We could definitely use this particular client’s business, especially since we’re looking at expanding our kitchen facilities so we can host larger events. That kind of renovation comes with a pretty hefty price tag, though.

After the call, I can shift my focus to something a bit more enjoyable.

I drop my bag beside my desk and fire up my computer. I spend a few minutes drafting my responses and tweaking the language before I read it aloud. I fuss over word choice and inflection, going back and changing the wording a few times. My goal is to be able to sell them on hosting their event here.

“Why is this so freaking hard?” I grumble.

“Why is what so freaking hard?” Harley asks, startling me.

“Why are you here so early?” I feel my face turning red with embarrassment. Normally when I rehearse calls, I do it in private, and sometimes in front of a mirror.

“I’m not. It’s almost nine. Avery and I just got here.”

“Oh. Where’s Avery?” I glance at the clock on my screen. It is indeed almost nine, which means I’ve been trying to compose a conversation for more than an hour, and I have less than twenty minutes left to prepare for this call.

“In the backyard, trying to decide where she wants to set up the outdoor component for this weekend’s event.” She tips her head to the side. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah.” I rub the back of my neck, feeling the tightness there. “I should have done this last night.” I hit print on the file, so I have all of my responses in front of me. “Can you read this over and tell me if I’m missing anything?”

“Sure, of course.” Harley grabs the sheets and drops into the chair across from me, scanning them. “What is this for?”

“The Kendalls. I had a call with them last week about a potential event in the fall. It’s a really great initiative. They host a holiday-themed event for terminal kids. I have a follow-up call in a few minutes.” I hate the nervous flutter in my stomach, like it’s full of butterflies, and not the nice kind. I haven’t eaten yet and won’t until after I speak with them.

She stops reading for a second to glance at me, a slight furrow in her brow. “Is this why you came in early?”

“I wanted to get it out of the way, so I didn’t have to worry about it all morning.” Worrying is something I excel at, unlike preparing for a phone call.

“It looks good to me. I don’t think you have anything to be anxious about.” Her gaze shifts to my star jar as I toss another puffy one in with the rest. It was empty this morning, and now it’s already half full.

“I just don’t want to mess this up. If we get their event, and we do a good job, they might let us host it every year. And I think it’s a really great cause.”

“You’ve got this, London. You’re going to be fine.”

“Okay, thanks.” I take a deep breath. “Can you hang out, though, until after the call, so I have backup in case I need it?”



I take a few deep breaths before I make the call to the Kendalls. I’m on edge at first, and I can hear the anxiety in my own voice. Harley gives me the thumbs-up and then the calm down signal, mouthing, You’ve got this. It turns out all my worrying and fretting this morning was for nothing, because fifteen minutes later I’m cracking jokes and setting up a meeting for them to come in next week to sign paperwork and put down a deposit.

“See, I told you! You had it in the bag before you even made the call.”

“This stuff is always so stressful for me,” I admit as I deflate in my chair.

Her smile drops, and she rolls one of my stars between her fingers. “Always? As in every time you call a new client?”

“Basically, yes.”

“Oh wow. I had no idea. I thought this kind of thing was totally in your wheelhouse.”

I put on a good show, even for my sisters, but the truth is, I got stuck in the role as the person who handles the business and financial side. I think it’s because I’m organized and am good with numbers, so I just fell into this position.

“Not even a little bit in my wheelhouse.” I give her a wry smile. “I have a decent game face, but this call was unexpected, and I didn’t want to screw it up because they have all these great sponsors that they work with. I thought it would be good for Spark House to have that kind of connection, especially with what they’re doing for those kids.”

“Maybe Avery should field those calls?”

“She already manages all the event coordination stuff once things are set up. It wouldn’t be fair to put more on her.” I dump my star jar into the tote bin under my desk. I use the stars for centerpieces and decorations for events, so they’re not completely without a purpose.