

Sitting down in my home office the next morning, I flipped my laptop open and went to the zoom call I had set up with the guys. We had a group text going constantly, but this was the easiest way to announce my big news. Sera had given me the green light to tell anyone I wanted as long as it wouldn’t get back to her kids. She was waiting for the right moment to tell them.

I’d already told my parents and, as expected, they were thrilled. A little surprised considering I hadn’t mentioned Sera until my father had asked me about her, but excited. They had full confidence in my ability to be a father and to take on the role of stepfather, which was good to hear because I definitely had more fear of failing at that aspect of my new life. I had no experience and no time to prepare.

It was just go time.

As my friends’ faces popped up and we gave each other greetings, it was obvious from Miles’s expression that he already knew Sera was pregnant. He was shifting a lot and messing with his earbuds. I knew that Toni knew so I wasn’t surprised.

“So what’s up, Cash?” Dak asked. He was in his dining room in New Jersey in the apartment he shared with Eloise. I could see her moving around in the kitchen behind him “Why a zoom call? Not that I mind seeing all your ugly faces, but this feels like big news.”

“I have a girlfriend,” I said, then instantly regretted leading with that. It didn’t sound right. Before I could even elaborate, they all started laughing.

“That is newsworthy,” JJ said. “Cash got himself a lady, call TMZ.”

“Fuck you,” I said, though I was in too awesome of a mood to let them razzing me bother me. “That’s just the prelude.”

“Yeah, let him tell you who his girlfriend is,” Miles said.

“It’s not your girlfriend, Miles, is it?” Train said. “Toni dump you for Cash?”

Miles snorted. “That would never happen.”

“Where are you, Train?” I asked, distracted. “Is that the Statue of Liberty behind you?” He was obviously outside on some kind of deck, lounging on a wicker loveseat in his workout gear.

“I’m on the rooftop deck of our apartment building. Pretty sweet, huh?”

“Very.” Even a country boy like me could appreciate that view. “How’s the baby?”

“Dude, she’s amazing. I’m on my phone, so I’m going to go back downstairs so you can see her.” His image bounced as he stood up.

“Tell us about your girlfriend, Cash. Anyone we know?”

“His girlfriend is Toni’s sister, Sera,” Miles said. “He took her to Mexico.”

“Hey. Let me tell my story,” I said, mildly irritated with Miles. I wasn’t even sure why he disliked the idea of me and Sera together so much. Or maybe he didn’t. I couldn’t get a read on his attitude other than that it sucked.

“Vacationing together, that sounds serious,” Dak said. “I’m happy for you, bro.”

“Thanks, man, and it is serious,” I said. “We’re having a baby. Sera’s pregnant.” I couldn't stop a grin from splitting my face.

“Holy shit, no kidding?” Dak said. “Damn, son, congrats.”

“What?” JJ said. “You little bastard, look at you, moving fast. That’s fantastic.”

“That makes me Uncle Miles, doesn’t it?” Miles said, leaning back in his chair. He was actually smiling.

“Not until you marry Toni.”

“We’re engaged. Same difference.”

Train’s screen stopped bouncing around and his face appeared in the elevator. “Congrats. You’re going to love being a dad. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“Yeah, well, I took your advice. When Miles texted at Thanksgiving asking how to get a woman to accept your marriage proposal and you said knock her up. I took that literally.”

“How is that neither of you know how to use birth control?” Dak asked. “Just as a general question.”

“If you have a big dick you always have potential for breakage,” I said with a smirk.

“Exactly,” Train said, entering his apartment. “It’s not our fault we’re just packing more. Ask my wife about my cock.”

“Excuse me?” we all heard Sydney say. “What the hell are you talking about? Or I should ask who you’re talking to.”

“The guys. Cash is having a baby. Well, his girl is having a baby.”

Sydney’s face appeared as she wrenched the phone away from Train. “What? Oh my God, Cash, that’s fantastic! Who is your girlfriend? When can we meet her?”

“Could I have my phone back?” Train said in the background.

“No. Go get the baby, please. I hear her fussing.”

“My girlfriend’s name is Sera. She is Miles’s girlfriend Toni’s sister.”

“That sounds fun. Double dating.”

“Toni’s great. Miles, I could take him or leave him.”

Miles flipped me off.