing’s truck bed.

“We didn’t fuck. I’m not an idiot,” he reassures them. “I know we agreed to wait until we can show her that we’re clean and I wasn’t going to fuck her for the first time in the back of my truck.”

The other two seem relieved.

“Good,” Peyton says. “We got our tests results by the way. We’re all clean, Lenley.” He then looks at his two best friends. “No more surprises and we stick to our agreement from now on.”

“Agreement?” I ask, confused that they seem to know something I don’t.

“Yes princess,” Jameson explains. “When we met on the beach and we offered you a deal, we didn’t know how inexperienced you really were.”

The word makes me flinch at first, but I realize that Jameson isn’t using it as an insult the way Darrius did.

“We want you to enjoy learning sex just as much as we’ll enjoy teaching it to you,” he continues. “So we’ll start with the basics we assumed you knew. You can’t run if you don’t know how to walk.”

He takes my hand, pulling me toward him. “Is that ok with you?”