“Of course.”

I lowered my voice. “Then go in the bathroom and take them off.”

“Why?” she whispered, her eyes wide.

“You’ll see,” I murmured. “Do it. Now.”

For a split second I wasn’t sure she would comply, but then without a word she undid her seat belt and stood up. She moved past me and I helped her by gripping her hips. I brushed my palms over her ass and my thumbs over the front of her thighs. I had big hands. She had small hips. My thumbs were touching her very, very close to her pussy. I had the fabric of her dress pulled taut and I could see the outline of her sex.

If we were in private, I would lean forward and kiss her there.

I settled for staring.

Sera made a sound of dismay before she shifted away from me and into the aisle. She looked around, blocking the aisle as more passengers were trying to board. “It’s at the front,” I told her, gesturing to the bathroom. “The door that says lavatory.”

She gave me a look like she might just plop back down in her seat but she didn’t. She held her hand out. “Hand me my purse.”

Right. She needed somewhere to put the panties once she took them off of her body. The thought made me shift a little in my seat. “Sure.” I handed her the purse.

Sera slipped past a woman leaning against the wall, looking bored as the aisle remained clogged all the way to at least the tenth row.

The flight attendant reappeared with our drinks and I dropped my tray table so she could set them down.

“Can I get you anything else?”

“Do you have a blanket?”

“Of course, Mr. Young.”

“Thank you.”

“Is your wife feeling better?”

Wife. It was never a word that gave me instant fear like some men. I didn’t dread the idea of marriage, of settling down with one woman. I wanted that. I wanted what my parents had. A lot of love, a lot of kids, and a lot of laughter. So I didn’t bother to correct the flight attendant, which would probably just make her uncomfortable.

The reasons might go deeper than that too, but I wasn’t willing to admit that just yet.

“Yes, she’s fine, thank you. She’s just a nervous flyer.”

She went in pursuit of a blanket and I took a sip of my drink. The door to the bathroom flew open harder than necessary and slammed against the wall. Sera jumped and shoved it back closed. She was clutching her purse in front of her midsection, like she was worried people would be able to tell she wasn’t wearing panties.

When she saw I was watching her, her cheeks turned pink.

Sera was blushing. I found that to be just about the hottest fucking thing ever.

Given that the plane was mostly boarded now I stood up and into the aisle this time to let Sera into her seat. I didn’t trust myself to not touch her if she had to shimmy past me. Because the flight was international, we had more privacy than domestic flights. There was a partial wall between my seat and the aisle and no way to see through the seats to those behind us. There was a partition between our seats but it dropped down. I did that as soon as Sera was settled back in.

She took a very large sip of her drink. Then promptly coughed. “That’s spicy.”

She tossed her purse on the floor and gave it a resounding kick to get it under her seat.

It kind of felt like she was losing it.

The door to the plane closed. I heard it being locked into place.


“What?” She turned to me with wild eyes, sucking hard on her straw.

I cupped her cheek and kissed her. She resisted briefly, then sighed, her lips trembling against mine. She had soft lips and soft skin and I could kiss her all day.

But she pulled away.

“People are looking at us,” Sera whispered.

“No, they’re not,” I whispered back. “No one can see us.”

“Why are you whispering?” she whispered.

“Because you are,” I whispered, thoroughly amused.

“I am?” she asked in a regular voice.

“Not anymore.” I laced her fingers through mine and squeezed her hand. “The flight attendant is going to give her safety speech then we’ll be taking off. She might take your drink away before takeoff.”

“Why?” Sera sucked on her straw again. The level of liquid in the glass was going down quickly.

“For safety. They can bring you another one as soon as we’re at cruising altitude.”

“I didn’t think I would be this nervous.”

I casually took the drink off of her tray and put it on mine so I could hand it off to the flight attendant. I didn’t want Sera loaded. “Maybe you should close your eyes and try to relax. Breathe in and out nice and deep.”

“You sound like my sister. She’s the calmest person I know after you. It’s so irritating.”

That made me laugh. “Good to know I’m irritating.”