Page 61 of Wreck My Mind

“Oh? You wanted to be with someone and…” I recalled how earlier he’d had no erectile issues. “It worked, right? The medication. I mean, obviously, the ‘big guy’ is working now.”

He slid his palms back and forth over the tops of my thighs. “I mean, shit. Okay, this does not leave this hot tub. Yes, I filled the prescription and I’d planned to take it, but not because I intended on being with anyone. At least, not anyone specific. I was on my own.”

I held back a laugh. “Are you saying you took Viagra to masturbate?”

“Let’s call it a shoot-house run through.”

“Is that what you Team guys call it?” We both snorted at his comparing his alone time to the live-fire, close-quarters mock-ups Ops teams used to train for missions.

“I was worried I’d get one of those raging eight-hour boner things they warn you about. Anyway, you called right before I took it, and well, turned out I didn’t need the little blue pills after all.”

I widened my eyes at the awkward admission, but he didn’t look the least bit embarrassed. “You got a raging boner? From taking my call?”

“Presh, it’s hardly a novelty occurrence. More like an occupational hazard of having you for a boss.”

“It must be torture,” I replied coyly, enjoying this story way too much. Though I fully understood just how agonizing this particular ailment was, since I’d suffered from the same exact symptoms.

“I wouldn’t waste your time feeling sorry for me.”

“No? And why is that?”

“Oh, Presh, the things I got to imagine you doing… Mmm-hmm. My Rolex runs a good ten minutes fast most days.”

When I looked at him, confused, he shook his wrist as he explained, “Perpetual motion. You should be ashamed. Moral of the story—my problem wasn’t physical. My problem was the big guy likes you, and only you.”

I widened my eyes at him and he started laughing.

“You don’t have to smile so big, you know?” he groused. “It’s not like it means anything.”

We both dropped our gazes to his cock, which was straining so hard the head had popped above the steaming waterline like Nessie making an appearance at Loch Ness.

“Oh, I think it means something. Unless…?” I leaned in to wrap my hand around his shaft.

As I stroked, he pushed out a barely controlled breath. “Unless?”

I took my time answering, enjoying the feel of him in my hands as he started to look like he might lose consciousness. “Unless my new best warrior here wants another few rounds in the shoot-house?”

Coop’s lulled eyes flared back to life. “No, no, he’s ready to serve, ma’am. More than ready to infil downrange and in country, in your country.”

My grin was smothered as Coop scooped me off the hot tub’s ledge and kissed me deeply. I wrapped my legs around his hips as he spun me around and drove into me with a thrust. The forward momentum surged our bodies through the water to the opposite edge of the tub. My back flattened against the wall and he took advantage of the stability to enter me fully. Shocked, my moan of pleasure was captured in his mouth. He smiled against my lips as he rocked, pushing inside of me, penetrating me deeper and wider than I’d ever known. Filling. Stretching.

I ground my hips, meeting his intensity. He surged again, sending my head back in ecstasy. Another thrust and heave and another and another until I lost count. He adeptly flipped me around and set the same grueling pace from behind, this time taking one hand to grasp my hair and the other to cup my breast. His strong fingers clamped my hardened nipple between them, scissoring until I was begging for release. Then he buried his hand down south over my kus.

His fingers expertly stroked and swirled, teasing my flesh and setting me on fire. Just when I was about to fly off the edge into oblivion, he spun me around again. “Not yet. I need to see you,” he said through panting breaths.

He positioned my hands behind his neck as his arms looped under my knees. Watching me intently, he scooped me tight against him and plunged his cock deep again. The embrace felt awkward and tight at first. The water in the hot tub made things tricky—between buoyancy and lack of lubrication—but I fell mesmerized into his eyes. So bright with life as his thrusts became shallow and slowed to a grind as he rubbed against my G-spot.

“Oh, shit, Sharky,” I exclaimed as the maneuver sent my body out of control. “I…I…” I had nowhere to move, no way to ease back from the brink. All I could do was explode around him as he did the same inside of me.

Keeping us joined, Coop lowered until he was sitting in the tub with me straddling his lap. I clung to him, holding tight as aftershocks pulsated through me. He slipped his arms out from under my knees and banded them around me, turning our exhilarating lovemaking into an intimate and caring embrace.

The rain must’ve moved on, as the dark expanse above us was full of stars again. One blazed a bright streak across the sky, but I didn’t waste any wishes upon it. Right now, I had everything I could dream of wanting.