“No, they’re not,” she softly conceded. “Mitch truly believes that they’re backing down. And maybe he’s right. It would be a good thing, yes. But part of me resents that because they’re ready to be gracious and wave a white flag we should give them a second chance just like that.”


“There’s no sense in us clinging to our anger, I know. If they make genuine apologies, I won’t throw said apologies back in their face.”

“I know you won’t, you’re too mature for that. But Blair, accepting their apologies doesn’t mean that you don’t still have a right to be annoyed at all they’ve done. Forgiving doesn’t always mean forgetting.”

“Will no part of you be even a little pissed if you have to grant them the opportunity to buck up? It’s not as if they’ve earned the right to ask that of you.”

Luke slowly tilted his head. “Are you worried that I’ll be upset with you if you choose to give them another shot?”

“No. Maybe. Not quite, it’s just … Gah, forget it.”

Luke cursed himself for not seeing it before. Of course she’d worry that to give her parents a second chance would be to also anger him. Generally, he could easily predict where Blair’s thoughts or emotions would lead her. He knew her, understood her, on a deeper level than anyone else could—something he relished. But she nonetheless occasionally managed to surprise him.

He knew right then that if he told her he wouldn’t like it, she’d declare that there’d be no second chance. He knew he had that power. But he didn’t want to isolate her from her parents, though he’d do it in a split second if he felt that it was warranted.

“Look at me.” He swiped his thumb over the back of her hand, not speaking again until she met his gaze. “I know what it’s like to not have your mom in your life. It sucks in every way it possibly can suck. I don’t want that for you. I miss mine every day. And, though Noelle drives you crazy sometimes and you’re not as close to her as you once were, you’d miss her if she was out of the picture. It might not feel that way now, but it’s true. So no, I won’t be upset if you choose to give them a second chance. Far from it, I promise.”

Swallowing, she gave a slow nod. “Are you sure you don’t mind coming in there with me?”

“Try to stop me.” Luke wouldn’t let her face these people alone; not when he couldn’t trust that they’d mind their words. “I need you to hear me on something. I’m all for giving them an opportunity to show that they’re genuine. But if they say even one thing I don’t like, we’re out of there. I won’t let them hurt you anymore. No fucking way.”

Smiling, she gave a little shiver. “Dude, it has to be said that you rock the whole protective vibe. You can’t make my stomach all fluttery when I’m about to talk to my parents.”

His lips twitched. “We’ll address the flutters later.”

“I look forward to it. But it will have to be later later—we’re having dinner at Valentina and James’ place, remember?”

Deke materialized beside the driver’s door and mouthed, “All clear.” Soon after, Isaiah returned and shook his head to signal that he’d found nothing suspicious.

Satisfied, Luke squeezed Blair’s hand and asked, “Ready?”

She pulled in a breath through her nose. “Ready.”

“We can leave any time you want to. Just say the word and we’ll go. Remember, I’ll back you whatever you choose to do.” With that, Luke exited the SUV.

As they’d agreed before arriving, the enforcers stationed themselves outside the coffeehouse while Blair and Luke swanned inside. It was like walking into a wall of scents—cinnamon, caramel, vanilla, nutmeg, and freshly brewed coffee but to name a few. His cat’s nose wrinkled.

Luke skimmed his gaze along the counter, padded chairs, bistro tables, and—there. Noelle and Les sat in a booth opposite Donal and Antoine. The sight of the four bush dogs—not one of whom his cat was comfortable having near Blair—made the feline snarl.

Luke wasn’t happy about it either, but he also wasn’t surprised that Noelle and Les hadn’t come alone. Embry would have insisted that they have backup should it be needed, considering the Olympus Pride members weren’t exactly fans of Blair’s parents and there was a chance that the conversation would go south.

As the Sylvan bush dogs spotted Luke and Blair, she gave them a single nod of acknowledgment and then glanced up at him. “Let’s grab a drink first.”

That done, they crossed to the booth just as both Donal and Antoine slid out of it. Greetings were quickly exchanged. Luke studied both males long and hard, searching for any sign that either were upset at seeing her with Luke. They seemed somewhat tense, but that was all.