Chapter Thirty-Five
I awoke as the sun started to come up. I loved the pastel colors of the morning, soft blues and pinks, the air crisp and fresh, the temperature maybe even a little cold. Our fire had dwindled to just some glowing embers.
“You didn’t wake up to stoke the fire, sleepyhead,” I said, chiding Coop. Stretching my back, I smiled at feel of his warm body next to mine. I turned, tucking my face into his chest. “Wakey wakey.”
Coop didn’t stir.
“Wake up.” I scrambled to my knees and shook his shoulder. Nothing. “This isn’t funny, Sharky!”
He was breathing, his pulse was strong, but his eyes stayed closed and he was completely unresponsive. Immediately I contacted Marakata to get the helo en route with medical personnel, then hustled us both back into our swimsuits.
I cradled his head in my lap as we waited. Kissing his face, I begged and pleaded with any and every God who would listen. Then when the helo landed and the medical team carried his body off on the stretcher, I didn’t hesitate to jump in with them. I didn’t look back at the little island where the fire had died out. I didn’t even look forward as the helicopter banked to the southwest taking us toward Brazil. I only looked at Coop.
My heart had shattered, not into tiny pieces, but into large, sharp shards. They cut into me with every beat and breath. I feared Coop would never open his eyes again and anything worth loving would be lost behind those eyelids, drowning in their deep blue depths.
But my brain still functioned, and with it I would move heaven and earth and all the fucking stars in the sky for him. Just like he trusted me too.
* * * *
Two days later
Amazonas, Brazil
I paced nervously in the waiting room, paying little attention to full jungle outside of the windowed walls surrounding the modern, luxurious space. Taking the moniker of medical tourism to its fullest, the clinic seemed more resort than hospital. In my short but completely stressed-out time here, I’d seen much of what Coop had told me about how special the place was. The balance of various medical beliefs and practices working together was inspiring. The staff, whether tending to purely cosmetic procedures or life-saving ones, were equally gracious and caring. It was definitely worth protecting.
I turned, tripping over Titan, who’d been pacing right behind me. Sitting in a well-appointed couch group nearby were Leo, Nik, and Thea. They’d come immediately upon hearing that Coop was unconscious. Wolfe and Vivi had arrived as well, just before Coop had gone in for surgery. They were both consulting with a security team. Hayes had never shown up at the island and now was in the wind. We’d also attracted the attention of Alvarez’s crew.
“Only easy day was yesterday,” Nik said as he came up alongside me.
“You’ve been there when he’s been in bad shape before.” I fought the quiver in my chin. “He’s going to be okay, right?”
Nik put his arm around me. “Even if he’s not, you have to be. We’ll be here for you no matter what the outcome is.”
“Does that mean HR can start your paperwork?” I asked, forcing a smile.
“I’m sure they already have. But yes, as long as you need me and Leo and Thea, we’re all here for you.”
I tucked into his side hug, but I wouldn’t feel comforted until I knew Coop was out of surgery and stable.
“It’s going to be a while before we know anything. I’m going to go with Thea to her consult on the Ibogaine.”
I nodded. We’d scrambled up a fake passport for Thea, just in case. But as yet none of us had actually gone through any official channels. Which was a good thing, because I had nothing in the way of documentation.
“Maybe you and Leo should grab something to eat?”
My stomach turned at the thought. “I don’t think I could get anything down.”
“Okay, we’ll be back soon.”
I nodded again and resumed pacing. This time Leo fell in step with me. He told me stories of Coop when he was young. How tough he’d always been, working on their family’s ranch. The antics he’d get into, the fights.
“He taught me some of my best moves. He’s tough. Probably the toughest man I’ve ever known. He’ll come through.”
“He has to,” I whispered, fearing my voice would crack.
“He loves you. No matter what happens, you have that.”