“Are we dating for real or just pretending to date?” I wasn’t sure I could pretend to be in a relationship when it wasn’t actually a relationship because I did in fact actually want to be in a relationship.

“I don’t pretend to do anything.” Cash sounded offended by the concept. “I mean dating for real.” He rubbed my upper arms. “I care about you. I want a happy life for our baby, and an easier one for you. Why wouldn’t we give it a shot?”

I wanted to. More than anything. But I needed to be logical, not jump into this based on emotion. “I can think of three reasons why we shouldn’t. One, we don’t know each other well enough. Two, I’m older than you. Three, if it doesn’t work out, I risk my kids being caught in the middle of it.” The thought of my kids experiencing any more turmoil in their lives than they already had made me feel sick. My heart couldn’t take it.

“We know each other as well as anyone does. The age difference is irrelevant. And I would never do anything that would hurt your kids. Or mine.”

His. I took a deep breath. “But there are no guarantees it would work.”

“There are no guarantees with anything. But I can give you three reasons why it’s more likely to succeed than not.”

That had me curious enough to ask, “What are those?”

“One, money makes raising kids easier and I happen to be in possession of a lot of money.”

I wasn’t going to argue with that one.

He took a step closer to me.

“Two, four hands are better than two and two heads are better than one. You won’t have to do all the heavy lifting. I even change diapers.”

That was completely believable. Cash was that type of man.

His hands fell on my shoulders and he brushed the back of his thumb over my bottom lip.

“Three, I will eat your pussy at least three times a week. Guaranteed. You said there are no guarantees, but I can guarantee that.”

My nipples hardened and my inner thighs flooded with heat. Dirty Cash was back and I did not mind.

Money, help, sex.

How could I possibly argue with any of those?

Besides, I wanted Cash. I wanted there to be an us. I had every day since I’d gotten home from Mexico. “That’s a hell of a hand you just threw down on the table. That is a royal flush, Cash Young.”

“I know. Tell me what kind of player you are, Serafima.”

“I’ve got no argument that can beat those cards,” I breathed, arching my back toward his touch when he shifted to stroke my nipple through my T-shirt. “I fold.”

“Smart move.” He cupped my cheeks and gave me a passionate kiss. “I can’t wait to get you naked.”

That snapped me back to my senses. My kids were outside. We’d already been gone for longer than would please Marigold. “We should go back before we’re caught. Maybe we can go to dinner or something to talk about things.”

“Yeah, sure. Will you be mad if I tell you I’m excited?” He kissed my forehead softly, tenderly. “Thank you for making me a father, Sera.”

That made me want to cry. I was very lucky that Cash was this baby’s father. I knew that wholeheartedly, even in the midst of all my confusion and mixed feelings. My lip started to tremble. My eyes welled up.

“Is any part of you excited?” he asked. “Even just a little?”

“Of course. When Marigold was born, it was such an amazing moment, you know? I’d gone through so much to have her. It was nothing but joy. But I also knew with total clarity that she was it. The last baby I’d ever have, and I was so sad about that. I didn’t feel ready to be done necessarily, but my body told me I was done.”

“And now you’re not done.”

I nodded rapidly, tears opening falling now. “And it’s all in this crazy way and I’m overwhelmed and I don’t know how to feel. But a baby, Cash… I get to hold a baby again.”

Cash wrapped me up in a hug and his strong arms were exactly what I needed. “It’s going to be fantastic.”

“That part, yes. But I am worried about the kids. They’ve never seen me date. We need to be really delicate as to how we tell them.”

“At least they know me a little and they seem to like me.”

“They do.” I briefly leaned on his chest then pulled back to look at him. “How was your visit with your family?”

“It was good. They’re going to be happy about this news, I can tell you that. This will be their first grandchild.”

That made my stomach tighten. “Seriously? All those siblings and not one had the courtesy to take the pressure off of us and do it first?”

He laughed. “Nope. My sister Patsy is a doctor living in Haiti and not married. My brother George is married but no kids yet. Hank is just a guy who hates responsibility and should not be having kids ever as far as I’m concerned. Toby would make a good dad but he’s not seeing anyone and Conway and Faith are in their early twenties.”

The only one who had an excuse was Patsy, as far as I was concerned. “Maybe you should wait to tell them until I’m in my second trimester.” The thought of losing the baby made me feel light-headed. If that happened, that would just be terrible.

“Hey, it’s going to be fine.” Cash cupped my cheeks and kissed me softly.

“What are you guys doing?”

I jumped out of Cash’s arms and collided with the island, my cheeks going pink. My kids were standing there staring at me with gaping mouths. The question came from Johnny.

Ava nudged him. “What does it look like they’re doing?”

He glared at her. “I know what they’re doing. I meant more like why are they doing that?”

I was in a blind panic. “Y’all know Mama and Cash are friends.”

Marigold came running over and inserted herself between me and Cash, grabbing onto my leg. She made a sound of displeasure.

“Do you make out with all your friends?” Ava asked, grinning. She didn’t look upset, she looked gleeful.

“Hey,” I said. “Watch how you talk to me.”

“Your mom and I are seeing each other,” Cash said. “We’re dating. We’ve been planning to tell you but it looks like y’all caught us.” He gave a relaxed, charming smile. “Cat’s out of the bag.”

And just like that, my kids seemed fine.

“Cool,” Johnny said. He held his hand out for a fist bump with Cash.

A fist bump? Seriously?