Page 28 of Wreck My Mind

Zaki’s image turned to Nik, who had semi-regrouped. “I’ve heard many good things about you. Thank you for coming to my island and working this job with Coop.”

“Sorry about…uh, yeah… Pleasure is mine, sir.” Nik reached out to shake the lifelike hologram’s hand before awkwardly stepping back with a nod.

“Please have a seat, gentlemen. I’ll get right to it. As you may be aware, many years ago I was aboard a yacht that went down near the island. Several lives, including those of my son and granddaughter, were sadly taken. In addition, some irreplaceable cargo, most notably a rare emerald, was lost.

“I’ve had mixed feelings about retrieving the gemstone and disturbing what has become the last of my family’s resting place. I’d hoped the emerald’s disappearance had escaped notice. But, given the notoriety of such a jewel, and certainly its value, it would seem it has attracted attention. Someone who wishes to risk the heavily shark-inhabited waters to steal it. Worse, they have already shown they are willing to endanger innocent lives. I can’t have that happen.”

“No offense, sir, but trying to find a singular gemstone at the bottom of the ocean will be a hundred times harder than looking for a needle in a haystack,” Nik interjected. “Currents, ocean floor movement… It may not even be remotely close to the wreck site.”

“This particular emerald is no needle.”

I pushed out a frustrated sigh, still not understanding why I’d been brought in for the mission. Certainly my skills weren’t required to recover a fancy piece of treasure before some modern-day pirate could nab it. And even if they were, I knew OZ wouldn’t put my life on the line for an expensive bauble lightly. Not that anyone besides Leo knew about the tumor growing in my skull or that diving deep put me in more danger than any shark. Nor was I planning on sharing it. But there had to be more to this, because even OZ wasn’t crazy enough to be paying us five mill to play Marco Polo with some fancy piece of jewelery.

I clenched my teeth. “Why don’t you just tell us exactly what we’re here to recover?”

“The main extraction is going to be a two-hundred-thousand-carat emerald.”

Nik choked. “I’m sorry, did you say two-hundred thousand?”

“Yes. The Ozma Emerald is the world’s largest, assuming it was not damaged during the wreck, that is. It weighs nearly one ton. Not only is it larger than the Bahia Emerald, it is of infinitely better quality. Potentially worth half a billion dollars or more.”

Following the information in the electronic dossiers Vivi provided us, Zaki continued to discuss the job specifics, including the topography of the shipwreck and layout of the ship before it went down, as well as extraction options for the emerald. We also went over instruction on safely bringing something of this size to the surface.

“If the watertight vault used for its transportation wasn’t damaged, it would be the safest means of bringing the gem up. Though it will double the weight.”

“We can make an educated call at the site,” I suggested. Now that I understood the magnitude better, my mind rolled through the op details, already calculating what would be necessary to retrieve the asset, be it blasting through potential walls or floors, or cutting through the hull of the ship with underwater torches.

“And if the vault can’t be raised? I’m guessing the locking mechanism will be compromised after all these years underwater. How do you want us to get the emerald out?” Nik asked.

I leaned back in my chair and smirked. “Have you ever robbed a bank?”

“Not one a hundred and fifty feet below sea level.”

Turning away from Nik, and back to Zaki’s image, I said, “No worries, we’ll get the job done. I just have one more request.”

“Whatever equipment you require will be provided. I’ve taken the liberty of packing the necessary items and listing them on the manifest in your dossier,” Zaki assured. “Vivi will take you to the weapons vault for any additional ordinance and gear, if you have specific preferences.”

“Not equipment.” Still reclining in my chair, I clasped my hands. “What I require is a person.”

“Another hand?”

I wet my lips. “Hands, legs, lips, breasts…”

Nik eyeballed me across the table.

“You want me to provide you…a woman?” Zaki asked.

I couldn’t miss the disgust sounding in the last word. Perhaps I’d laid it on too thick, but I was enjoying this moment a little more than I’d expected to. In fact, it was hard not to let loose a chuckle. “But…not just any woman. Aziza.”

“Impossible,” OZ snapped.

I decided not to correct the assumption that I’d just requested Zee be provided as sexual companionship for me and instead mirrored Zaki’s firm assertion. “Nothing is impossible for the great and powerful OZ. And certainly an employee as loyal as Aziza would willingly do whatever you ask of her.” I could barely contain my smile, knowing that wherever Zee was hiding out, she was listening and probably shaking in her knee-high equestrian boots. “If you want me to go down in shark-infested waters and liberate your precious gemstone, you will make this happen.”

“She isn’t available.”

“Then it looks like we came a long way for nothing.”

Zaki appeared speechless. I happily took advantage.

“In fact, I’m going to need to…consult…with her before we go. Just to ensure we’re on the same page.”

“I’ll let her know your… offer,” OZ said.

“The offer’s only on the table for ten minutes.” I turned my attention to Nik. “Vivi will take you to the vault. Please let her know Aziza will be accompanying us and to arrange whatever skimpy swimsuits she might need as well. We’ll meet up with you when we’re through consulting.”

Even Nik, who had been well hazed by my bullshit over the years, was hesitant to push back from the table. He gave me a look of the what the fuck are you doing kind, but slowly stood and strode out the room. No doubt glad to get as far away from the developing shit show as he could.

I leaned back in my chair and unbuttoned the first few buttons on my crisp white dress shirt, then rolled up the sleeves. I shook my wrist and glanced at my watch then at OZ. His hologram disappeared so fast I half expected a poof of smoke and an explosion.

Your move, Princess.