Page 26 of Wreck My Mind

“You think we put out this kind of spread for you, Cooper?” Vivi said with a laugh. “Lil’ BayBay and DV8 are flying in right behind you with full entourages. They’ll be staying for the week to shoot their collab video.”

“Don’t let them see you dance or you’ll never get a cameo.”

“Go eat, brat,” she said swatting me toward the food.

After going through the buffet, we settled at a long table with plates piled full. Even Titan was served a bowl of raw meats and fresh water with artisan ice.

“After your brunch, OZ will brief you gentlemen privately on the job requirements,” Vivi announced. “Thea, I know Michael arranged for you to have excellent medical care before coming here, but it wouldn’t hurt for you and Titan to be checked again. I also have scheduled our chiropractor and acupuncturist to look you both over.”

Thea choked down the delicate croissant she’d indelicately crammed in her mouth. “Um, Titan, too?”

“Yes, Michael mentioned he’d had some trouble sliding down the cliff during your rescue. OZ would prefer having our vet make sure he’s okay.”

“I’m sorry, who exactly is Michael?” Thea asked, causing the whole table to laugh.

“Michael Cooper, nice to meet you,” I said as I dipped my chin toward her. “All the animals here at Marakata Cay have access to stellar care.”

“Not just the animals, Michael,” Vivi corrected. “Thea, I’ve also booked you a few hours at our spa facilities so you can get tidied up a bit after your travels. If that meets with your approval.”

“Oh yes, thank you so much!”

“I’ll have Django meet you in the salon for your hair. And your masseur, Adrian, is a master with his hands. Be prepared for your body to be taken to heaven!”

“Adrian? Django?” Nik piped up. “I don’t know about this…”

“Is this going to be an issue for you, Steele?” I asked, noting Nik’s flexing jaw.

I’d be laughing at his obvious jealousy if I weren’t having my own fit of it. What or who was more important to Zee than seeing me, anyway?

“It’s just…” Nik growled low. “We don’t know any of these people.”

He hadn’t been apart from Thea except to go to the bathroom since Clay had abducted her. If Thea and Rebecca hadn’t already killed the motherfucker, either one of us would’ve enjoyed doing the job. But that was in the past and right now Nik needed to keep his focus forward and not on his lady love getting rubbed down by another man.

“Thea’s safe here,” Vivi said reading the situation semi-correctly. In a feathery soft tone, she assured, “OZ has matters well in hand. Security on the island is top-notch. Michael has made sure we have the best protection available. And I believe you do know Brecken Wolfe, our Chief of Island Spec Ops.”

“Wolfe’s here?”

“Yes, he’s prepping for the arrival of our next guests, but I can see if he can accompany Thea?”

Nik’s jaw flexed again. He probably was recalling Wolfe’s Nordic brawn and how the women in Coronado would lap that whole Viking look of his up. “Thea doesn’t know him.”

Thea, who was typically plucky and confident, also seemed just a bit unsure. I didn’t blame her. The last time she’d gone off without Nik, it had been with someone she’d thought she could trust—me—and I’d screwed her over. I scrubbed my face with my palms, realizing I’d been making a bad habit out of letting women down in that regard.

“I’ll stay with her,” Leo suggested before Nik backed out of the whole mission. “You can fill me in on anything I should know after.”

“You sure, man?” Nik asked.

I clapped Leo on the shoulder. “He can endure some froufrou pampering. You don’t get to be the prettiest MMA fighter out there without a little luxuriating.”

“I got to be the prettiest MMA fighter by knocking out my opponents before they could touch me, asshole.”

“Glad we got that settled,” I announced as I stood from the table. Zee had had her fun by making me wait, sweat it out. Set it up so I’d have to come to her and not the other way around. And maybe I deserved it, but now I was going to see her. “Vivi, let Zee know we’re on our way.”

“Unfortunately, Zee must sit the meeting out,” Vivi informed me. “She’s not feeling well.”

I held back from yelling, “Bull-fucking-shit!” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. She’d never missed a meeting with me before. And she’d certainly been feeling good enough to go freaking horseback riding on the beach.

Zee was avoiding me. I dropped my sunglasses over my eyes to hide the hardness I knew had formed. I bit back a frustrated growl.

You want to play games with me, Princess, bring it on.