Blair’s mouth curled. “Ooh, she likes that compliment.”

“She definitely made her point with Posy.”

“God, that woman. How dumb can you be to talk smack about your Beta female mere feet away from said Beta’s apartment? Didn’t she notice you standing at the door?”

He shook his head. “Posy’s not the brightest lamp in the street. Or the most aware. But she received your message loud and clear. And gave your female something other than our rug to chew on, which was nice. Did she really have to ruin it?”

Blair snickered. “You’re such a whiner. She was only playing with the damn thing.”

“She tore into it like it had fucked her mother.”

“And you, what, have some deep attachment to this rug?” Blair teased, looping her arms around his neck.

“No. But it would be nice if she didn’t chew on everything. I ask her not to, and I’m even polite about it. But she doesn’t listen to a word I say.”

“Be honest, the latter bothers you most of all. You’re used to instant obedience. She doesn’t give you that. It galls you.” Blair rubbed his nose with hers. “My opinion? Both you and your cat need someone to keep you on your toes. She’s good at that.”

His mouth kicked up. “She is, I can’t lie.” He hummed, nuzzling her neck. “I like this fresh bite right here.” He licked the mark and then swirled his tongue around it. “Nice and deep and visible.”

Feeling his hand glide up her thigh, Blair bit her lip. “Before you start getting me all wet and tingly, tell me what Mitch wanted.”

Luke hesitated, his hand pausing its journey. “He asked how you were doing. He wants you to call him when you can. Also … he wanted to pass on a request from your parents.”

Blair felt tension begin to creep into her muscles. “And what request would that be?”

“They wish to meet with you.” Luke tucked her hair behind her ear. “It seems they hope to mend the breach.”

“‘Seems?’ You don’t think it’s true?”

He blew out a breath. “I want it to be true for your sake, but I don’t know. Mitch believes that you got through to Noelle at the cabin. He also claims that she’s afraid for you right now; afraid of losing you to whoever is stalking you. It could be that, now seeing what’s truly important, she’s decided to throw in the towel.”

“Stranger things have happened, I suppose. But backing down so abruptly isn’t her style.”

“No, it’s not. But her intention has never been to push you away. She only ever wanted to push me out of the picture. Faced with the prospect of losing you altogether while also terrified something might happen to you, she could have chosen to let things lie just as Les seemingly has. People can often surprise you.”

It amazed Blair that he’d think to give them the benefit of the doubt, all things considered. She let her fingers drift through his hair. “You’re kinder to them than they deserve.”

“Not for their sake. For yours. Look, I’ll never be their champion. Not after how emotionally difficult they made it for you to have me in your life. They could have shoved aside their reservations all these years even if only to make it easier for you. They didn’t. I can’t forgive it. I don’t feel an inclination to try. Their wants and feelings don’t matter to me. But yours do. And I know that the present situation hurts you. I don’t want you hurting.”

God, he was the best. Seriously the best. She wasn’t sure if, in his shoes, she would have been as selfless.

Blair would have found it horrible if his family not only hadn’t welcomed her but had tried convincing him to forsake her. More, she would have been devastated on his behalf, because he would have found it just as horrible. She definitely wouldn’t have forgiven them for such a thing, so she completely understood why he didn’t feel open to forgiving her parents.

“You don’t have to make up your mind right now. There’s no rush.” He smoothed his hand up the length of her spine. “I’ll back you whatever you decide.”

“I know you will. You’re awesome that way.”

His lips hitched up. “I’m glad that hasn’t gone unnoticed.”

“Nothing about you goes unnoticed by me. Including that you’re currently rock hard.”

“You’re naked. Of course I’m hard.” He drew her closer and bit her lip. “I’m also going to fuck you.”

He did. Right there on the floor. Slammed into her so fast and deep it almost hurt. In a word, it was glorious. And she came seriously hard—always a plus.

Once she’d cleaned up and redressed, they made dinner together. Wanting to watch something while they ate, they settled in front of the TV with their plates and chose a docuseries on a streaming service. It was hours later, when they were midway through the third episode, that a knock once more came at the door.