“Damn,” he breathed, finally releasing my wrists and slapping his palm on the wall to hold himself up. “Serafima.”

My name sounded even sexier this time through his satisfaction.

He pulled back with a groan and I brought my arms down, my whole body shaky and sensitive, my orgasm effects lingering.

My dress fell back over my hips as I stared at Cash with wide eyes. “I think you had the right approach to me,” I murmured. “That was perfect.”

His expression was both satisfied and smug. “It’s nice to be appreciated.” He removed the condom. “I’m going to take a quick shower. Want to join me?”

I shook my head. I wasn’t ready to soap up bare ass naked with Cash. That felt very intimate and that was intimidating to me. “I’m going to check out the view. I’ll shower once the luggage arrives.”

Cash gave me a brief kiss and then stepped back. He peeled off his T-shirt over his head and I was momentarily distracted by the sight. I’d never seen that much of his bare skin before and he had a very muscular physique. I was eager to explore his chest, feel all that hardness beneath my fingers. Then he startled me when he kept going and dropped his shorts to the floor, followed by his boxer briefs. My mouth fell open at the view in front of me. That was a lot of man.

Obviously he didn’t think being naked in the middle of the day with me was a big deal. He even bent over to pick up his discarded clothes. I had honestly never seen an ass that hard in my entire life. Then I nearly laughed out loud at myself. My experience with naked men was limited to my husband and he had been a very average man. He had been attractive and fit but not crazy muscular. Not this. Big and brawny like a lumberjack. Or, you know, a professional football player.

When he went into the bathroom, I wandered around the suite. It was all white porcelain tile, light furniture, and a view to die for. The living area opened up fully to a patio that not only seemed about a stone’s throw from the ocean, but had a tiny pool. A private pool. It was insane. The bedroom also opened onto the patio, but had a privacy wall and a hot tub. It was unbelievably beautiful and I felt spectacularly happy.

This was going to make up for not taking a vacation for the last ten years.

I sat down on one of the lounge chairs on the patio and stretched out. I should be a little concerned about the lack of sunscreen, but I just wanted to sit there for a minute and feel the heat of the sun on my skin.

Cash came outside wearing nothing but a towel. He sat down on the chaise next to me and put his hands behind his head. “This is perfect. It’s been too cold in Tennessee the last few weeks for this Louisiana boy.”

“Do you miss it?” I asked. I couldn’t imagine being that far from my family. Well, from my sisters. My mother and father were a different story.

“Yep. I for sure miss my family. Now that the season is done I’ll go down for the whole month of March. Maybe even April but that depends on my ranch manager. I don’t want to leave him with too much on his plate. I only have the four horses but they don’t allow for weekends off.”

“That is true. You have a beautiful ranch.” He did. That kind of land was my dream when I was a kid. Nowadays my dreams were just a night of uninterrupted sleep and a low gas and electric bill.

“Thanks. I have been very fortunate in my life.”

“Did you always want to play football?”

He nodded. “Yes. I was big and I was good at it so I enjoyed it.” He shifted in his chair and his towel flapped open.

“Are you going to fix that?” I asked. That was a whole lot of Cash on display. It made me replay how it had felt to have him inside me. Just twenty minutes ago. And now we were casually chatting. It was mind-boggling. A little strange. I was fighting the urge to giggle.

“Nope. In fact.” He took the whole towel off. “This towel is damp. I’m not enjoying it.”

I glanced around, panicked that a guest would walk by and see him. “What if you get caught?”

“There are only forty casitas in this resort and they’re all private. No one is going to see me. I paid a lot for the right to do whatever I want on this patio. You could take your sundress off if you want to.”

“I don’t think so.” I sounded embarrassingly prude. I felt compelled to add, “A sunburn would ruin our trip.”

“Good point. I want to be at peak performance.”

To my relief, he put the towel back on over his cock. Then I was annoyed by myself for pulling a “mom” on him, so I tried to be a little flirty.

“So tomorrow is phase two of Cash Approaches Sera?” I asked. I wanted that massage. Maybe even more than the oral sex. Then I thought about how long it had been since a man had gone down on me and I changed my mind. I could book a massage appointment if I really wanted to. The image of the tongue emoji popped into my head.

“Tomorrow?” Cash looked comically dumbfounded. Like when cartoon characters shake their heads to music. “It’s only two o’clock. We have plenty of time to make that happen today.”

“Today?” I don’t know why I had just assumed one sexual encounter per day, but it was probably based on previous experience.

“We only have five days. We need to take advantage of our time.”

I really liked the sound of that. “I’m not going to argue with you. I don’t want to squander my opportunity.”

“What do you want to do right now? Eat lunch? Take a walk on the beach?” He gestured to the pool. “Take a plunge?”

“We don’t have our luggage. No swimsuits.” There was just no way I could casually strip down and leap around in the pool like a model at the Playboy mansion grotto.

He eyed me like that was just a silly comment. Which it was.

Then suddenly his eyebrows raised and he made a sound like it had dawned on him what I was doing. Had been doing. “Are you afraid to be naked in front of me?” he asked.

I guess I was more transparent than I’d thought. “I mean, I’m not afraid so much as I’m just not fully comfortable.”

“Can I ask why? Is it just the fact that it’s been awhile?”

I hesitated, debating if the truth would make the situation better or worse. I decided some things I could fake it until I make it, but not this. I had to be upfront with Cash. “It’s definitely a part of it, but there’s more than that. Only my husband has ever seen me completely naked. Sure, I had a couple of boyfriends before him, but we just did a lot of under-the-clothes action. I know, that sounds crazy given that I’m thirty-five, but it’s true.”

“I understand. I don’t think it’s crazy at all.”