Page 17 of The Heartbreakers

“Hey dude, finally! We’ve been looking everywhere for you! Oh, you found some company? Sorry!”

I gasp, jumping away from him as if we’d been caught doing something wrong when a deep voice sends us crashing back into reality.

Two guys are looking at us with amused smiles on equally handsome features.

One is Jameson, the guy I was talking to earlier on, the one who stood up for me when Anna was being a bitch.

I don’t know the other guy but he’s the tallest and broadest of the three, with dark blond hair and green eyes that shimmer bright even under the dim light on the beach.

It’s obvious that our moment is over now that we’re no longer alone and I think Peyton is as disappointed as I am, if I have to judge by the annoyance in his voice.

“Lenley,” he says rolling his eyes at his chuckling friends. “These two assholes are my best friends and teammates. The big one’s Channing and the other one is Jameson.”

Jameson winks at me. “Hey, Lenley.”

Channing smiles, clapping Peyton on one shoulder. “I see you’re fraternizing with the enemy, dude. But when the enemy is so hot, I can’t really blame you.”

Peyton shakes his head, barking out a laugh. “Stop trying to charm Lenley, brother. In reality, she was saving Penn’s life by keeping me busy. Because I was about to go and beat the shit out of him for being even a bigger asshole than we thought he was and making Lenley cry.”

Jameson arches a perfect eyebrow. “He made her cry? What did that bastard do this time?”

By the look in their eyes, it’s more than obvious that there’s no love lost between Darrius and the Devils.

I’m not surprised because every time the rival team is mentioned, Darrius has nothing but harsh words.

Peyton and I tell his two best friends what happened between me and Darrius. I actually fill them in about what happened last year on my birthday.

“Fuck,” Channing says, running a hand through his blond hair and mussing it up with just the result of looking somehow more attractive than before. “What a piece of shit!”

Jameson agrees with his best friend. “I would’ve understood if he had no idea about your feelings for him but what a bastard! He knew you were waiting for him while he was fucking anything that looked at him twice and he has the balls to tell you that he doesn’t like inexperienced girls?”

I’m mad at Darrius but a part of me feels guilty that I’m talking about him with his rivals. “I don’t know, guys. I always thought that the timing wasn’t right, you know? He seemed to always have a girlfriend and—”

“Trust me.” Channing snickers. “Having a girlfriend has never stopped him from getting his dick wet whenever some other girl offered at a party or after a competition.”

Peyton nods. “That’s true. The press labeled us as bad boys and maybe they aren’t wrong. But we’ve never hurt anyone like Penn does. If we want to have some fun, we make sure that the girl knows exactly what we’re offering. We don’t tell lies for the sake of getting laid and we don’t have girlfriends waiting for us at home.”

I sigh, shocked by what they’re saying about Darrius. “Right. So it’s just me he doesn’t like.”

Jameson wraps one arm around my shoulders and I find comfort in the gesture. “I think we’ve established that he’s an asshole. It serves him right that you kissed Peyton. Darrius hates all three of us for stealing his precious spotlight and coming to compete with him on his own turf.”

Peyton’s eyes flash with an amused glint. “Actually, I think you should fucking tell him that we kissed. I guarantee you he’ll be pissed.”

I laugh for the first time tonight. “Oh you’re right about that! He warned me against the three of you last year and again tonight.”

Channing beams at me. “If that’s the case, why don’t you tell him that you and Peyton hooked up? Give him a bit of his own fucking medicine. I bet he was being a douche because he thought that you’d still be waiting for him.”

I nod. “Maybe you’re right. He knows I’ve never even looked at another guy.”

Peyton’s dark blue eyes meet mine. “I think you should do way more than telling him that we kissed. You should show him how much he missed out on by being a douche.”

I’m not sure about what he means. “How?” I ask.

Peyton’s smile is full of dark promises. “He doesn’t find you attractive because you aren’t as experienced as the girls he keeps chasing? Beat him at his own game. Get good at all the shit you’ve been waiting to do with him.”

I’m still confused. “How would I do that?”

His smile widens. “Hang out with us. Channing, Jameson and I will teach you everything we know. We’ll teach you how to fuck better than any girl Penn could ever hook up with. We’ll show you how to have him eating off the palm of your hand and when he’ll be begging you to give him a chance, you’ll tell him to fuck off.”

Channing high fives him. “You know what, dude? That’s not a bad idea. I think Penn totally deserves it.”

I consider their offer and I’m surprised that I don’t hate the idea. “So to be clear, you want to have sex with me?”

The three of them nod in unison. “We want to do everything you can possibly think of. Again, and again, and again until you’re better than a porn star in bed and Penn will have to beg.”

I smile at the idea of Darrius begging me like I’ve been begging him. “All three of you?”

Again, they all nod. “We all have our areas of expertise, and every man likes things slightly different in bed. By being with each of us, you’ll have a good amount of experience on pretty much everything.”

I look at them.

They’re gorgeous and they’ve been kinder to me than Darrius has ever been. “If I said yes, what’s in it for the three of you? I know you can have any girl you want. That’s what you guys are famous for, right? The Heartbreakers.”

Peyton rolls his eyes at the nickname. “Well fuck, Lenley, forgive me for stating the obvious, but we get to have sex with a super hot girl.”

Jameson agrees. “Plus teaching you everything will be fun. Not just for us, for you too. You’ll have more orgasms than the unlucky girls who hook up with Penn. Because our job wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t teach you how to take what’s yours.”

Channing nods. “I’ve never been with a virgin, Lenley. In a way, we’ll all learn something.”

Peyton takes my hand, bringing it to his lips. “We’ll have fun and the best part of it? We’ll watch Penn’s face when he begs you for a chance and you tell him that he’s a loser and he wouldn’t know how to please you.”

I think about it. “So you want to do that to help me and to stick it to your rival?”

Peyton nods. “Correct. Would that be a problem that pissing Darrius off is part of the deal?”

I don’t know. I’m tempted for so many reasons but I need time to think. “Can I think about it?”

Peyton smiles. “Of course you can. Sleep on it and we can get together tomorrow and if you have any questions, we can discuss the details. You know where we live, right?”

I do.

When the guys walk me back to my house, the party is over and there’s no sign of Darrius or my friends.

Mom has probably gone to bed too, judging by the fact that all the lights are off.

“Have a good night, Lenley. Talk to you tomorrow.” Peyton kisses me on the temple before turning away.

Channing and Jameson hug me good night.

“Sweet dreams, princess,” Jameson whispers with a wink in my direction.