I popped two gummy bears from the pouch in my pocket as the plane picked up speed. Knowing I might never see Zee again, I closed my eyes, trying to engrave her image on the backs of my eyelids.
We all pitched forward when the plane’s acceleration dropped sharply off and the brakes engaged.
“What now?” Nik groaned over the squelching brakes.
I craned to look out the cockpit window. In the small opening between Jessie and her copilot, Peter, right below the rearview mirror upon which a pair of fuzzy emerald green dice dangled, I could see the hold up. A vintage Bronco stopped right across the runway. The driver flagged her hand toward us. Satisfied she’d caught Jessie’s attention, Aziza pulled out of the way.
“Looks like we’re picking up a hitchhiker,” Peter hollered back to us.
I scrambled to roll up the door, smiling as the most beautiful soul on the planet sprinted to the plane with a bag over her shoulder and her rig pack in her hand.
“I didn’t think you were coming,” I said over the engine noise as I reached out to help her with her things.
Locking forearms with her, I hoisted her easily up the few feet into the fuselage. “Last-minute intel I had to take a look at. Then I couldn’t find my lucky chute and had to pack a new one.”
I mentally kicked myself. “Sorry, I should’ve made sure there was one ready to go for you.”
I signaled to Jessie that we were good to go again. After rolling the door back down, I turned to watch Aziza stow her personal belongings in the supply chest that would be dropped with us. She then quickly and awkwardly introduced herself around as the plane repositioned itself to take off again.
I squeezed over to make more room on the bench. “Aziza, here.”
Distracted, she muttered something about her rig pack, then bent down to grab it. The plane swung into position, knocking Zee off balance. She’d barely righted herself when Jessie accelerated for takeoff.
I cursed under my breath as I rose up, grasping Zee’s wrist. “Sit. Now.”
The sharp liftoff caused her body to collide against my chest as her rig fell back to the floor. Her tush dropped, settling her weight on my thigh.
“Mushaeghib!” she hollered, as if I’d orchestrated the whole thing.
She grasped for her dropped pack as it slid down the aisle, but my arm wrapped around her kept her safely in place while the plane continued to sharply climb in altitude.
Her body stiffened as I held her close. Not like in the war room when she had eagerly molded herself to me. Hmm. I dismissed her changed behavior as nerves about leaving the island or because she’d been scrambling to get to the plane.
I tucked my nose behind her ear, enjoying the smell of her shampoo. Delighting in the fact she’d used her hour and a half to do more than clear her schedule and look at last-minute intel. “Thank you,” I whispered.
Her breath stuttered as her eyes, dark and conflicted, met mine. “For what?”
“For trusting me. For being here. For finding me devastatingly handsome.”
Her laugh sounded cautious. Now I was certain something had changed since we’d parted ways leaving the war room.
“Two outta three’s not bad,” I conceded.
“Coop. What happened earlier…was earlier. And right now? We’re on a job. I’m still your boss.”
“And I’m very good at following orders,” I whispered against her nape, even though the rattling of the fuselage and humming of the twin turbo props kept our conversation private. Not that either of us noticed anyone or anything else.
I stroked my pinkie across her temple as I tucked a wayward strand of her hair behind her ear. I couldn’t help but thrill at her shiver. She might’ve cooled off since the war room, but she wasn’t frozen. Yet.
“I mean, we need to keep boundaries,” she said in all seriousness.
“Well, boss, you’re sitting in my lap, and your thigh keeps brushing against my dick like you’re playing a violin concerto. I don’t think you should be lecturing me about boundaries.”
Flustered, Zee shot up and squeaked as her hand went straight to my crotch, fingers curling around my stiffy.
“Yeah, boundaries probably aren’t your thing,” I suggested.
She jerked her hand away as if she’d been burned. I chuckled, calmly supporting her elbow to stabilize her as she stood between my legs. She pulled away from that touch as well.