Feeling a smile tug at her lips, she shrugged. “As I said, I feel like being lazy.” Her blood heated as she felt his cock begin to harden against her.

He dropped his forehead to the back of her head and swore. “Now I need to fuck you.” He hiked the tee around her waist and smoothed his hands over her ass, humming when she reflexively arched into his touch.

“We had sex, like, half an hour ago,” she said. “And don’t you have somewhere to be?”

Cupping her pussy, he slipped a finger through her folds. “I can be quick.”

He expertly toyed with her clit, rubbing and rolling it, knowing her body well; knowing how to make it instantly sing for him. Need rose inside her, making her stomach twist, her skin feel tight, and her inner walls clench.

Then he plunged two fingers into her pussy hard enough to make her jolt.

“Jesus, Luke.” She gasped as he began pumping those fingers inside her, making her wetter, hotter, needier. Her tight muscles kept spasming and fluttering around them as an orgasm slowly started to unfurl deep in her core.

He growled against her ear, stirring the little hairs there. “Put your cup down.”

“Trying to get between me and caffeine isn’t a good idea,” she said, the words low and breathy.

“Trying to get between me and this pussy I own isn’t a good idea.”

Moaning as he swirled the fingers inside her, she set her mug down beside his and gripped the edge of the countertop.

“Do not move.” Hard and heavy and aching for his mate, Luke stepped back, snapped open his fly, and shoved his jeans down slightly as he freed his cock. Once more pressed against her sleek back, he kicked her legs further apart. “Stay like that.” He positioned his dick at her entrance, gritting his teeth as the scorching heat of her pussy bathed the head. “This is gonna be rough.”

“You’ll hear no complaints from me.”

“As if it would matter if I did.” Growling, Luke snatched a fistful of her hair, yanked her head back, and shoved his cock inside her. He groaned as her inner muscles tightened around him. “Like a red-hot vise.” He slipped his hand down to again cup her pussy. “Mine.” He took her like that—one hand tangled in her hair, the other possessively holding her pussy.

“Oh, God.” Arching a little, she tipped her ass toward him, making his cock slide in even deeper.

Luke groaned. That was what he needed. To be as deep as he could possibly go. To touch every part of her, because each part was his to touch.

Inside him, his cat paced, urging him on. The feline, uneasy over their incomplete bond and hating that another male thought to steal her away, wanted Luke to stake his claim all over again.

Still pounding his hips hard and fast, relishing the sound of flesh smacking wet flesh, Luke bit her earlobe. “You knew what you were doing when you skipped the underwear, didn’t you? You knew it would get you royally fucked.”

One corner of her mouth twitched. “I like your royal fucks,” she rasped.

The little minx thought she could manipulate him so easily, did she? Oh, she thought wrong. And she’d pay for her deviousness.

Upping his pace, he took her brutally, feeling how much she loved it through their bond. Every pulse of pleasure that came down their connection was like a stroke to his balls, adding fuel to his building release—as did every gasp and moan and ripple of her tight muscles.

When he felt her orgasm approaching, he said, “I come first. Then you.”


“You played me to get what you want. This is your punishment.”

“Asshole,” she grunted.

He hammered into her—savage, merciless, unrestrained. The tension inside him built and built until, finally, his release hit him like a two-by-fucking-four. It swept over him and through him, making his cock goddamn erupt. “Now you,” he said the moment the last blast of come spurted out of him. “Fuck yourself on my dick while you come.”

She reared her hips back over and over, taking him deep, chasing her orgasm. And then abruptly it hit her, reverberating down their bond as she screamed. When it finally subsided, she slumped forward, bracing her elbows on the counter.

Fighting to catch her breath and gather her wits, Blair let out a satisfied sigh. Utterly sated, she looked over her shoulder at her mate. “You really do have a marvelous cock.”

A low chuckle of surprise burst out of him and danced over her nerve-endings. “Why thank you, baby,” he said as he withdrew.

“Seriously.” She turned to face him, righting her tee. “It deserves a ribbon or something. No wonder so many of your past floozies wanted more from you. I must say, my female wants to pee all over every woman who’s ever taken your dick for a ride. I could actually get behind that idea.”