Oh my God. I was wavering. I could feel it. I was going to cave and let her sleep in a giant king bed by herself in a suite I had paid for. I took a last stance. “If I’m not sleeping in the bed, I’m not having sex with you in the bed.”

“That’s fine,” she said.

Just like that. Fine. That shit had backfired on me. Big time. I had just condemned myself to blue balls. I swear, she was on the verge of making a grown-ass man cry. No sex? That was the whole point. Sure, beaches are great. Swimming with the dolphins is fucking adorable. That goes without saying. But I was here to have Sera in every way possible for as much as was possible.

“We’ll just have sex other places in the suite.” She gave me an enticing smile.

I was so relieved, I said, “Deal.”

“Thanks!” She slid the glass door closed in my face. The drapes yanked shut, blocking her from view.

Little Miss Control Freak was taking back her power.

I shook my head and grinned at the door.

It only made her that much sexier.