When she realized she’d have to break the news to her grandpa, her stomach threatened to purge again. It was a given he’d kick her out, but Paige had no clue where to go. Before their fight, she would have happily packed her bags and moved in with Austin, like he’d insisted. Sadly, Paige didn’t think his offer was still on the table. She could spend a few nights on the couch in Gina’s loft, but that wasn’t a viable, long-term solution, simply a temporary Band-aid.

I have to pull myself together, stop crying, and rationally think this through.

Standing on shaky legs, she splashed cold water on her face. As she was drying her skin, she heard her Grandpa and Johnny talking outside.

Thank god, the house is empty.

Shuffling to the kitchen, she poured herself a cup of coffee, then sat down at the table. She stared at the worn, scarred wood as she slowly lifted the wand from her pocket and placed it in front of her. Paige pressed a hand to her stomach, wondering if a boy or a girl was growing inside her. Then she closed her eyes and imagined what their child would look like.

A fat tear rolled down her cheek, then another and another as a sob tore from her throat.

“What’s wrong?”

Paige yelped and jumped as Johnny rushed toward her. She tried to slide the piece of plastic back into her pocket, but his eyes were already glued to the pink plus while his jaw fell open.

“Oh, shit. Did you just find out?”

Paige nodded and wiped the tears from her cheeks, then pocketed the wand.

“Please…” she sniffed. “Don’t tell Grandpa. He needs to hear this from me.”

Johnny pulled out a chair and sat down before cupping her hand. “I won’t say anything, Paige. It’s not my place. The father…is it that Carson guy?”

She nodded.

“Shit. What are you going to do, Paige? Raymond hates him, hates that whole family.”

“I know,” she moaned, breaking down all over again.

Johnny cringed, realizing he’d said the wrong thing. He then launched out of his chair and knelt down beside her, softly stroking her back. “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay. Don’t cry, please. You haven’t told the Carson dude yet, have you?”

“His name’s A-Austin,” she sobbed. “And n-no. Things are…s-strained right n-now. We’re b-barely t-talking.”

Johnny groaned sympathetically, then stood and lifted Paige from her chair before hugging her gently.

She didn’t want his comfort, she wanted Austin’s, but it might be too late.

Johnny didn’t mean a thing to her, but she couldn’t push him away. He was warm and strong and cared enough to hold her while she sobbed into his shirt. Still, it felt wrong to even let him hold her. Paige focused on pulling herself together, then eased out of his arms.

“Thanks. I’m okay now,” she said, using the sleeve of her robe to mop up her face.

“You don’t have to thank me, honey. It’s tearing me apart to see you this upset. I know you haven’t told Austin yet, but…I’m here for you, understand?”

“No, I don’t understand.”

“I’m saying if Austin kicks you to the curb, I’ll marry you.”

Like a piece of paper torn in half, two divergent emotions collided within.

Agony at the thought of Austin kicking her to the curb.

And anguish over ever having to marry Johnny.

Heart racing, head spinning, and knees shaking, Paige sat back down in her chair and gaped up at him.

“I know. I know. We don’t love each other, but who knows?” He shrugged. “We might learn to share a love one day. It wouldn’t be so hard to live with me, would it?”

Yes. It would be…dull. Boring. Loveless. Pure hell!

“You could do a lot worse than me, Paige. I’m a hard worker. I’d never cheat on you, as long as…you know, we stayed active in the bedroom.


“I’ll make a good father because I had a good role model. My folks will love you. My brothers will be jealous. I’ll be the king of the Nelson ranch and you’ll be my queen.”

“I don’t do crowns,” she blurted, still trying to analyze and compartmentalize the riot of insanity roiling inside her.

Johnny chuckled. “I won’t make you wear one. Look, I’m not asking you to marry me today. I’m just sayin’…if you need me to put a ring on your pretty little finger, I’m more than willing.”

“Why?” she asked, still trying to process his backhanded proposal.

“Because your grandpa ain’t gonna live forever. You’re gonna need someone strong and dedicated like me to care for this ranch. Raymond already told me you’re set to inherit when you marry or he passes. I didn’t plan on proposing to you until after he was gone, but now that you got a baby on the way, we can speed things up and just get married. Hopefully, he’ll keep living long enough to enjoy his great-grandchild as well as many more days in the sun. And when the Lord finally calls him home, you and I will stay…living a long, comfortable life right here on the ranch.”

Like a gong, Paige realized what motivated Johnny to propose.

Anger and resentment thundered through her veins as Paige pressed her lips together in a thin, tight line and stood. “All those times you insisted on going to the grocery store to carry the heavy bags, all the times you hauled the wet laundry to the clothesline, you weren’t doing them to honestly help me, were you? You don’t want me or my baby. All you want is Grandpa’s land.”

“Yes, I do,” he boldly confessed, which shocked her even more. “But I’m willing to save your reputation and take you right along with your land.”

Paige growled and took a step back, but before she could lift her leg and kick him square in the balls, Grandpa bellowed his name.

“Think about it. We’ll talk again soon.” He winked, pecked her on the cheek, and raced out the door.