Gabriel’s eyes flashed with an emotion that Luke couldn’t quite define. “Marked?”

Luke nodded, folding his arms. “She also received a letter. It was much like the email that he sent her, only he threw in some rebukes that would suggest he’s getting frustrated with her for not dancing to his tune. He’s certainly not happy that she hasn’t returned to the pack, and he’s going to get unhappier because that will never happen. I need to know if you’ve discovered anything since the last time we spoke.”

“You’ll know from the people you have watching me that I’ve been nowhere near Sylvan territory.”

“We also know you’re exceptionally good at moving about unseen,” Deke told him. “It would be no shock to learn that you left without detection and went for a wander around your old territory.”

Gabriel glanced away, exhaling heavily. He tipped his chin toward the far wall, and the three of them moved away from the elevator. “I didn’t see or hear anything of interest while there,” he said. “There’s a lot of unrest. People are nervous, speculating on which of them could possibly be stalking Blair.”

“Is there anyone in particular they’re leaning toward?” asked Luke.

“No. If Blair had any admirers within the pack, said admirers kept it quiet.”

“Have you spoken with your cousin, Antoine? Does he have any suspects?”

“I haven’t spoken with him since the day I was banished. From what I overheard him say to others, he doesn’t suspect anyone in particular. Not even me, unlike some of the others.”

“You never heard Embry or Donal toss any names about?” Luke narrowed his eyes when the other male hesitated. “What do you know?”

A few seconds of silence ticked by. “Donal said something to Embry about how it was possible that Antoine was up to his old tricks, whatever that means, but the Alpha insisted that Donal was wrong.”

Luke’s scalp prickled. “You have no clue at all what Embry could have been referring to?”

“The only thing I can think of is that Antoine was a persistent pranker as a juvenile. He often made anonymous, idiotic calls to females within the pack. You said Blair received many strange calls, so …” Gabriel shrugged. “I suppose, in your eyes, I’m still a suspect.”

“I wouldn’t take it personally. If it makes you feel better, she still doesn’t suspect you. She was surprised to learn that you co-own Enigma.” He expected the bush dog to tense or otherwise exhibit some show of surprise, but he only smiled.

“You did your homework,” said Gabriel. “I thought you might.”

“Why be a silent partner?”

“Why not?”


Gabriel cocked his head. “I have to wonder why you would come to me for information when you’re hardly likely to trust a word I say. Do you hope that I will accidentally say something to implicate myself? If so, you are wasting your time—and, unfortunately, mine. I am not the man who stalks Blair.” He flicked a quick look at his wristwatch. “I really do have to go. If I find out anything more, I will pass on the information to the enforcers you have watching me.”

“You like redheads,” Luke tossed out. “You like to fuck them fast and then leave, no chats. But you broke that habit with Macy Corbitt.”

Confusion marred Gabriel’s brow. “Who?”

“You don’t know her?”

“It’s possible that I do, but I can’t be sure. I don’t exchange names with women at Enigma.”

That much was true at least. “It was said that you had quite a talk with a particular redheaded fox shifter.”

Realization dawned on him. “Ah, yes. I thought she’d been drugged at first.”

“Drugged?” echoed Deke.

Gabriel nodded. “She was trembling. Seemed a little out of it. I was worried her drink had been spiked. That was why I wanted to talk to her. The problem wasn’t drugs, it was touch-hunger.”

“You didn’t talk about Blair with her?” asked Luke.

The bush dog again frowned. “Why would I have?”

“That wasn’t an answer.”

Gabriel sighed, seeming more bored than anything else. “No, I did not. Why the interest in the fox shifter?”

“Because it was her corpse that found its way to Blair’s old cabin.”

The bush dog went utterly rigid. “You’re certain?”

“Absolutely positive.”

“And you think I killed her?” asked Gabriel, no inflection in his voice. “Left her on Blair’s old doorstep?”

“Maybe,” said Luke. “Maybe you also encouraged her to go to Blair with lies that I’d been sleeping with Macy in recent months.”

“Well I did not. As I’ve told you before, I’m not the man you’re looking for. Believe me or don’t. It won’t change that it’s true.” He skirted around Luke and stalked off. Didn’t hurry, didn’t march, didn’t move with anger. Just casually breezed out of the building.

Exiting the complex at a slower pace, Luke watched as the male headed to a town car. Without even a mere glance in Luke and Deke’s direction, Gabriel drove off.