“I can do that,” she said a grateful chuckle. “Just get me out of this water.”
After swimming the short distance, I held the Sea-Doo steady as she climbed up on it. Then I pulled myself up behind her, coiling my arms and hugging her from behind. She turned her cheek and huddled against me for a moment before saying, “Not enough gas or daylight to make it home.”
I pointed to the island. “I’ve booked a private getaway. Gotta warn you though, the accommodations might be a little rustic.”
“You know, I’ve actually stayed there before, it’s not so bad. I know a great place for coconut milk.”
“So you’ll go with me?”
She turned the personal watercraft toward the island we’d originally landed on. “Sharky, I’d go anywhere with you.”
“Promises, promises,” I teased.
She gunned the Sea-Doo so hard, I had to grab hold of her or fall off the back. I couldn’t help but smile, knowing that was exactly how life with Zee was going to be.