Page 14 of The Heartbreakers



I came here to show my face like Dad asked of me, but it’s been a fucking waste of my time.

All this is doing is reminding everyone in town that the Cove Devils might be talented, might even be serious contenders at state or national level, but we’re the number two team in Star Cove.

People come to our shows, but the Angels are the team to beat, Patrick DeLaurent’s team. And until we’ve beaten them, we’ll always be the sponsors and the people’s second choice.

Of course a good fuck would take the edge off right now, but I can’t even do that.

Dad is right.

We might be an extreme sports team and people might love to read about us in the gossip columns, but when it comes to investing in a team, that goes against us.

That “Heartbreakers” label is something big companies like Wild Horse don’t want to work with. They sell to pre-teens and families and our image is too risqué for them.

I put down my empty bottle of beer and look at Channing’s equally bored expression. “Even if we wanted to find someone to take back to our place, it’s the usual crowd.”

He nods. “Yeah, I’ve seen just a couple of girls we haven’t fucked in here and none of them looks even remotely fun.”

He’s right. “Maybe we’ll let off some steam at the next out of town event.”

I spot Darrius Penn entering the room as if he owned the damn fucking place. He has a girl on his arm, a petite brunette with a pixie cut and hooker style shoes.

Channing notices her too. “She’s trying hard.”

I nod. “Yeah, seriously. Don’t get me wrong, women can dress however the fuck they want and I don’t mind sexy and showing a little skin. That’s just a little too much, you know? I don’t even know what it is because there’s a ton of other girls in skimpy clothes in here. I guess she overdid it?”

Channing agrees. “Yeah, personally I think it’s the shoes. I like ‘fuck me boots and shoes’ like the next guy but her clothes look cheap and she chose the wrong style for her body type. I think that’s what it is.”

I chuckle. “I’ll be damned. I think you’re right. When did you become a fucking fashion guru, dude?”

He snickers. “Ever since my little sister got into it and tortured me asking me if she looked good before she was going out. She kept showing me the looks that inspired her on social media and I learned a shit ton about trends.”

I could rib him about it, but in reality the way he loves his little sister is kinda cute.

I follow Darrius Penn as he steps out to the backyard with his girl. “Yeah, that asshole definitely has a type. His ex doesn’t look that different, remember her?”

Channing looks uncomfortable.

“What?” I ask.

“Funny you should mention Lisa. She texted me yesterday, asking me if we were coming to this party. I think she was fishing for an invite.”

I laugh. “What did you say?”

He shrugs. “I got rid of her. She ain’t my type and I’m not up for being Penn’s ex’s rebound.”

Thank God. “You’re right. He’d like nothing better than to say that we’re Star Cove’s number two team and we took his sloppy seconds. Just an asshole refers to a woman in those fucking terms.”

My best friend shakes his head. “Yeah, that’s what he said last year when I fucked a girl he’d fucked in high school or some shit like that.”

I remember that. If I hadn’t already had serious beef with Penn, his cocky attitude and the way he treats everyone around him, not just women, would be enough for me to hate his guts.

But I’m going to beat him on a professional level and show the world that Darrius Penn got his spot on DeLaurent’s team just because his father and the late skydiving legend were teammates.

“Do you want another beer?” Channing asks.

“Nah, I think I’ll go do the rounds with a few people Dad wants us to network with and then call it a night. This party is fucking lame and I’ve already had enough of seeing Penn walking around like he didn’t get his ass handed to him at Nationals last year. Where’s Jameson?”

Channing and I look around the room and he chuckles. “I’ll be damned. You just said it’s always the same groupies here and there’s no one worth a second glance but I think our brother just struck gold. Look at him at the bar.”

I look in the direction he’s pointing and holy fuck!

Sure enough, Jameson is flirting with a girl I’d definitely remember if I’d seen her before.

She’s hot in an understated, classy way. Petite, with silky brown hair that tumbles down her shoulders in wavy layers, dressed in a sparkly dress that hugs her gorgeous curves showing just the right amount of them.

“Who the fuck is she?” I ask.

Channing is watching them just as intently as I am. “I have no idea. But I’d definitely like to get to know her.”

I’m about to walk over to them and introduce myself when Penn’s sister approaches them. “Right, maybe I’ll find out who the new hottie is from J.”

Channing barks out a laugh. “I hear you, dude. Penn’s sister is even more obnoxious than Penn himself.”

I agree wholeheartedly. “Right. Let’s do a final round of the party, make sure Dad sees us and then let’s get the fuck out of here.”

I walk outside, where the Wild Horse PA is chatting with Gina DeLaurent and I approach them with my friendliest smile.