Page 30 of Wreck My Mind

I glared, half expecting him to pat his thigh and beckon me to sit on his lap. I probably would’ve. That’s how strong a hold he had on my sanity and how little a grip I had on it. Thankfully, his hands clenched the armrests as he slowly rose with an annoyed sigh.

Before I could drool over the intricacies of his straining tendons, muscles, and veins—Hello, forearm porn!—he’d pushed up to stand. Whoa. So much taller than I’d realized and growing even larger as he moved right in front of me. I felt the need to take a step back to keep the whole of him in my focus. Instead I froze, letting him shadow me.

“I believe I was clear that my offer was on the table.”

My pulse sped from hard, distinct pounds into something closer to static, crackling just beneath my skin.

He wrapped his hands around my hips, his wide fingers pressing through my breeches and into my flesh like he was branding me with his prints. I gasped and grabbed for his shoulders as he hoisted me up as if I were nothing more than an empty box. When he deposited my ass at the head of the conference table, the chill and hardness of the marble stunned my skin through the thin cotton.

From the thrill in his eyes, I was no mere package. I was a Christmas present he couldn’t wait to tear into and play with until it broke. And damn my professionalism to hell, I wanted to be his favorite toy. Ho ho ho.

Kicking Zaki’s unused chair aside, he wedged his body between my knees. Eye to eye, trading breaths, his physical presence became more potent to me than I knew how to deal with. I was toast.

His lips parted.


How was I ever going to be able to kill him if he kissed me? And if he kissed my lips, I knew I would want him to kiss everything.

“I want everything on the table, including you…”

I panicked and spat out, “I’m seeing someone.”

Coop’s forehead dropped as he dramatically collapsed down to his elbows. He made some sort of noise I couldn’t decipher, then I realized he was laughing. Laughing! I wanted to kick him, but his face was in my lap and my fingers ached to stroke his hair and keep him there.

He rolled his eyes up to look into mine. “Who are you seeing, Princess?”

Princess.Realizing I was still gripping his shoulders, pressing them down to keep his face hovering near my kus, I gave them a shove.

Coop pushed up on his palms, locking his elbows straight as he treated me to a sliver of fresh air and plenty of rope to keep hanging myself.

Swallowing, I slipped the proverbial noose over my neck. “Brecken.”

“Wolfe?” he repeated in an incredulous tone.

I nodded. “Yes. We’ve gotten very close the past couple of weeks. It’s still new, but you were right, we’re a good fit.”

He heaved an annoyed sigh, then leaned in. My pulse pounded against my eardrums as his lips hovered close.

“Liar.” He ground the harsh word out as if he were crushing it—and my heart—through his clenched teeth.

I stiffened with indignity. “Why would you say that?”

“Because, Princess, I told him if he touched you, I would cut off his hand and make him wear it around his neck, Game of Thrones style.”

I narrowed my eyes. “You did not!”

“Oh, I did.”

“Why?” I spat. When he didn’t respond immediately, I slid off the table.

I brushed Coop aside and hit the remote to open the vault door. “You know what, I don’t care why. I’m tired of playing games with you.”

“Says the woman who’s making me jealous with her imaginary boyfriend. Tell Wolfe you’ll be on the runway in a half hour for his goodbye kiss. This I gotta see.”

I started to spin back on my boot heel and growl, ‘I wasn’t trying to make you jealous!’ when I realized what he’d finally admitted to me. “You’re…jealous?”
