Page 49 of Wreck My Mind

“Do what you need to do,” I told Gray, “but let’s try to keep these searches between us until we know more. We might be stepping on some shined shoes.”

“You know me, Zee. Queen of the backdoor!”

“Never would’ve guessed.” I snickered as her hand flew in front of her mouth.

“Oh fiddlesticks, Zee!”

“I heard what I heard.” I disconnected the line before Gray could backtrack.

I glanced up, realizing at some point the evening lighting for the ship had turned on, including the green flames in the fire features. I glanced out to where the sun had finished setting, and spotted Thea. She’d be very beneficial in deciphering some of this, if only she could regain her memories. Sensing my focus, she turned from the deck’s railing and smiled.

“That was amazing! I’ve never seen such colors!” Thea exclaimed with the requisite awe of someone who’d never witnessed a ball of fire submerge into the sea before. “Is it always so vibrant?”

“Stunning, isn’t it? As are you! Dress looks great,” I said, noting she’d changed into a bright turquoise print slip dress, complemented with chartreuse earrings and necklace. Her wavy blonde bob had been pinned back on one side and her cheeks were flushed red from the day’s sun.

“Thank you so much for all the clothes and toiletries. I was shocked at all the amazing things! I don’t know how you knew what all I’d need. Much less my size.”

“Vivi’s the fashionista. I’d be in riding attire or sweatpants and T-shirts if she hadn’t completely overhauled my closet for me. Did Cait give you the full tour?”

“Oh yes, she even showed me the patch of faux grass for Titan to use as a lavatory.”

“Not to be confused with the faux grass putting green or driving tee,” I said with a laugh.

“I can’t make promises, Mr. T has a mind of his own and is totally my sharky! It’s no wonder he and Coop get along so well.”

“Yes, I saw that.” A warm rush coursed through me as I recalled how Coop had cooed and kissed on Titan while strapping him in to skydive. I imagined the feels were the same kind most women got when seeing a man hold a baby.

Cait made the rounds distributing cocktails for Nik and Leo, a large ice water for Thea, and a cold bottle of Shiner Bock, Coop’s favorite beer, on a coaster in front of the chair next to me. She then set what looked to be a mojito down in front of me. “Coop ordered it for you. Captain Magnussen sends his regrets. He and Jim have some work they need to do in the engine room. Dinner will be out very soon.”

“Thank you.”

I raised my brows as I examined the mojito. Coop knew my favorite, right down to the extra lime. I glanced around, but didn’t see him anywhere. Typical, Ghost… Still, I smiled, knowing he’d been thinking of me.

“So what were you working on?” Thea asked. “Looked serious.”

“Had to consult on a potential problem which, oddly enough, you may be able to help me with. Any memories coming back yet?”

“No, not memories. But…”

I cocked my head, encouraging her to continue. “But something?”

“Sensations, I guess? I had one when I was in the MRI tube while listening to a country song. Hearing it…I thought I was in a different place and time. It wasn’t the first time my experiences didn’t reconcile with my expectations. I’ve had a couple of reactions, or more accurately overreactions, that didn’t track with the preceding action.”

I recognized the almost disconnected way she analyzed her own situation. It wasn’t her nature, it was something she had learned. There were a lot of similarities between Thea and me. It was why I was so keen to have her on my team.

“Then there are the dreams,” she went on to explain. “When I wake up it all makes sense. Then I reach in to touch the threads—”

“Only to collapse its perfect symmetry?” I asked, recalling how trying to remember the dreams of my mother would go.

She nodded. “All that’s left is a tangled mess.”

“Like a silky gossamer spider’s web, but touching it turns it into a gross, sticky wad.”

“Yes, you understand.”

All too well.