And there was no way I was stupid enough to point out that the bikini she was currently wearing on the beach wasn’t that different from naked. Nope. Not pointing that out. I was just going to enjoy the view and keep my mouth shut. Something I was good at.

Besides, there were a few crucial differences, and it was clearly weighing on her that she had a scar. I just needed to be patient and reassure her both with words and actions that I could care less about something like that. She’d had three kids. I respected that. It was part of what made her attractive to me. She was a nurturer, she cared deeply, and that was sexy as hell.

I watched her tentatively step into the surf, then jump back with a laughing shriek when the wave splashed over her feet. A server had brought me a beer and chicken wings. I was sipping my beer and fantasizing about sucking Sera’s nipples and trailing kisses down her stomach. Then I could plunge my tongue inside her.

Earlier had only taken the edge off for me. I wasn’t kidding when I said I intended to take advantage of every single minute with her.

It was then that I realized that eating hot wings was about the dumbest thing I could ever do under these circumstances. Only an amateur would have lingering hot sauce on his fingers or mouth and then go down on a woman. She’d hit the ceiling if I did that. I hadn’t even picked one up yet, thank God. I stared at them longingly but I wasn’t touching them. You could wash your hands six times and brush your teeth and not guarantee you wouldn’t light her on fire. And not in a good way.

Sera came running up the beach, smiling as I called the server back over.

“I changed my mind. Can you take these and I’ll have a Club sandwich with fries, thanks.”

“You don’t want the wings?” Sera asked, sitting at the foot of my chaise chair. “You sounded so excited about them.”

“Changed my mind.” Turned out Sera wasn’t the only one out of practice with romance. I needed to step up my A game.

“Cash, your shoulders are getting burned. You need sunscreen.” Sera pulled a tube out of her bag and squirted an absurd amount into her hands. “Here, let me get it.”

She stood up and came around the back of my chair. The cool lotion felt cold on my hot skin and her long fingers swept it around in a circular motion. I grunted in appreciation. “That feels fantastic.”

It felt sexual to me until she rubbed it into my earlobes. It was then I realized she had just gone into mom mode. She really was just worried about me getting a sunburn. I picked up my beer and took a giant sip. I had never dated a woman with children before and it definitely had its unique considerations. All good, just different from what I was used to.

Not that we were dating.

At any rate, a little care at the hands of a woman was nothing I was going to turn down. As long as she didn’t make me spit out my gum into her hand, I didn’t mind.

“Do you want to go in the water with me?” she asked.

I turned and she was standing right next to my chair. My eyes went right to her pussy, with just a scrap of red fabric stretched across it. I forgot what she had asked me, preoccupied with the thought of teasing down the bikini bottoms and tasting her. Sera spoke again but I didn’t hear a word she said.

“Are you even listening to me?” she asked.

“Nope. What did you say?”

“This is supposed to be an improvement from being at home. You’re as bad as my kids.”

That was not okay. Comparisons to her children would get me nowhere. “It’s not my fault you’re distracting me. I can’t even think when you’re this close to me.”

“Nice recovery. I asked if you want to go in the water with me. I want to try it before I eat just in case that whole thing about getting a cramp is true.”

Sera had ordered a salad but it hadn’t arrived yet.

“I would love to.” Splashing around in the water with Sera probably wasn’t going to cool me off, but I didn’t care.

I stood up. “Now the key is to just run straight into the ocean. No dipping your toes. No jumping back. You have to just take off running and keep going until your feet have nothing to touch. Got it?”

“Got it. I used to run track in high school. I love to run.” She kicked off her flip-flops and went into a runner’s stance.

“I bet you’re faster than me. I’m not exactly a sprinter.”

“What does the winner get?”

“Oh, it’s a race now?” I asked, kicking off my own sandals. “Alright. I can get behind a little friendly competition. What do you think the winner should get?”

“For one hour the other person has to do everything you say. So if I say walk backwards, you have to.”

Intriguing. “Within reason, of course.”

She grinned. “Of course. Nothing dangerous or illegal and the loser gets the use of a safe word.”

I was torn between wanting to win and having Sera obeying my commands and throwing the race so that I could see what she wanted to do to me.

“I’m game. If I win I’m making you a hair appointment here on the resort.”

“A hair appointment? That’s your big way to torture me?”

“Who said anything about torture? You should be blonde again. Since you’re having fun.”

“You can come up with something better than that.”

“I have a whole hour.”

“If you win.”

“What are you going to do to me?”

“You’ll see. I don’t tip my hand. Now quit stalling.”