Page 20 of The Heartbreakers


I PULL INTO AN EMPTYparking spot at the Angels’ HQ, ready for my first day interning at Papa’s company.

The team has grown into a huge business since he’s been gone, despite never winning another world title after his death.

Kyle and Mom continued his legacy with a side business that brings a great income to fund part of the competitive team. The Angels wingsuits—still following Papa’s pioneering patented designs—are famous world wide and so are a lot of other branded items for extreme sports enthusiasts.

I’m excited to work on the social media aspect, learning how to curate the events and shows we organize all year round outside of the official competitions.

I immediately notice Darrius’ car in his reserved parking spot and Anna’s car is right nearby.

Obviously I’m not looking forward to seeing Darrius after last night and I could’ve done without having to put up with Anna.

I wonder if she knows what her brother did, how he rejected me and then I remember that aside from me, Anna has always been the other person Darrius confides in. There’s no way Anna will miss out on an opportunity to torment me. So I brace myself for the fact that my first day will be harder than I anticipated the moment I set foot into the hangar style office.

I nod in greeting to Rachel, the blonde receptionist who’s been working for the Angels for a few years now.

“Lenley.” She gets up from her desk, trying to stop me. “Your mother will be with you in a few moments. Can I get you a coffee while you wait?”

Mom mentioned a meeting with Kyle, so I assume it’s just one of their weekly strategy meetings and not something with a sponsor or the media, so I shake my head. “No, thank you. I’m sure Mom and Kyle won’t mind if I pop in just to let them know I’m here,” I say striding toward the boardroom that looks over the landing strip of our in-house training field.

“Oh, but—” Rachel tries to protest, but I wave her off, wondering what’s gotten into her this morning, since I’ve always been allowed to walk in on Mom and Kyle’s meetings. Actually, it used to be Mom, Kyle and Papà, when my father was still alive.

As I open the boardroom door, I immediately wish I’d listened to Rachel and waited outside by the reception desk.

Mom and Kyle aren’t the only people in the boardroom, Anna and Darrius are there, sitting at the long mahogany table; and so is Kiara in a risqué pinstriped pantsuit with slacks so tight that it looks like they’ve been painted on her.

Her hand is in Darrius’ and she doesn’t have the decency to avoid locking gazes with me.

“What’s going on?” I ask in lieu of greeting them, hoping that whatever Kiara is doing here won’t take long. For as much as I know that it’ll be impossible to completely avoid seeing my former bestie and Darrius together, I wasn’t prepared for how much it hurts to actually be confronted with the reality that they’re a couple.

I should know this isn’t good when Anna rushes to answer my question with a wide grin on her face.

“Ah, here’s our other intern. I guess being the boss’s daughter means that you don’t feel like you have to prove yourself around here? I mean, my dad owns half this place and I was here bright and early, but whatever!”

I totally ignore the fake smile on her face and the dig at my dedication and focus on the beginning of her sentence. “What do you mean other intern? Who else is—”

Oh, no!

Fuck, no!

Mom smiles, totally oblivious to the drama unfolding right under her nose. “Anna and Darrius asked me and Kyle to take Kiara on as an intern. She’ll help Rachel with her work load and assist keeping the locker room and staff room as the team desires. She’ll help us all by running general errands too. Isn’t that awesome that one of your best friends is joining our Angels family both by working here and dating our star diver?”

Yeah, as amazing as being poked with a hot branding iron in the eyeballs.

But I don’t say that.

I’m already struggling to contain the tears that are blurring my vision and I’m using all my energy to keep my voice as firm as possible. “Mom, can I talk to you in private?” I utter trying not to choke on the painful lump in my throat.

Darrius intervenes and it’s impossible to miss the concern in his voice. “Len, if there’s a problem, you can say it openly. We’re all family here.”

I pointedly ignore him, keeping my gaze on my mom; if I look at him, I know that the dam of my tears won’t stand a chance. “Mom, please?”

I storm out of the boardroom and into Mom’s office without looking behind me.

I feel my hot, bitter tears begin to fall at the same time as I hear the office door click shut.

“Lenley, sweetheart, what’s wrong?”

It isn’t Mom’s voice that reaches me through the loud thumping of my heartbeat, it’s Kyle’s.

Mom is right behind him, looking confused and wide eyed.

“If she works here, I can’t,” I state as firmly as I can now that I’m full-on crying.

I don’t just feel heartbroken and distraught about Darrius asking for a job for Kiara, I’m also embarrassed because I know how unprofessional my behavior must look right now.

While Mom looks even more confused than ever by my ultimatum, Kyle’s eyes are full of understanding.

“Come here, sweetheart.” He coaxes me, opening his arms.

I fly into his embrace, crying all my tears against his chest, like I’ve done countless times since the day of Papa’s death.

Kyle Penn didn’t just work hard to continue Papa’s legacy and the Angels’ tradition in the past eleven years, he’s also filled the role of a father figure in my life.

Of course no one will ever be able to replace my Papa, but Kyle has always been there for me like he knew Papa’ would’ve wanted from his best friend.

He dedicated his life to our family and to the Angels without ever holding back. He’s been there for me and Mom even when Darrius and Anna’s mother didn’t understand his dedication to us and his loyalty ended up costing him his marriage.

“I’m sorry Lenley,” he murmurs into my hair, closing his arms around me like he’s done every time I’ve been sad or scared in the last decade. Like Papa’ would’ve done. “When Darrius showed up with Kiara this morning, announcing their relationship and asking for a job here for his new girlfriend, I thought that meant that you were ok with it. I caught a glimpse of you two talking last night, and I hoped that maybe you’d gotten over Darrius during your year abroad. I guess I was wrong.”

I raise my head to look into Kyle’s eyes, so similar to his son’s. “You knew?”

Kyle chuckles, but it’s a sad, bitter sound. “Of course I did, darling. I know you better than I know my own daughter. Anna is closer to her mother, but you? I’ve wished your dad could’ve been here to see what a wonderful woman you grew up into every day since he’s been gone, but I’m proud to be the one who had the privilege to fill Patrick’s shoes. I’ve known that you were in love with Darrius since you two used to climb trees and get in all sorts of trouble. You’ve always been his partner in crime. Remember when he climbed that oak tree in our backyard with an umbrella and a wingsuit you guys had created by sewing wings onto Darrius’ wind jacket?”